Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
What, no hidden vote Obama text? That was retarded to watch. What are SWF's policies on propaganda?

No official policy. We deal with it the best we can.
In this case, I've merged this thread with the previous one started by the same poster.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
No official policy. We deal with it the best we can.
In this case, I've merged this thread with the previous one started by the same poster.
Why would you merge these threads??? Slight abuse of authority based on your personal bias I think.

Interesting that because of your support for this guy then you would unilaterally choose to hide a political satire in another thread that is over 9 pages long and hasn't had a post in 6 days. Very poor exercise of "judgment" on your part journey, (the term judgment being used very loosely in this case).


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Why would you merge these threads??? Slight abuse of authority based on your personal bias I think.


Originally Posted by crimzy

Bump... for a petty attempt at political censorship.
Crimzy, it's a judgement call. We have no problem with political discussions. That said, let's look at your posting history.
This orignal thread was started by you. You posted on it a grand total of 3 times (including the original post) the first two hours. You then abandoned it. The thread went for several days and over 9 pages yet you never posted again.
Now, instead of posting on it, you started another, similarly motivated thread.
We're not going to allow posters, on either side of the debate, to clutter up the forums with useless "1 hit wonder threads."
You want to discuss something? Great, post away. You want to editorialize? Write in to your local paper.... If everyone followed your example we've had 50 new political threads a day in this forum.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Crimzy, it's a judgement call. We have no problem with political discussions. That said, let's look at your posting history.
This orignal thread was started by you. You posted on it a grand total of 3 times (including the original post) the first two hours. You then abandoned it. The thread went for several days and over 9 pages yet you never posted again.
Now, instead of posting on it, you started another, similarly motivated thread.
We're not going to allow posters, on either side of the debate, to clutter up the forums with useless "1 hit wonder threads."
You want to discuss something? Great, post away. You want to editorialize? Write in to your local paper.... If everyone followed your example we've had 50 new political threads a day in this forum.
Journey, that's a crock. Yes, I posted in the beginning of the thread. Then I left for a while, got busy and could not get back until the thread was several pages long. I simply don't have hours to read through 9 pages of political debate while at work. And you should know as well as anyone that this is not typical of my posting here.
This new post was not an editorial... it was simply a political satire that I thought was funny. You chose to hide it because it happens to satirize your guy. I think that's pretty weak.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Journey, that's a crock. Yes, I posted in the beginning of the thread. Then I left for a while, got busy and could not get back until the thread was several pages long. I simply don't have hours to read through 9 pages of political debate while at work. And you should know as well as anyone that this is not typical of my posting here.
This new post was not an editorial... it was simply a political satire that I thought was funny. You chose to hide it because it happens to satirize your guy. I think that's pretty weak.
Had you read this thread you'd see he's not "my guy".
Crimzy, I can enjoy a joke as much as anyone. Heck, plenty of President Bush's (who I do consider "my guy") gaffs (and there have been plenty) make me laugh.
My point remains, you started a thread mocking McCain, then you left it, now you are starting another one. No reason to not merge the two. If it's just sattire that you found funny, then it won't matter if it gets buried. If it's worthy of discussion carry on and discuss it.


Please don't punk 1journeyman... let him practice his love of threads! After all, he believes humans and Democrats CAN coexist peacefully...
Sorry... couldn't pass it up!!


Active Member

Originally Posted by zman1
The conservative Old Order Amish feel the Mennonites are to liberal and both feel Rush Limbaugh is too for left for their views from their reading in the paper...
Here is a true
conservative's view on Big Government...
The Old Order Amish use horses for farming and transportation, dress in a traditional manner, and forbid electricity or telephones in the home. Church members do not join the military, apply for Social Security benefits, take out insurance or accept any form of financial assistance from the government.
This belongs in this thread
WOW. WOW. Well here goes,Im voting for OBAMA . Good to know most people on here is gonna be voting.I really don't care for McCain, and besides we should do physicals before a person can run for president because he just too old. Someone said Obama does'nt have enough experience but I don't think experience is all because there's plenty of people who have way more experience and would not do a good job. My opinion is OBAMA is the best
candidate for the job. However I feel because of the horrible state that the country is in, its gonna take the next 10 or more years to clean up and the republicans are going to be pointing fingers as soon as he gets elected. But what the heck, everybody been critizing Bush for years and he have not given a samn. May the best candidate win.Its Time For A Change.
bdhutier;2497219 said:
gonefishcrazy, have you seen this thread?[/QU
No, to tell you the truth this is the first time I've come into The Aquarium and the first time I have posted about politics. After reading everybody's opinion, I just decided to post mines. Im sure when who ever gets chosed to represent their party thats when evrything will be addressed. I don't think there will be such a thing as a perfect president. I need a strong president that if something happens in this country they are ready for what ever. McCain has military background how many years ago, and maybe because he served in the war he wants everybody to do it too. I hope all the people who wants to fight war forever are ready to go to war when they are called, I have asthma and flat foot so I cant go, my husband has cornea , asthma, high blood pressure, I forgot the medical word for the spine disease so he cant either and I have one son and he can't go either.LOL.Im split in two with the war issues. I just think its so hard to fight people in their own country especially when they are willing to blowthemselves up.They are still airport security problems that needs to be fixed. I don't even understand how we fight war and then america lets anybody claiming to be a cuban and hitting shore with no criminal background and instantly can get benifits that I cant get. I think security needs to be more here.Just a little mmmmmmmmmm in my head. No offence anybody.


Active Member

Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
WOW. WOW. Well here goes,Im voting for OBAMA . Good to know most people on here is gonna be voting.I really don't care for McCain, and besides we should do physicals before a person can run for president because he just too old. Someone said Obama does'nt have enough experience but I don't think experience is all because there's plenty of people who have way more experience and would not do a good job. My opinion is OBAMA is the best
candidate for the job. However I feel because of the horrible state that the country is in, its gonna take the next 10 or more years to clean up and the republicans are going to be pointing fingers as soon as he gets elected. But what the heck, everybody been critizing Bush for years and he have not given a samn. May the best candidate win.Its Time For A Change.
Ronald Reagan was 2 years younger than McCain. He managed to defeat the Soviet Union....
I really don't care for McCain either.
What I do care about
*National Security
*Our troops (who want to finish the job in Iraq)
*The millions of our allies in Iraq that would be slaughtered if we left. (If we abandon the Iraqi's none of our alliances will ever be worth the paper they are written on. Every ally in the world will realize America can't be trusted to finish the job)
*The Constitution
Experience should matter. As many of us have pointed out, Obombus clearly is lost when it comes to foreign policy. We can't afford 4 years of terrorists re-arming themselves around the world while Barak studies up on his World History.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Ronald Reagan was 2 years younger than McCain. He managed to defeat the Soviet Union....
Experience should matter. As many of us have pointed out, Obombus clearly is lost when it comes to foreign policy. We can't afford 4 years of terrorists re-arming themselves around the world while Barak studies up on his World History.
2 years is alot.LOL. Ok,Lets say me and you are going for the same job, you might have had experience and I don't but does'nt mean you would be able to do the job better than me. Experience is always a plus but does not guarantee excellence.McCain might go in and decide to keep doing everything that bush was doing. Heck he might decide its almost time for him to die so let me take everybody with me. Don't get mad at me everytime I turn on the comp or tv somebody loosing their mind, killing people taking their lives. Everybody I talk to is talking about how bad things are house/money. I have four kids that I plan on taking on a vacation to the caribbean, disney world, have bday parties this year, I think I might have to go to another city to strip a couple nights a week or find me a pimp for a day or two a week.LOL.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
2 years is alot.LOL. Ok,Lets say me and you are going for the same job, you might have had experience and I don't but does'nt mean you would be able to do the job better than me. Experience is always a plus but does not guarantee excellence.McCain might go in and decide to keep doing everything that bush was doing. Heck he might decide its almost time for him to die so let me take everybody with me. Don't get mad at me everytime I turn on the comp or tv somebody loosing their mind, killing people taking their lives. Everybody I talk to is talking about how bad things are house/money. I have four kids that I plan on taking on a vacation to the caribbean, disney world, have bday parties this year, I think I might have to go to another city to strip a couple nights a week or find me a pimp for a day or two a week.LOL.
So what exactly is Obama going to do while in office to make your life better?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
2 years is alot.LOL. Ok,Lets say me and you are going for the same job, you might have had experience and I don't but does'nt mean you would be able to do the job better than me. Experience is always a plus but does not guarantee excellence.McCain might go in and decide to keep doing everything that bush was doing. Heck he might decide its almost time for him to die so let me take everybody with me. Don't get mad at me everytime I turn on the comp or tv somebody loosing their mind, killing people taking their lives. Everybody I talk to is talking about how bad things are house/money. I have four kids that I plan on taking on a vacation to the caribbean, disney world, have bday parties this year, I think I might have to go to another city to strip a couple nights a week or find me a pimp for a day or two a week.LOL.
"McCain might go in and decide to keep doing everything that bush was doing. Heck he might decide its almost time for him to die so let me take everybody with me."
That about sums up the mentality of the Obama supporters

Come on, that was a pretty lame statement. So other than the fact he's old what don't you like about McCain?


Active Member
I've been thinking a lot about this thread.
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
http:///forum/post/2497523 might have had experience and I don't but does'nt mean you would be able to do the job better than me....
Ehh, It kind of does. Assuming both of us have similar work ethics and skills then Ya, I'm going to be better. According to your hypothetical example, In 2 years I've learned the best, most effective ways to do things. I've had a chance to see what works, what doesn't, etc.
Now, applying that to the President. Sure experience matters. You don't need 30 years being in Washington to be ready for the job, but if you look closesly at some of Barak's comments you'll soon see his 1 1/2 years he spent there before he started campaigning have not adequately prepared him. Look at his recent "bomb Pakistan" or his "I would send troops back into Iraq once we withdraw if Al Qaeda was there" comments.
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
McCain might go in and decide to keep doing everything that bush was doing. Heck he might decide its almost time for him to die so let me take everybody with me. Don't get mad at me everytime I turn on the comp or tv somebody loosing their mind, killing people taking their lives.
If you actually think about this statement it kind of argues against Barak.... If you are worried about someone snapping and going crazy who is the person more likely to do it? The guy that's been in Washington 20+ years? Or the new guy who admits to "pushing the wrong button" multiple times on key votes while in the Il. House? We know McCain, we know little of Obama... So, while this is a non-issue for me, if you are really worried about it you might rethink your vote.
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy

Everybody I talk to is talking about how bad things are house/money.
Well, you're now talking to me. I can tell you things aren't bad. So you can't say "everyone" anymore
Seriously, this is nonsense and "doom and gloom" silliness perpetuated by the media. Home ownerships are near record highs. The homes being forclosed on are typically the ones purchased for little to no money down on balloon APR's. People bought houses they could never afford, lived in them, and now can't aford them... Unemployment rates are low. Inflation is low.. The thing killing us and hurting each of our wallets is the price of a barrel of oil. And, contrary to popular belief, that is an issue on the global market. The President of the USA doesn't control OPEC...
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
I have four kids that I plan on taking on a vacation to the caribbean, disney world, have bday parties this year, I think I might have to go to another city to strip a couple nights a week or find me a pimp for a day or two a week.LOL.
Ya, sounds like things are really bad. In addition to having four kids and worrying about food, clothing, house, healthcare, etc. you're planning a trip to the Caribbean...
That's not an attack by any means. My point is, Americans are spoiled. We don't know what "bad" is anymore.


New Member
don't vote for any republican remember the bush's and reagan. Republicans are only for big business and oil and to crush the middle class americans. Have you ever seen gas prices go up so high in your life???? I just love it when exxon declares the 10,000,000 profit for the first quarter great isn't it reagan got rid of being able to take your interest charges and car interest charges off you taxes!!!! thanks ronnie. all republicans want to do is declare war on somebody-anybody. what has the Iraqi war done as far as freeing these people-nothing. I just read People Magazine when they list all the americans who lost their lives in this stupid war. If you vote republican don't forget I told you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Active Member
Originally Posted by firefish
don't vote for any republican remember the bush's and reagan. Republicans are only for big business and oil and to crush the middle class americans. Have you ever seen gas prices go up so high in your life???? I just love it when exxon declares the 10,000,000 profit for the first quarter great isn't it reagan got rid of being able to take your interest charges and car interest charges off you taxes!!!! thanks ronnie. all republicans want to do is declare war on somebody-anybody. what has the Iraqi war done as far as freeing these people-nothing. I just read People Magazine when they list all the americans who lost their lives in this stupid war. If you vote republican don't forget I told you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
lol, isn't reagan the guy who lowered your taxes from 70% down to around 30%. If your arguments where even close to coherent we could talk.
BTW Sadaam wants to know what happened to his mass graves. to bad I really wish you could take a step back, learn for yourself instead of reading Rolling Stone Magazine for your information.