Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!


Active Member
i need to step up the production floor speed here... i need to clean up that room and rent it out so i have more money to blow on the tank... and bike.. and scuba equipment... and xbox 360 games .. and ... and....
hey jeff, whats the next step? joining the 2 halves?


Active Member
NEW ADDITIONS - pics coming this weekend.
made it out across the state yesterday with Isty to Fedel Castro's (Laz) house and we each picked up some sweet new additions from his awesome tank break down.
i got:
a very pretty 4" Red Echino
3 sticks of a Red Mille
1 frag of blue torte
1 frag of flourescent green acro
25 polyps of Tubs Blue Zoos (@ $1 / polyp BOO YA!)
isty got what i can remember:
25 tubs
tri color valida colony
the same green acro
1.5" square frag of sunset monti
nice frag of blue stag i think
and another colony of pink pocilla i believe
we also picked up a nasty 8" x 4" frag of superman monti for brett / ifirefight that we will be taking our middleman tax out of ! boo huhahaha
- flow upgrade -
This morning i ordered 4 x 85 lbs pull force round disc magnets and Sureflow mod kits for my 2 existing MJ 900s. this should hopefully be the last additions to the tank for flow. these things should arrive next week sometime.


Active Member
new blue tort getting color back

red echino

flourescent green acro

tubs blue zoos

the growing monti!

red mille - a little shell shocked


Active Member
didnt get a chance to put them together last night, but i will this weekend, and i will take pics and vids.


Active Member
alright so this morning i hooked up the Sureflows to my 2 MJ 900s and they are kicking butt! no complaints, completely silent, strong, broad flow!
it was a snap to put together here is the how to:
before in the tank

take it out

sure flow pieces out

take apart the mj900

put in the new prop / shaft

on the housing

slide on the mount


Active Member
tremendous difference, huh? do you like it with 2 in the tank? with both, now you have some serious flow.....