Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
Goodwin, I am always amazed at how nice all your plumbing is...its always so professional and compact...mine is always looking like a "bad hair day". I also use a chiller, pacific coast. I switched it from the main tank to the reef tank because now that the main tank is plumbed to the basement, I'm hoping it will keep it cool enough....but I will likely have to buy a second chiller, and I won't hesitate to do this if need be...they make life so easy, and keep the tank so stable that they are worth every penny.
If you only saw pictures of my first attemps. I've had the opportunity to learn and practice more than once. I was very happy with the way this tank turned out and hated to have to add the new chiller and not be able to keep it under the stand. My goal in starting this tank was to have it be self contained, oh well, the fish should be happier now!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Ever thought of putting a gigas clam in that monster of a tank?
I hope to have a few clams after I get some corals started in the tank.


Active Member
I had a local reefer email me asking if I would be interested in taking his Vlamingii tang off his hands. He told me that it was 4 to 5 " and getting too big for his 75 gallon aquarium. I agreed and was shocked when he brought it over to the house. The fish was more like 7 to 8". He told me that itwas 2 to 3" when he got it last summer. I didn't think of it at the time, but I should have asked what he had been feeding to get it to grow that fast. Here are a couple of shots of the new fish.



Active Member
Originally Posted by kayak385
you've probably answered this earlier, but i was wondering how your flow is setup, and if you had a diagram
Flow comes from eight returns in the tank powered by 4 pumps producing 7200 GPH, before figuring any head loss.


Active Member
Wow more and more fish! Im wondering with such a high bioload what do you use to filter? I know you have all the eqqupment under but it seems like it would get outa control. But I guess that a good skimmer, lots of LR and some carbon every month will do the job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
how do you make sure every1 gets something to eat?
I shut off all of the pumps and then there is plenty of feeding area to spead the food around. Going back and forth from the left, center, to the right gives everyone ample room to feed.


Active Member
Could you please post the link to your web site/web cam again? I've tried finding it, and will go back again to try to find it. I've switched on my MAC to Firefox, and I would like to see if that's going to make a difference with being able to view.
Thank you!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Could you please post the link to your web site/web cam again? I've tried finding it, and will go back again to try to find it. I've switched on my MAC to Firefox, and I would like to see if that's going to make a difference with being able to view.
Thank you!!
Lisa :happyfish
Here you go Lisa..this link is a temporary one that I am testing different camera viewers on. The Java Viewer on the right side of the page should work with all versions of Windows. The MJPEG Viewer (Non IE) should work with all Mac operating systems. Hopefully one of the two should allow you to view the tanks...Enjoy!


can we get some new pictures love looking at webcams so i always tell my friends and family my fish tank is my tv so the webcams are awsome thank you for sharing ***)
and i thought i was going poor lol:happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
lookin great. the tang you added is a regular naso, not a blonde naso because the dorsal fin is black. i am amazed at the luck you have had with all of those fish and tangs w/out QTing and no ich! i would never in a million years be so lucky!


love the vlamingi
i bought one about 3 months ago, and he has grown about 3 inches since we got him,
when i had my 390, we had a full grown vlamingi, they are extremely beatiful, and have great personalities

fish addict

Originally Posted by reef noob
any sps yet
If you look in some of his pictures you can see some sps.
So where are the new pictures? You might not have gotten anything new but we don't care! Give us more pics anyways! :jumping: