SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!


Active Member
Originally Posted by big
I remember that elbow you had planned on the intake side. Sorry to cause the reengineering, but I think you are better off in the long run you did!
That's right it was you!
Sorry I couldn't remember exactly who it was so I couldn't give props.


Wow SCS this project is amazing, you make me want to go out and buy an excesive amount of tools so I can try to be as awesome as you lol. Excellent work!


Active Member
Originally Posted by OSUaquarist
Wow SCS this project is amazing, you make me want to go out and buy an excesive amount of tools so I can try to be as awesome as you lol. Excellent work!
There is no such thing as an "excessive" amount of tools.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
There is no such thing as an "excessive" amount of tools.
not kidden just bought a table saw with a router mount and sliding miter table just to build the top of my 180 i am working towards. i built the stand already and realized what i could buy just to make it that little bit easier and neater in the process.
did u empty out the loews near you with the beasly clamp purchases?


Active Member
No, I order most of my clamps from rockler, or I buy them a trade show that comes to town once per year. You certainly can't have enough clamps. What you see in the pictures is maybe 1/5 of my total clamp inventory.
Lowe's only recently started carrying decent clamps (Bessey, Jorgensen, etc).
I wish I could afford the K-Body clamps


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
did u empty out the loews near you with the beasly clamp purchases?
Thats exactally what I was thinking... I think I have clamp envy.
However..I think Norm Abram ( New Yanakee Workshop) has you beat though.


Active Member
Norm Abram made more money in the time it took me to write this post than I've made in my whole life... so I think I will have to concede defeat in a battle of tools (no pun intended).


Active Member
my stack of joergeson and pony clamps keeps going up as i stay in this hobby, its amazing how keeping fish can take a normal person and make them a cabinet maker.


Active Member
Great job on the sump, but what I admire most is your patience in using a 12 pack of sam adams for a clamp, in my house that would be an empty box in short order


Active Member
Okay...I'm almost demanding a FSS (full shop shot) "photo" before this is over. I mean, who keeps their screwdrivers that organized? For that matter, who has that many screwdrivers? Awesome job so far

and I'm serious, I want to see some more pics of that work area. Is this your basement, garage, what? And what woman allows you this much "man cave" area?


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
And what woman allows you this much "man cave" area?
It's very simple. Claim the garage BEFORE you get married.
And bringing the house into the marriage doesn't hurt either.


This is one awesome build. SCSInet- I wish I had the foresight you have to build my tank like this from the beginning. Looks like you could go into business making custom setups for people if you had the time. I'm guessing if its anything like me, time is the biggest factor affecting this build. Did you get your acrylic from a local supplier or did you go with an internet based company? Also, just curious, if your so skilled at making stuff with acrylic, why not make the tank as well? I imagine it would have been cheaper that way.