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ahhhh my lion is still on live food
i tried the trick of putting some line on the frozen food and making it look like a live fish, but when he ate it he grabbed the line to and spat it straight out,
he went nearly a week without food because i was stranded at home and couldnt get more live food, managed to get some in the end tho, fed him 3 platys. and not going to feed him again untill monday, i think he's grown a lil bit too
Cranberry, help me on the getting himto frozen, if i stick it on a skewer he doesnt go near it, if i just drop it in he'll look at it then just leave it, and when i tried the line trick he ate the line aswell and spat it straight out, when i put the net in the water he does come over to it so i could try that way, but if it doesnt work then wat am i to do?
I hope Cranberry can help you, but here's what some other people do, it's a slow process:
"Training is very easy. The first step is to teach the lionfish that you mean food! So for awhile, you will have to feed him live foods. Ghost shrimp are the first choice as they are closest nutrionally wise to the lions normal diet. So you get the fish and feed him 2 to 3 ghost shrimp one day. Wait 2 or 3 days and feed him again. (It's very important not to feed every day as this simulates a more natural way of feeding and gives their gut a chance to clear). Keep doing this until the lionfish comes to the front of the glass when you approach the tank and looks up at the surface of the water for the shrimp. Now he is ready. Stop all feedings for 5 days. Get 2 live shrimp and a piece of thawed food (silversides, clam, squid, etc). Make sure the food is good and thawed and cut into bite sized pieces (for a small lionfish).Get yourself a nice shiny spoon from your kitchen drawer. Offer him one live ghost shrimp, then follow that with a piece of thawed food on the spoon, (the flash of silver at the surface with stimulate him to strike), then another live shrimp, and the other piece of thawed (if he will take it). Then....stop all feedings for another 5 days and repeat the above only instead of 2 live shrimp, only offer one. Once you have gotten to this point, he should be willing to eat anything that hits the water! Give him prepared frozen foods for marine fish (from the LFS) or fresh seafood that you buy at the grocery store (if you do this, make sure you soak his food in a saltwater vitamin before feeding), pellets, flake, with only the occasional live feeding."