Updated Pics, 24g Nano


Active Member
Alrighty here are updated shots of my tank.
I like the way my feather duster is surrounded by the xenia.

My monti has doubled in size in like a month

My trachephelia (sp)

The Ricordia are huge now I am going to frag them very soon.

Here you can see the growth progression of my tricolor it is growing like crazy
This is about a month ago or so freshly glued

And this is today it has grown about a half inch on the baserock I glued it to

And the FTS


very nice dude, that tri color is looking sweet! That is going to be awesome once it grows out. Everything looks great


WOW Peef u did such a great job, thats what i want my tank to look like its so nicely balanced, i want to buy it from u lmao(i wish), its a really great reef keep up the great work=P


Active Member
Bahaha, Nope its a measly 11 inches right now..... That would be sweet though if you could somehow keep a suncoral alive for like 50 years and have it grow that big! Thanks for the compliments everyone! Glad you like my tank as much as I do. I had to add an unsightly heater into the tank last night as it is FREEZING here in the keys, dropping down to the bone chilling temp of 50 last night...WOOF! But in three days it should be back to 80 so don't worry too much for me! hahaha


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Bahaha, Nope its a measly 11 inches right now..... That would be sweet though if you could somehow keep a suncoral alive for like 50 years and have it grow that big! Thanks for the compliments everyone! Glad you like my tank as much as I do. I had to add an unsightly heater into the tank last night as it is FREEZING here in the keys, dropping down to the bone chilling temp of 50 last night...WOOF! But in three days it should be back to 80 so don't worry too much for me! hahaha

I did the same. It was a bone chilling 50 up here in West Palm too. Freaked when I woke up the next morning and the house termostat said 64. Yea Ill use this heater probably until tomorrow and never use it until this time next year


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
I did the same. It was a bone chilling 50 up here in West Palm too. Freaked when I woke up the next morning and the house termostat said 64. Yea Ill use this heater probably until tomorrow and never use it until this time next year

hate you both.......

it was a balmy -8 this morning with the wind chill in ol RI... did I say sucks yet? Well if I didnt.... SUCKS !!!!


Active Member
This picture is for Paintballer, Polyps open every night now like this whether I feed or not. The polyps are 5 inches when fully extended.


Active Member
HOLY COW!! Youve got the healthiest sun coral Ive ever seen. Its like the ones in the books. Kudos to you. Go update your pic in all those sun coral threads and have people awe over it hahah.


GORGEOUS tank!!!~~

Can I have it??

Seriously.... I LOVE
it!!~ The colors complement each other so well. Everything looks so healthy and that sun coral is the best I have ever seen!!~


Active Member
Thanks alot!!!!! I really really like yours as well. I am very proud of my sun coral, I still can't believe it didn't win in the photo contest though. But eh, what can you do
??? I can't WAIT until I get my next tank. I am waiting for Fedel Castro to log back on to arrange a pick up for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Thanks alot!!!!! I really really like yours as well. I am very proud of my sun coral, I still can't believe it didn't win in the photo contest though. But eh, what can you do
??? I can't WAIT until I get my next tank. I am waiting for Fedel Castro to log back on to arrange a pick up for it.
Oh man. Last time I saw one of his threads it was a huge tank. This is going to be something to watch as well haha


Active Member
Hey man.. tank is looking great... your gorg looks healty, good deal. And obviously your sun coral is a show stopper...

I posted a pic of the coral you sent me on my thread... its been open and happy for a while now.


Active Member
Sweet, on the way to check it out. And thanks, yeah the gorg has been dropping some branches and any time it looks like Necrosis might be setting in, it frags itself in that spot....pretty easy for me. Growing quite fast as well!


Active Member
So my huge bully of a clown fish is getting traded to the LFS... I feel REALLY bad doing it but he is out of control now. He won't even let my PJ cardinal eat, he steals the food from my corals, bites ANY thing new in the tank....GOOOOO he frustrates me soooooooooo much. So yeah I am going to trade him in for a smaller teeny tiny one. Does anyone know if a TINY (1inch) clown hosting a fairly large anem (8 inch across when inflated) is a bad thing?


WOW, nice tank. How long has it been setup now? Can I ask what your cleanup crew is?


Active Member
It has been setup since mid aug...
Right now my clean up crew is roughly as follows
8-10 turbo/astrea snails
2 emerald crabs
7-8 redleg hermit
6-7 blue leg hermit
1 queen conch
I need to pick up like 2 or 3 turbo snails
I also had 3 peppermint shrimp that were AWESOME scavengers BUT they stole all the food they could from my corals that needed spot fed. My suncoral was more important than the peps so I got rid of them.