TriGa22's Tank Diary


Active Member
very nice
what is the chamber for tht is next to the ne for the bio balls? and also what is going underneath the bioballs?
can i see a pic from the to of the whole top?


Active Member
The skimmer sits in the first chamber where water comes in. Flows over into the balls. Under the balls there will be nothing.. wasted space. What do you want a pic of?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
The skimmer sits in the first chamber where water comes in. Flows over into the balls. Under the balls there will be nothing.. wasted space. What do you want a pic of?
the tanks top so you see the whole opening and the acrylic walls you piut in (all from the top)


Active Member
wait i foudn one post number 70
so the fist pic..
so the skimmer goes into the top right chamber and the watter tht flows into the skimmer goes through it then through the black bioballs towards the front of the tank?
also how does the water get into the skimmer (where is the pump going?)


Active Member
Water comes from the tank into the first empty section. The pump for the skimmer will be in there. The output of the skimmer will go over the bioballs. The first section will overflow ontop of the bio balls. There is a top I built with holes in it just not shown. I also will have coarse filter pad.


looking nice. had a lot of progress. did your DIY liverock come out porus? if it didn't, try to use rock salt. and you should cure them. my brothers took about 1 1/2 months! once again, looking nice.


Active Member
wow very nice i like the thread from beggingin till now very informative and ur tanks already coming along way and u gotta love those lil clowns!!!
nice rock work BTW


Active Member
Thanks. The rock work Ive struggled to get how I like it. Im holding off on messing with it cause im making some. The clowns are really neat.


Active Member
Some updates with the new lights!

Clown Hosting

Another Clown

Full Tank

Full tank with moon lights