Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
goodwin you are taking some very crisp sharp pics now - what camera are you using?
the white cheeks is pretty sweet and different, very few people have them.
Thank you!. It really helps when you clean the algea off the tank first. Pictures seem to be a little more clear.... I use a Nikon D70 and assume the the pictures might be a little better if I ever take the time to read the instructions that came with it.
I really like the White Cheeks for some reason, they aren't as colorful as some of the other tangs, nice in their own way if that make any sense.


Active Member
your tank is awsome, i have been looking daily. just wanted to say it is very nice maybe some day i will have one that big i am also starting with 55 gal :happyfish


Active Member
quick many tangs do you actually have in this tank? and how many do you have total in all of your tanks combined? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by BLAZEHOK68
quick many tangs do you actually have in this tank? and how many do you have total in all of your tanks combined? :notsure:
17 tangs in the new tank right now. I'll have to count other other tanks tonight when I get off work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
What is your current fish list?

i would also like to know, if you can count all those fish in the ocean of yours
Current fish lish as of today:
12 Lyretail anthias (3 males & 9 females)
12 Green Chromis
5 Sebae clowns
2 Clarkii clowns
3 Blue Hippo Tangs
5 Hawaiian Yellow Tangs
1 Vlamingi Tang
2 Powder Blue Surgeon Tangs
1 Red Sea Blonde Naso Tang
3 Sailfin Tangs
4 Pacific Cleaner Wrasses
1 White Cheeks Tang
1 Clown Tang
1 Red Head Fairy Wrasse
2 Scooter Blennies
3 Cleaner Shrimp
10 Turbo Snails
The Anthias are a little tough, but most of the other fish are pretty easy to find and count


Originally Posted by goodwin9
i would also like to know, if you can count all those fish in the ocean of yours
Current fish lish as of today:
12 Lyretail anthias (3 males & 9 females)
12 Green Chromis
5 Sebae clowns
2 Clarkii clowns
3 Blue Hippo Tangs
5 Hawaiian Yellow Tangs
1 Vlamingi Tang
2 Powder Blue Surgeon Tangs
1 Red Sea Blonde Naso Tang
3 Sailfin Tangs
4 Pacific Cleaner Wrasses
1 White Cheeks Tang
1 Clown Tang
1 Red Head Fairy Wrasse
2 Scooter Blennies
3 Cleaner Shrimp
10 Turbo Snails
The Anthias are a little tough, but most of the other fish are pretty easy to find and count
ummmmm wow that's all i have


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here you go, another one, I am adding a Dussimer Tang this weekend. He's in quarantine right now, but here is a shot of my other. New one is an inch or two bigger than this one.

WOW is tht a rare tang cus man tht tanng i b-e-a-utiful!
wish could have one like tht

**can i get a few good shots of tht guy?**


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
have you thought about a jewel tang?
Would be nice, but one would eat up my entire budget for fish, and then some........


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Would be nice, but one would eat up my entire budget for fish, and then some........
BUDGET? What budget? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownGyrl
WOW!! that tank is awesome. i really luv the white cheeks tang and sailfin. very nice pics also!
Thank you! I am going to mess around this weekend and see if i can't put together a video to post of the tank and fish. The large sailfin is something else!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
I guess you will never have a problem with algea having all those tangs.
beautiful tank
Thanks for the compliment! I would hope that I won't have a problem, but then again you never know. Maybe a few more tangs would do the trick.. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
You got me on that one........
me too
tht juvi tang ht starts with the d and is like a pearl white color is about 150 bux for a juvi and show is worth about 400