Updated Pics, 24g Nano


Active Member
LOL no I didnt... I forgot my memory card for my camera at work on Friday.. I couldnt get the pics for ya. I will get them tonite so you can see whats in my tank. Sorry ....But yea I still want to trade...


Active Member
Soooooooooooooooo, I just decided that I am going to install 2 18w PC lights into the new 150w HQI hood I bought. This will bring my total to 186w but will give me the benifit of PC. Yea! Will post some pics of the progress once my kit arrives!


Active Member
Dang, your not making my choice easy! heh heh. So question first off, I am getting a Kenya Tree frag soon would a colt and kenya be ok in the same tank? I know they grow fairly fast and expand alot. If it should be ok I would love to have some colt, if not definetely the green eye zoos.


Active Member
Yea they should be fine.. the Kenya tree is Capnella sp. and the colt coral is Cladiella sp however both are refered to as Cauliflower corals. But yes they grow fast and get large. The stalk in the pic has been going for about 2 months now and it was a small branch that fell dropped off the large tree. It has prob grown about 1.5" in 2 months. If you want that one you will need to give me some time to get it off the LR and on a smaller piece for shipping. But thats no big deal.


Active Member
Eh, Tell you what lets just go with the zoos, I don't want to crowd too much with the tree corals. Sound good?


Active Member
Sure... which ones? There are the mean green ones where or the green eye ones. The huge cluster are the green eyes and the stand alone pic in the middle of the callouge are the mean greens. Let me know..


Active Member
Alright no prob. I have that frag rock and 2 others with the same color on them. I will get it prep'd for shipping this week. I have never done this before so I am going to go to my LFS and get some shipping advise... LOL.. They have the boxes and styrofoam to ship stuff in.
How many polyps do you want... or how many fire and ice ones are you trading for... and How big are those fire and ice polyps? I dont want to short change you.. the mean greens are anywhere from 3/8" to 1/2" in diameter when fully opened.


Active Member
There are 10-11 polyps on each frag rock. They are still young and small, like 6/16th of an inch if that makes sense.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
There are 10-11 polyps on each frag rock. They are still young and small, like 6/16th of an inch if that makes sense.

LMAO... yea it does.. or better yet 3/8" of an inch... Which is close to what mine are...ok then you will be receiving 10 to 12 polyps of mean greens as soon as I get your address... email me..


Active Member
hahaha, I didn't even think about that 6/16 or 3/8th bah I feel SMART right now. Email is sent!


Active Member
Hey Cpbirds,
The only one that I have for grabs is going to Perfect but I got mine from a user named Redspot321. He has every kind that is in that picture plus ALOT of others and is an AWESOME seller and shipper. PM him and I bet he can take care of yah! Wish I could and thanks for the interest!


Originally Posted by peef
It is a sebae. I love it. He is very active and gets on with my other fish well. He is in looove with his BTA. I recommend one totally!
do you have metal halide for the bta?


Originally Posted by peef
It is a sebae. I love it. He is very active and gets on with my other fish well. He is in looove with his BTA. I recommend one totally!
do you havemetal halide for that bta??????