No, trust me, that book is worth it
I flipped through that book at my LFS and its worth every penny
For breading clowns you need a seperate tank and special rotifer cultures to feed the newly hatched fry
and if you are anything like me when I started the hobby you say to yourself:
"hmmm.... these captive bred clowns here go for $20 bucks each, if I colud breed them then I would pay for my larger tank and then some"
trust me to breed clowns costs way more than you will ever make selling them
for fish in your tank look into the dwarf angels
they add lots of color to your tank and should fit well


Well if you don't want to spend the money on the book then don't...BUT you can not expect everyone here to do the research for you
I have read almost every thread and post you have written......and all I can see is you want to hear what you question, and RE-question everything and everyone, and to tell you the truth, it's getting really annoying
sorry to be so candid, but I have refrained on answering some of your questions because of this
there is a difference between having a breeding pair of clowns and actualy rearing the young
you will never be able to rear the fry in a 75, period
you just can't have the food dense enough to keep them alive
The flame angel is large enough and agressive enough to handle itself against the clowns, but to be on the safe side try to have 2 piles of LR to divide up the territories


Active Member
Just look around and see what you like. Then, google. After that, if most google results say that you CAN keep the fish in a tank of your size, then post the fish on here and I would be more than happy to give my comments on them.
BTW, where are you from?!


Active Member
Here's the deal. I would recommend doing your research. This will help to make you understand what some of the helpful posters are saying. In reading the thread, it feels like to me that people are trying to help and you ask the question again. It seems as though you want someone to tell you it is OK to do some things. If you plan on being successful in the hobby, it would do you a world of good to do your own research and draw you own conclusions. Also, doing your own research will help you to understand why other hobbyists feel the way they do about certain topics. I'm not saying don't ask questions, but rather encourage questions that come from doing your own research.
Ok. I did research and some fish are harlequin tuskfish, blue hippo tang, copperband butterfly, Niger trigger, blue jaw trigger. Tell me if any of these will work.


I know for fact that you've already been told numerous times that tangs, triggers and that tuskfish all get too big for a 75.
That leaves the Copperband Butterfly. This is NOT a beginner fish by any means and I don't recommend it for you at all. Many of them do not thrive, especially with new hobbyists.


Dolphins? Someone answer, can I keep a dolphin? How about a mated pair? A killer whale would work with them right? The killer whale will grow but I am going to upgrade. Can I then add a school of Kraken? They will stay close to the bottom. Come on guys, please tell me what I want to hear............