Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Yeap kinda wish i would have had one of those alarms. My refugium desided to crach all the way down one of the sides and leaked like 12 gallons of water out in a night


Active Member
I have that same model 600 on my 55g goldfish tank... can you say over kill. rate for 600g LOL I hope it doesnt pop like yours did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Quakstar
Yeap kinda wish i would have had one of those alarms. My refugium desided to crach all the way down one of the sides and leaked like 12 gallons of water out in a night
They are a pretty cheap invesment compared to the damage and problems a leak can cause. I found these on sale for $10.00 Here is a short video I made of one of mine when I first got them.


(off topic) Hey, could you do an update on your starks and rays? I would just like to see how they are doing. Thanks!


Active Member
The new "medium sized" Orange Shoulder tang has finally gotten over it's shyness and was out and about with he other fish today. I was able to get a few pictures of the new addition.



New Member
I have read this thread from the beginning and have been following for the last 6 months or so and I have to say, you have one amazing tank!


Active Member
This past weekend while showing the tank to a few friends, one asked me what the fish was that was sticking it's head out of a rock. Well, it turned out to be the Blue Dot Jawfish I had gotten a couple of weeks back that decided to leave his original hideout and move to one of the flower pot corals and take up new residence. I hadn't seen it for over a week and was sure that something had happened to it. While it is out from under the rocks, it is still hard to get a good picture as it is towards the back of the tank.
