OK We are home...PHEW....All totaled....the last 2 weeks cost $690.....not including chicken, steaks, and zantac....
The whole way home she looked at me with suspicious eyes....usually she lays down in the car..BUT NOPE....every time I slowed down, hit a pebble....made a turn....she looked at me
SO we get home.....as soon as she touched the grass she peed....I swear for like a minute....LOL.....we come in and of course Rosie runs right to her....that did not go well....I thought Pixie was gonna bite her..YIKES.....so Pixie goes to her food bowl and gets her little stash....brings it into the living room....Her back legs seem very weak

SO....then she goes into the kitchen and squats under the table and tries to poop
WELL....I will not yell at her so I pick her up and take her out (it's raining...need I say more)
She didn't do anything else at that time.....then she goes to sit with her Daddy (I won;t let her jump, so I placed her on the couch)

When I started to walk away....she jumped off and followed me...GUESS she is my dog now LOL.....BUT then she started to poop again
this time I got her out in time...she walked 5 feet into the grass and did another small one.....POOR BABY....she seems hungry so I gave her a treat and a few pieces of steak someone from work brought me for her......There are 2 steps from the front porch, she looked really awkward when she tried to climb them, so I picked her up.....I do not want to push her activities....for almost 2 weeks she has ben in a crate
SHE IS NOT being nice to Rosie at all......they will have to readjust I guess.
OK...MEDS....she takes 1/2 a prednisone in the a.m. and p.m......and one Clavamox 2x a day....ALSO the dr wants me to give her Zantac for her tummy....and she has to go back in 2 weeks for the next bloodtest..