Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by clownguy
What kind of camera do you use? Also a pair of bluethroat triggerfish would look good. :cheer:
I use a Nikon D50 for still photos. If I knew how to run it, the pictures would probably be better... A small pair of Blue Throats would make for interesting additions to the tank.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
I use a Nikon D50 for still photos. If I knew how to run it, the pictures would probably be better... A small pair of Blue Throats would make for interesting additions to the tank.
Is your Nikon D50? A coolpix


Active Member
Originally Posted by clownguy
Is your Nikon D50? A coolpix
Nikon is SRL, I'm not sure what a coolix is?

fish addict

I know that they're are not reef safe but I think you should get a boxfish. Like a yellow one or a long-horned box. I think they are so cute! I saw one at my LFS the other week about the size of a quarter but I had the self-control not to get it since I only have a 29 gal! I've seen some threads and there are a few people who can keep them without them harming their corals.


Not to get off subject but since we are talking about photos and not fish anyway I thought I might ask how to use the smileys. Also I wanted to bump the thread cause it has been a while since anyone has posted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish addict
I know that they're are not reef safe but I think you should get a boxfish. Like a yellow one or a long-horned box. I think they are so cute! I saw one at my LFS the other week about the size of a quarter but I had the self-control not to get it since I only have a 29 gal! I've seen some threads and there are a few people who can keep them without them harming their corals.
Here's a picture of the new Blue Spotted Boxfish. He's a beauty!


Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here's a picture of the new Blue Spotted Boxfish. He's a beauty!

Do your fish usually swim all over the tank or in certain sections? I would think with that size tank you would have a little of both.
Which do and don't?


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
would you even consider a trigger since you went with a boxfish. if so what one
A nice male and female Blue Jaw Triggers would be nice if I could find a pair.


Thats what i get. I just logged on here for the first time in months and i started from page 1 on this thread, awesome doesnt describe it. makes me want to get back in this hobby so bad. Its such a young tank, it will look even better when you get the corals in. Nice selection of fish, and props to you for wanting some of the harder-to-get tangs. Curious, have you put a purple red sea tang in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by startRfish
Thats what i get. I just logged on here for the first time in months and i started from page 1 on this thread, awesome doesnt describe it. makes me want to get back in this hobby so bad. Its such a young tank, it will look even better when you get the corals in. Nice selection of fish, and props to you for wanting some of the harder-to-get tangs. Curious, have you put a purple red sea tang in?
The frame rate for the cameras are all set at 30FPS. Would like to have a Purple Tang if I can find one that has some size and is reasonably priced.


Active Member
I don't have any new full tank shots, but here are a couple of pictures of the new anemone I added Friday. Looks like he is fighting to keep his grip on the rock in the current in the tank.
