
Originally Posted by fishkeepingPRO http:///t/389371/shark/220#post_3444706
I want to breed them but what do i do with the eggs if I don't have an extra tank? Don't CLOWNFISH feed their young in the wild?
This is NOT the wild....this is a glass box we call an have to make sure you have another tank for them, and you have to feed them special food that you have to culture
BUY THE BOOK I told you about


Active Member
Dude- You will not have any successful batches without extra tanks and doing it the right way. To make $ off of breeding fish, well then you'll need several breeding tanks at once.
Master beginner fish first. Then, we'll talk about breeding fish and more advanced topics.


Free food for the'll want to be sure that if fry DO hatch that you clean them out of any filter media you're running before they decompose.
The downside of keeping a breeding pair of clowns is that they get more aggressive when guarding a clutch of eggs.
I am weighing options still and am wondering#
Is $582 enough for RO unit and filtration, etc. For my 75?
Can a antennata and radiata lion for in my 75?
Can antennata and radiata go with snowflake?
Thanks and happy holidays.