Updated Pics, 24g Nano


Active Member
All this talk of Florida and working around all that sea life.... I am sooo freakin jealous.. best of luck on your interview. I wish I lived in FL...
Your bangaii looks cool, good luck with it


Your tank looks awesome!~

How in the world did you get your pom pom xenia to grow on the back wall??
Right now I have three types of xenia in my tank. I'm about to get a fourth... an ORA Red Sea Pom Pom xenia. Would love it if I could get mine to grow on the back wall like that!


Active Member
To do that it is a loooong complicated scientific explanation....sooooooo here I go

Lean a rock with the xenia on it against the back wall with some of the flesh touching, they will attach and grow.....WHEW that one took it out of me....!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
All this talk of Florida and working around all that sea life.... I am sooo freakin jealous.. best of luck on your interview. I wish I lived in FL...
Your bangaii looks cool, good luck with it
Hey thanks alot! I love living in FL, it is amazing. Yesterday was like 85 degrees and PERFECT. I can't complain....I just hope the Hurricanes stay away. The whole raising sea level thing isn't that good looking for us in the long run. But oh well its the price you pay. My house is a raised two level so I have 18 feet of clearance under me before our possestions get wet.


Originally Posted by peef
To do that it is a loooong complicated scientific explanation....sooooooo here I go

Lean a rock with the xenia on it against the back wall with some of the flesh touching, they will attach and grow.....WHEW that one took it out of me....!!!

Hmmm.... sounds too complicated.

Thanks for the info.
now I gotta decide which one I want to try to grow on the back wall!


Active Member
IMO dont do the std pulsing xenia. I have pulsing xenia in my tank, it had gone from 1 stalk into many, even fragged itself onto my return splitter, and a small piece found its way on the back wall of my tank. While all the other pieces split and moved this one has not done a thing. Not sure why, but given my choices I would put pom poms back there. I am trying the same thing with GSP. I want the back wall of my tank to look like grass...LOL.
And by the way peef describes the process....that is wayyyy too much work for me to consider.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
IMO dont do the std pulsing xenia. I have pulsing xenia in my tank, it had gone from 1 stalk into many, even fragged itself onto my return splitter, and a small piece found its way on the back wall of my tank. While all the other pieces split and moved this one has not done a thing. Not sure why, but given my choices I would put pom poms back there. I am trying the same thing with GSP. I want the back wall of my tank to look like grass...LOL.
And by the way peef describes the process....that is wayyyy too much work for me to consider.

Yeah, the pom pom's sound like they would do and look better back there anyway. But now that you mentioned gsp.....
that would look awesome!
I've been looking for a frag of super green gsp. Got some LFS's keeping their eyes open for me on that!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
Yeah, the pom pom's sound like they would do and look better back there anyway. But now that you mentioned gsp.....
that would look awesome!
I've been looking for a frag of super green gsp. Got some LFS's keeping their eyes open for me on that!

I was just given a piece from my LFS, Im there a lot and the place is really good to me. So, he gave me a chunk about 4" in diameter. Thats not too big but under the right conditions it can grow quickly. If you havent found any by the time it spreads to where I can frag a piece I can send you one.. That may not be for a while but just in case.
The issue with GSP's is they spread to areas that are covered with coraline algea. So, if your tank wall isnt covered yet it will take time to get it to cover it. I am anxiously waiting for mine to spread..


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
GSP will only grow where there is corraline? Thats crazy I didn't know that.

I well i learned this the hard way... and BTW if anyone can prove to me otherwise I am all ears. Here is the scenario...
Early on when I started as we all have had our learning curves and accidents. I went about the easy method twice to remove cyano from my tank. I used EM tabs which is what red slime remover basically is just in a lower dose. Basically its an antibiotic, which although kills the cyano bacteria is also noted for killing some of the benificial bacteria in your tank. How much you ask? Well from my experience enough to spike nitrates enough to warrant water changes every 2 days for 3 weeks. I never lost a coral from it directly but indirecty my GSP specifically were affected by it. I was too much of a novice to see what happened the first time I used it. And my tank was also very new, but the few small spots of coraline algea I had turned white. And my enormus GSP rock I had receded a bit, again just thinking the circle of life and all. Corals come and go, no big deal. I started to get some coraline growth again for about 4 months and when I changed my bulbs out I got a dose of cyano again. I tried doing various things to rid my tank but my impatients got the better of me, I dosed again. This time it was notable, 50% of my coraline went south and turned white. And I lost all of my GSP's, ironically the rock that their mat was on is now pure white. I concluded that the recession of coraline algea ultimatly killed the GSP's I had. I also concluded that all my other corals dont rely on the presence of coraline algea to grow or spread.


Active Member
Wow, very informative. Thanks for that! I would have concluded the same thing as you. Its funny my tank has had LOTS of coraline growth on the rock but almost nothing on the walls, glass, or PH's. At least until recently over the past week and half or so coraline has been popping up everywhere! Kind of crazy.


Originally Posted by peef
Wow, very informative. Thanks for that! I would have concluded the same thing as you. Its funny my tank has had LOTS of coraline growth on the rock but almost nothing on the walls, glass, or PH's. At least until recently over the past week and half or so coraline has been popping up everywhere! Kind of crazy.

That WAS very informative and quite interesting!

I switched over to this 29 on October 22nd, and in a little over 3 months, I have more coralline than I had in a year in my 14. I'll have to post comparison pics in my diary thread. The purple is all over my rocks and on the back walls, there is lots of purple and green coralline, more concentrated where the intake grates are. I've been pretty happy with how fast it's growing in my tank. Of course, I also dose 2.5ml of Purple Up every other day too, so wonder if that has anything to do with it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
That WAS very informative and quite interesting!

I switched over to this 29 on October 22nd, and in a little over 3 months, I have more coralline than I had in a year in my 14. I'll have to post comparison pics in my diary thread. The purple is all over my rocks and on the back walls, there is lots of purple and green coralline, more concentrated where the intake grates are. I've been pretty happy with how fast it's growing in my tank. Of course, I also dose 2.5ml of Purple Up every other day too, so wonder if that has anything to do with it?

Purple up will only help if your magnesium levels are in check, and alkalinity but thats an obvious one. Magnesium often goes unchecked but is a very important element in the process of coral propogation.
It has been shown that coraline algea prefers the blue'er spectrum of light. So running your actinics for a while before your daylights and for a while after the daylights shut off can help. You should see an increase in growth of your coraline. I read that somewhere online and switched my light schedule to run at least an hour of actinic only morning and night and I noticed an improvment of my coraline growth.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I read that somewhere online and switched my light schedule to run at least an hour of actinic only morning and night and I noticed an improvment of my coraline growth.
This is how I have my light schedule. Actinics on at 8am, whites on at 9am, whites off at 5pm, actinics off at 6pm. When I do my 4.36 upgrade, I should have more blue's too.... 2 actinics, 1 50/50 and 1 10k daylight. (he said 5 blues and 3 whites?)


Active Member
Originally Posted by KAT74
This is how I have my light schedule. Actinics on at 8am, whites on at 9am, whites off at 5pm, actinics off at 6pm. When I do my 4.36 upgrade, I should have more blue's too.... 2 actinics, 1 50/50 and 1 10k daylight. (he said 5 blues and 3 whites?)

The up grade your going for will add 2 more lights to your set up. You can choose either actinic blue or 50/50. The actinic one will be one fixture completly blue the 50/50's is one fixture 1/2 blue 1/2 10k. And the blue on the 50/50's is not as blue as the true actinics. IMO I would go with one 50/50, one blue actinic and 2 10k daylights..


nice tank peef=P can't wait to feel what its like having a beautiful tank just like u have=P
Check out my forum keeping track of everything and everyone can come and help me decide what to get and so on=P


Active Member
Originally Posted by HaloStalker
nice tank peef=P can't wait to feel what its like having a beautiful tank just like u have=P
Check out my forum keeping track of everything and everyone can come and help me decide what to get and so on=P
Thanks alot I appreciate that! I will scope your page!


Active Member
So I went to the LPS today and I was looking at their tanks....they had three corals that were on their way out due to light deficiancy. A trumpet coral, brain, and some crazy type of brain I can't remember the name of. Well I picked up all three for 10 bucks. I will take some pics for the ? brain and to show off my find. The trumpet has some black sponge growing on it, does anyone know if that is a bad type with any risk involved (other than the usuall if sponge dies it can release toxins)?


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
So I went to the LPS today and I was looking at their tanks....they had three corals that were on their way out due to light deficiancy. A trumpet coral, brain, and some crazy type of brain I can't remember the name of. Well I picked up all three for 10 bucks. I will take some pics for the ? brain and to show off my find. The trumpet has some black sponge growing on it, does anyone know if that is a bad type with any risk involved (other than the usuall if sponge dies it can release toxins)?
Very nice man. LFS rescues are by far the best deals out there, and in our tanks you pretty much can only turn them around for the better. Ill look up some info on sponges, but for the most part I think sponges just die when they die, and the typical ammonia is the result. I will check into it and post here whether or not they do release toxins