SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I'll look again tonight, but I'm almost positive I have a black plastic (maybe 2") rim around the top, and I think the bottom also. You are getting me worried now. Tank is 6' long, and I put it directly on top of 3/4" styro, doubled up so 1 1/2". This rim is very thin though, maybe 1/8" or less thick, so I can't imagine how that wouldn't settle into the styro and be okay.
You shouldn't worry. If what you are doing is according to the manufacturer specs, then you are fine.


Active Member
Equipment Plan
Okay ladies and germs, I thought since I've been posting pic after pic, and since the time has come to start showing it all coming together, I'd talk about my equipment plans.

The original plan was for (3) 400w halide lamps and (2) 54W Actinic lamps. That plan was replaced.
(3) 250w, 15K, XM, SE Halide lamps
Spider reflectors (I know, no Lumenarc... I explained why earlier).
Ballastwise 250w electronic halide ballasts
I have installed a Fulham to drive actinics, but declined to install them for the moment.
The lights will be located approximately 9" above the water.
(4) 5W 420nm Blue LEDs for moonlighting, on a PWM based drive circuit allowing for simulation of lunar cycles
(4) 5W 'white' LEDs for after-hours worklights. The idea here is that if I need to do something in the tank at night, I can turn on a dim light that will only minimally impact the fish, and also not have to wait for the halides to turn on.

Main Flow - Sequence Reeflo Marlin
Sump - Custom 40 gallon sump using 3/8" cell cast acrylic
--5g heater compartment
--20g fuge
--15g return
Heat - (3) Jager 250w heaters
Skimming - Deltec AP851 Protein Skimmer
Calcium - Korallin 1502 Calcium Reactor
Chiller - OceanCool 1/2hp chiller, positioned outdoors
Media Reactors - (3) Phosban 150 reactors for various media options
UV - Pentair 40w UV serilizer
Ozone - Red Sea Aquazone 150 / Coralife Luft Pump Drive
Surge - Custom wavemaker on the Koralias
Surge - Oceans Motions Super Squirt on one inflow
The main pump will drive the entire filtration system. It feeds into a mainifold which powers seperate loops for the chiller, skimmer, UV, reactors, and tank return. In order to do this, I had to make the concession that water from the fuge will sometimes go through the skimmer, but energy efficiency was a huge goal of the project, and one large pump is far more efficient than tons of small pumps. Aside from the powerheads, only 3 pumps comprise this setup (main, skimmer recirculating, ca reactor recirculating).
I purchased a Reeflo Wahoo at first, but realized that my calculations didn't add up. I found that I would not have sufficient flow to get at least 1000gph into the main tank return and at least 400gph for my chiller, so I upsized to the larger Marlin. It's rated at 2050gph, but I found that I was actually getting far more than rated output (though still insufficient) from the Wahoo, so I expected closer to 2500gph from the Marlin. I was not disappointed.
After all this was done, I learned from another member here that you can simply swap the impeller by buying one from Sequence for $30... that was $330 wasted dollars live and learn.
Oh well, now I have a spare should the main pump fail... but it's a sequence... so it probably won't.
The skimmer is rated for a 400g heavily stocked tank. I know this skimmer will be with me longer than this tank before I upgrade, so I upsized. I want heavier stocking in this tank anyway, so I figured it was a good buy. I also wanted to have an eheim recirculating pump rather than the aquabee pumps that the smaller Deltecs have. This skimmer is a MONSTER. It barely fit under my stand at about 28" tall. I was shocked by the amazing construction quality. I guess my words of the past hold true here.. with skimmers, you get what you pay for. Deltecs are expensive, but WORTH IT.
I wanted to go Tunze for the powerheads, but couldn't afford it.



Originally Posted by SCSInet
Equipment Plan

Okay ladies and germs, I thought since I've been posting pic after pic, and since the time has come to start showing it all coming together, I'd talk about my equipment plans.

The original plan was for (3) 400w halide lamps and (2) 54W Actinic lamps. That plan was replaced.
(3) 250w, 15K, XM, SE Halide lamps
Spider reflectors (I know, no Lumenarc... I explained why earlier).
Ballastwise 250w electronic halide ballasts
I have installed a Fulham to drive actinics, but declined to install them for the moment.
The lights will be located approximately 9" above the water.
(4) 5W 420nm Blue LEDs for moonlighting, on a PWM based drive circuit allowing for simulation of lunar cycles
(4) 5W 'white' LEDs for after-hours worklights. The idea here is that if I need to do something in the tank at night, I can turn on a dim light that will only minimally impact the fish, and also not have to wait for the halides to turn on.

Main Flow - Sequence Reeflo Marlin
Sump - Custom 40 gallon sump using 3/8" cell cast acrylic
--5g heater compartment
--20g fuge
--15g return
Heat - (3) Jager 250w heaters
Skimming - Deltec AP851 Protein Skimmer
Calcium - Korallin 1502 Calcium Reactor
Chiller - OceanCool 1/2hp chiller, positioned outdoors
Media Reactors - (3) Phosban 150 reactors for various media options
UV - Pentair 40w UV serilizer
Ozone - Red Sea Aquazone 150 / Coralife Luft Pump Drive
Surge - Custom wavemaker on the Koralias
Surge - Oceans Motions Super Squirt on one inflow
The main pump will drive the entire filtration system. It feeds into a mainifold which powers seperate loops for the chiller, skimmer, UV, reactors, and tank return. In order to do this, I had to make the concession that water from the fuge will sometimes go through the skimmer, but energy efficiency was a huge goal of the project, and one large pump is far more efficient than tons of small pumps. Aside from the powerheads, only 3 pumps comprise this setup (main, skimmer recirculating, ca reactor recirculating).
I purchased a Reeflo Wahoo at first, but realized that my calculations didn't add up. I found that I would not have sufficient flow to get at least 1000gph into the main tank return and at least 400gph for my chiller, so I upsized to the larger Marlin. It's rated at 2050gph, but I found that I was actually getting far more than rated output (though still insufficient) from the Wahoo, so I expected closer to 2500gph from the Marlin. I was not disappointed.
After all this was done, I learned from another member here that you can simply swap the impeller by buying one from Sequence for $30... that was $330 wasted dollars live and learn.
Oh well, now I have a spare should the main pump fail... but it's a sequence... so it probably won't. >
The skimmer is rated for a 400g heavily stocked tank. I know this skimmer will be with me longer than this tank before I upgrade, so I upsized. I want heavier stocking in this tank anyway, so I figured it was a good buy. I also wanted to have an eheim recirculating pump rather than the aquabee pumps that the smaller Deltecs have. This skimmer is a MONSTER. It barely fit under my stand at about 28" tall. I was shocked by the amazing construction quality. I guess my words of the past hold true here.. with skimmers, you get what you pay for. Deltecs are expensive, but WORTH IT.
I wanted to go Tunze for the powerheads, but couldn't afford it.

so what powerheads did you go with??


Active Member
Hmmm somehow that didn't make it into the post.
I ended up going with (4) Koralia 4 powerheads.
I looked at the Vortec and the Tunze, but I just couldn't justify the cash.


Active Member
Well I finally got around to ordering the chiller today!
I'm now an Oceancool dealer as well! If I became a dealer they gave me free shipping, so... if anyone wants a chiller... they should talk to me I guess.


Active Member
shoot man. I'm setting up my 180 and I've been trying to model after your example to some extent (very small extent, with my ability) - but then you had to put out that Equipment Plan...... wow. If you're going to do it, then do it right, eh? Just a bit of $$$ though... Well - I'll model after yours with what I can! ... overall, awesome Dave. Can't wait for more pics.


Active Member
And just to clarify - what type of stuff to you use under the tank for the foam again?
and just wondering... your website - is it still up? I tried and no success.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
And just to clarify - what type of stuff to you use under the tank for the foam again?
and just wondering... your website - is it still up? I tried and no success.
You use the standard blue 1/2" foam (usually made by Dow) that you can get at Lowes, the Deeeeeepoooooo, etc.
The website... yah about that... I'm the IT guy at work, and I had been hosting the site off an old server I had laying about, but I forgot the website was on it and removed the server from service... so it's a matter of me getting it off the shelf, copying the code off of it, and putting it onto something else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
(3) 250w, 15K, XM, SE Halide lamps
The lights will be located approximately 9" above the water.
Dave, how/are you planing to shield the bulbs from an accidental splashing water droplet coming in contact with the hot bulb? I have my bulbs very close to the water also... Im sure you have some great idea I could steal.


Active Member
Well actually I'm not planning to do anything. I've set up the equipment to mimize splashing, and I've got the lamps at least 8" off the surface.
I've got a similar setup over my current reef and haven't had a problem, so I'm not thinking it'll be a huge issue.
On a side note, I've got some more pictures, so I'll be posting those shortly!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
On a side note, I've got some more pictures, so I'll be posting those shortly!
tap tap tap (the foot on the floor) it's been a half hour allready. (looks at wristwatch).


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
tap tap tap (the foot on the floor) it's been a half hour allready. (looks at wristwatch).
Ugh... I meant like... hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow.

tx reef

Active Member
Fellow woodworker here.......

You have got some nice equipment there. I built my own table for my table saw (bought a cheap table saw and pulled out the hardware and attached it to my table) and built my own router table. Wood working is a great stress reliever. I just wish I had a larger space to work in. My woodshop is setup in a detached single car garage.
It is nice to see someone taking their time and building things the right way.
The only thing I would have done different would be to use dovetails at the corners of the canopy and the outside skin of the stand. I am a sucker for that look.......
Have you considered going bare bottom in this tank? My tank is bare bottom (54 gallon corner) and the maintenance is so much easier than having to deal with a fuge.
I think you might end up wanting more flow than the Koralia 4s. In my 54 I have 2 Seio 2600s (2600 GPH each) and 2 Koralia #4s.
A closed loop with a big pump would be great for your system......
Anyway, great looking stand & canopy...look foward to the updates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Fellow woodworker here.......

You have got some nice equipment there. I built my own table for my table saw (bought a cheap table saw and pulled out the hardware and attached it to my table) and built my own router table. Wood working is a great stress reliever. I just wish I had a larger space to work in. My woodshop is setup in a detached single car garage.
It is nice to see someone taking their time and building things the right way.
The only thing I would have done different would be to use dovetails at the corners of the canopy and the outside skin of the stand. I am a sucker for that look.......
Have you considered going bare bottom in this tank? My tank is bare bottom (54 gallon corner) and the maintenance is so much easier than having to deal with a fuge.
I think you might end up wanting more flow than the Koralia 4s. In my 54 I have 2 Seio 2600s (2600 GPH each) and 2 Koralia #4s.
A closed loop with a big pump would be great for your system......
Anyway, great looking stand & canopy...look foward to the updates.

Dovetailing is something I haven't gotten into, so even if I wanted to, I probably wouldn't have as I wasn't about to try something new on this piece... it's not like it's gonna be easy to rebuild later if I don't like it

I do not care for the bare bottom look... I'd rather do the maintenance. Plus I like to keep burrowing fish such as pistol/goby and jawfish, so substrate was a must. (don't worry... I have a plan for anti-rock collapse).
I considered the closed loop option, but I wanted a really advanced wavemaker system (something I haven't documented here yet) that wasn't going to work with anything but separate powerheads. Time will tell on the flow I guess.
Thanks for the compliments!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Well I finally got around to ordering the chiller today!
I'm now an Oceancool dealer as well! If I became a dealer they gave me free shipping, so... if anyone wants a chiller... they should talk to me I guess.

THe chiller came last Friday... but was horribly damaged in transit.. so I had to file a claim and they are sending me a new one. I'll get pics up when I get one intact and get ot installing it.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Dovetailing is something I haven't gotten into, so even if I wanted to, I probably wouldn't have as I wasn't about to try something new on this piece... it's not like it's gonna be easy to rebuild later if I don't like it

I totally understand.....
They are real easy though.....simple as box joints.
The only reason

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Dovetailing is something I haven't gotten into, so even if I wanted to, I probably wouldn't have as I wasn't about to try something new on this piece... it's not like it's gonna be easy to rebuild later if I don't like it

I totally understand.....
They are real easy though.....simple as box joints.
The only reason I would ever have sand in a tank again would be to keep jawfish. They are one of my all time favorite fish. Bare bottom is better for SPS (IMO/IME) and that is what I am in to right now.
One off topic you have a lathe? That is the one thing I don't have and have been saving up for. I've never even used one before.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
One off topic you have a lathe? That is the one thing I don't have and have been saving up for. I've never even used one before.....
First of all... woodworking is always "on topic" for me.

No... my aresenal of large power tools is a table saw, miter saw, bandsaw, drill press and dust collector.
I'm torn between a jointer, planer, and [better] drill press as my next investment. I've not ever even tried turning myself... I'm afraid to. If I try it and like it, that's a whole other tool I have to buy


Active Member
Have you got some more info on OceanCool (chiller)? I looked, but can't find a site for them. Saw one ad/picture of a 1 hp on the e site.