Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


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Originally Posted by fish lady
Well this is my first day on here and you are by far the fish GOD! I was just wondering, I only had a 200 gallon and the moisture in my house was unreal the windows were sweating like crazy! How many de-humidifiers do you have set up?
Just move to AZ and you won't have a problem.
My 125 gallon has actually brought a nice change to our "dry" house. But, evap is a b%@ch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
........ the chiller runs about 30 minutes to take the tank back down to 75 degrees when it hit the 1 degree differential.
Wow, it's really about where we live, huh? My tank runs between 78-81, and I'm really hoping by keeping my AC set at 78, I won't need a chiller in the summer. BUT, this will be my first summer with my large tank, so we'll see (on knees praying). My husband wants MH, but I told him that would mean a chiller for sure, so lets see if we can get through a summer without one first.


I live in FL and have a dehumidifier. I would definately look into turning the AC down a bit and maybe finding a second job for the power bill. LoL. Anyway I keep my house between 72 and 74 and my tank stays right around 80. Im gonna be investing in a chiller relatively soon.

fish lady

Originally Posted by azfishgal
Wow, it's really about where we live, huh? My tank runs between 78-81, and I'm really hoping by keeping my AC set at 78, I won't need a chiller in the summer. BUT, this will be my first summer with my large tank, so we'll see (on knees praying). My husband wants MH, but I told him that would mean a chiller for sure, so lets see if we can get through a summer without one first.
Sorry I never really thought of where you guys all live when I asked the question. Probably makes a huge difference. When it is -25 here in the winter the windows are so sweaty that they pool. I have a de-humidifier for 11,000sq feet and I live in a 2000 sq foot place and it fills the bucket everyday. My tank has a 400 w MH over it and it is only a 90 gallon and I have alot of evaporation. In the summer it is nuts in my living room that is for sure you can just feel a heat wave but boy the stuff in the tank sure likes it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Wow, it's really about where we live, huh? My tank runs between 78-81, and I'm really hoping by keeping my AC set at 78, I won't need a chiller in the summer. BUT, this will be my first summer with my large tank, so we'll see (on knees praying). My husband wants MH, but I told him that would mean a chiller for sure, so lets see if we can get through a summer without one first.
I was hoping that with the basement at a fairly constant 76 degrees, that the 2 chillers would be able to keep it in the 76-78 degree range without having to run all day long. I found that even with the open stand, the heat rising from all of the equipment and lights , the space right below the bottom of the tank was above 90 degrees. Kind of like setting the tank on a warming plate. I tried using a large window fan to circulate the air under the stand, but there were too many obsticles in the way to do any good. The temperature of the glass on the MH's is over 200 degrees so you can image how much they are warming the tank being 10" above the water. 78 to 80 is a little to warm IMO, so I opted to go with the larger chiller to lower the temperature and run a little more efficiently.
Watch your temperature closely as things warm up this summer. From past experiences, I can tell you that it is more efficient, and more economical in the long run to use a chiller to cool the tank rather than relying on your central air.
Last words of wisdom from one who has made a lot of mistakes, is to purchase the next size up from the chiller you think will work. Don't cut it close to save a few bucks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrandolph1
I live in FL and have a dehumidifier. I would definately look into turning the AC down a bit and maybe finding a second job for the power bill. LoL. Anyway I keep my house between 72 and 74 and my tank stays right around 80. Im gonna be investing in a chiller relatively soon.
I can't explain it, but I have the opposite situation in my home. I have a total of 13 tanks and you would think that I would have water runing down the windows, when in fact, I have to run two humidifiers (not dehumidifiers), in the winter time to get my house up to 25% humidity. Last summer when I had a dedicated central air installed in my basement, the HVAC man thought that I was nuts hwen I told hime that I wanted a humidifier installed in the system. That was until he went to his truck and got his humidity tester to check the levels. He couldn't believe that with all of the tanks, the humidity was so low in the house.
I went the first year in this hobby without using a chiller. Now I run a chiller on all of my salt tanks, including the prop tank, and 2 of my fresh water tanks. I think that they have made the fish a little happier???


Active Member
Originally Posted by reef noob
cool tank goodwin (any sps yet)
Yes, I do have two right now...I am hoping that they will grow really fast..... I am still waiting for the water to come around, and I needed to get the temperature a little more under control. I was concerned that the temperature was a little too high and we are just getting to the time of year where things warm up, even here in South Dakota.


Active Member
hey goodwin i have a question for you
its simple yet it makes me wonder.
do ever think twice b4 u stick your hand in tht tank with all the poisonus rabbitfish and the tangs with the needle?
i wouldnt stick my hand in there if you paid me lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
hey goodwin i have a question for you
its simple yet it makes me wonder.
do ever think twice b4 u stick your hand in tht tank with all the poisonus rabbitfish and the tangs with the needle?
i wouldnt stick my hand in there if you paid me lol
I have never thought much about the tangs & rabbit fish, so I don't worry about them. It's my aggreessive tank that I am much more carefull. Apparently my fingers resemble frozen krill to a couple of fish in the tank...


Active Member
I added a second Blond Naso tang today. This one is about 8" in length, about double the size of the one I already had in the tank. Nice looking fish and has the start of the streamers off the tail.

If you look closely, you can see the smaller one to the right of the larger.


Active Member
Wow, I lost this thread a couple of pages back. Wow...{ok, this is a red-letter day...I'm speechless!!}. Everybody mark it on your calendars.

Lisa :happyfish


As far as substrate; is that LR rubble on top of aragonite? If so, I assume it's to keep the sandbed tsunami to a category 1? Nice tank


Active Member
Goodwin, I am always amazed at how nice all your plumbing is...its always so professional and compact...mine is always looking like a "bad hair day". I also use a chiller, pacific coast. I switched it from the main tank to the reef tank because now that the main tank is plumbed to the basement, I'm hoping it will keep it cool enough....but I will likely have to buy a second chiller, and I won't hesitate to do this if need be...they make life so easy, and keep the tank so stable that they are worth every penny.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Ever thought of putting a gigas clam in that monster of a tank?
yeah if murph's squamosa gets too big.... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Titan
As far as substrate; is that LR rubble on top of aragonite? If so, I assume it's to keep the sandbed tsunami to a category 1? Nice tank

Yes it is and you are exactly right. Seems that no matter where I point the returns, they create a whirlwind at the front of the tank.