Updated Pics, 24g Nano


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Yeah I would like to see that happen! Hmmmm, Time to do research on whether that would be detrimental and if it can be trained....


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WOOOOOOOOOOOOO I GOT MY NEW CLOWN!!!!!! Isn't he a freaken stud!!!!

He is swimming all around the tank checking it out. He tried to go straight into the nem but jumped out. I don't think he has enough slime to get in it yet. Soon I hope!


Active Member
And about the sun coral, the only detrimental effect I could possibly think that the sun coral would have, if opened most of the day, would be the exposure to your metal halides.


awww!! What a cutie!! I mean... STUD!!

I love it when they have a lot of personality like that, curious about everything. My two new little clowns are all over my tank, hovering over everything to get a closer look and having the best time knocking the dwarf blue legs off the LR!

Great looking clown!~


Active Member
Thanks alot! I love 'em. His name is Junior...whew am I classified as a nerd yet? I REALLY wanted to get him a friend clown but decided against it at the last second and decided to go for more variety.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Thanks alot! I love 'em. His name is Junior...whew am I classified as a nerd yet? I REALLY wanted to get him a friend clown but decided against it at the last second and decided to go for more variety.
Yea good idea thats the way Im going too. I wanted a pair of clowns but variety is better IMO. Nice looking little guy, what happened to your other one? Was it a clarkii? Hope this guy takes to your anem, if he was tank raised you got some waiting to do...


Active Member
I traded the Clarkii for this one. I felt really bad doing it but he was just WAY to big of a bully. My PJ cardinal was TERRIFIED to even leave the back corner of the tank under a rock. And strangly enough this one is tank raised and has already moved into the nem. He isn't quite burying himself in it but he has definetly moved in. He is mainly rubbing himself on the tents to work up his slime cover.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
I traded the Clarkii for this one. I felt really bad doing it but he was just WAY to big of a bully. My PJ cardinal was TERRIFIED to even leave the back corner of the tank under a rock. And strangly enough this one is tank raised and has already moved into the nem. He isn't quite burying himself in it but he has definetly moved in. He is mainly rubbing himself on the tents to work up his slime cover.

Sweet good deal and IMO it was a good idea to stop terrorizing your Cardinal..LOL


Active Member
Yeah no kidding man, I honestly was pissed at my clarkii to the point I was about to start taking cheap shots at him with the net to show him how it feels....I am just not that mean.


Active Member
Sooooo, I rearranged my tank again do to some xenia harvesting. Also my little stud of a clown got nuked by the nem! He swam into the middle got wrapped in the tents and that was that.


Active Member
Sorry to hear that... Its not uncommon for that to happen, but if it makes you feel any better I would put money on the fact that the fish was prob ill or dying before your anem snagged it. I had my saddle back litterally die in my anem and it wouldnt eat it. It just let it fall from its tenticles.. but anything is possible and anemones are to be classified as fish eaters.
My angel has been in my DT now for 4 days and so far so good. I am trying to get over the black plague of my tank, hopefully she will be the one that breaks the curse.
I love black and white saddle backs, I am waiting on my LFS to get their shipment in of theirs. Make sure you put pics up when or if you get them.


Active Member
Oh believe me I will. It's too bad about the new little one, but eh it does happen. Glad to hear everything is going well so far. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Oh yeah, I am going to get a pair of mated saddleback clowns or picassos I think.
I saw a pair of small saddlebacks at my LFS, or at least I thought were them. Regardless, they look amazing anyways. Good luck with them.


Active Member
Thanks, I am looking pretty hard for the perfect pair. I would like to order some "rods onyx"!


Sorry to hear that you lost your little stud!
He was a little stud for sure and such a cutie!
Wouldn't you know it that when I practically gave up on finding a pair of picasso's and found a pair of misbar percs to fall in love with, a pair of picasso's come along with my name on them! I had been bothering all of my LFS's around here about opening an account with ORA so that I could get a pair of picasso's. Well, I got a call from one of them who finally decided to open an account with them and ORA has some "Type A" picasso's that will be ready in about a month (they are too small to ship right now per ORA). He asked me if I wanted them because ORA was limiting the sale of "Type A" picasso's as 2 per customer/store and a limit of 4 of the "Type B" picasso's.
I told him that I wanted both of the "Type A's"! So now I am looking for a nice home for my misbar pair before my picasso's get here. I'll be sad to see this pair go because they have so much personality and they are all over the place looking at everything, picking at everything, etc... just the most curious little boogers. I've heard some recent stories about picasso's dying within a few days of people having them because of some health issues, and that little bit makes me nervous. I hope that the pair I get are healthy and will make it!

Again, I'm sorry for your loss. It's always sad to lose a fish.

Keep us updated on what you decide to get!~
Wow! Your tank is really fabulous! I like the tricolor scheme that you have going on! Your tank's progression is really beautiful! Keep up the awesome! =)