Updates on new SW tank


The brown haze could be dead diatoms, most new tanks get them and then they go away all by themselves. They feed off of silicates. As long as you are not using tap water they will go away. They might have already been there from the LFS.



Originally posted by arkey.d
The brown haze could be dead diatoms, most new tanks get them and then they go away all by themselves. They feed off of silicates. As long as you are not using tap water they will go away. They might have already been there from the LFS.

Ok sounds good. :happy:


Ok, I'm getting some action in the tank now. There are some more what I think are anemone's showing themselves on this gulf LR. If my tank hasn't spiked during the cycle yet, do you guys think I'm going to lose these creatures?
Is there anything I can do to help them out?
Here's the best shot I can get of one of them so far...anyone have any guesses?


looking good woody and i do like the new lr arrangement better that way. could you try and get a close up of the big one on the top in the middle with all of that purple on it. looks really good and interesting just wanted to see what it looked like close up.
thanks, mike
btw i just done my test this afternoon and these are my readings
sal- 1.024
ammonia has dropped back down to 2.0
nitrites up to between 2.0 & 5.0
nitrates- up to 20
ph - 8.2
temp- 80 degrees
i think i am very near the end of my cycle!!!!!! hey everyone since my nitrates are up to 20 now should i do a water change or wait until my amonia and trites dropped all the way back down to 0.
getting really excited now that i am close to cycling. and payday is wed. can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
:jumping: :D :jumping: :D :happyfish :happyfish


btw woody did those plants in your tank come on your lr also?


those anenomes you got are anenomes, but bad ones-aiptasia.
you should get rid of them quick before they spread..



Originally posted by mike6969n
btw woody did those plants in your tank come on your lr also?

Yes Mike, the plants did come already on the LR. There are three "sprigs" of plantings in all....guess they were an added bonus!!



Originally posted by JDM_AE86
those anenomes you got are anenomes, but bad ones-aiptasia.
you should get rid of them quick before they spread..

Bad ones....ok, got it. I've read a few places about aptasia, so I'll find those to give me get rid of solutions
thanks JD



Originally posted by mike6969n
looking good woody and i do like the new lr arrangement better that way. could you try and get a close up of the big one on the top in the middle with all of that purple on it. looks really good and interesting just wanted to see what it looked like close up.
thanks, mike
btw i just done my test this afternoon and these are my readings
sal- 1.024
ammonia has dropped back down to 2.0
nitrites up to between 2.0 & 5.0
nitrates- up to 20
ph - 8.2
temp- 80 degrees
i think i am very near the end of my cycle!!!!!! hey everyone since my nitrates are up to 20 now should i do a water change or wait until my amonia and trites dropped all the way back down to 0.
getting really excited now that i am close to cycling. and payday is wed. can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
:jumping: :D :jumping: :D :happyfish :happyfish

Don't do a water change until your cycle is complete. Otherwise it will take twice as long.


Good morning...nothing spectacular to report so far. Tank is still looking good. I'm going to do some searching to find the best way to get rid of the aptasia JD told me about.
Mike I've put a couple pics of the purple LR here. Best I could get as far as a close up.


Hey Arkey, do you think this coral (at least I think it's coral) was cut off when the LR was harvested? If so, if it survives the cycle, do you think it will grow back?



Originally posted by woodymdt
Hey Arkey, do you think this coral (at least I think it's coral) was cut off when the LR was harvested? If so, if it survives the cycle, do you think it will grow back?

Looks like it could be. Might grow back.


hey woody,
the lr lookes great. you and the wife done an excellent job picking it out. thanks for the pics. hope your coral does make it. at least you already have your lighting system in place that has got to help.



Originally posted by mike6969n
hey woody,
the lr lookes great. you and the wife done an excellent job picking it out. thanks for the pics. hope your coral does make it. at least you already have your lighting system in place that has got to help.

I hope they make it as well. And the shrimp, even though I haven't seen him but once. Do they get more curious as they grow?


Ok, I got home this evening, and this brown stuff is spreading. It's now almost completely covering this top rock, it's on some of my heater, and on top of one of my powerheads......
Arkey?? Still think it's diatoms??



Originally posted by woodymdt
Ok, I got home this evening, and this brown stuff is spreading. It's now almost completely covering this top rock, it's on some of my heater, and on top of one of my powerheads......
Arkey?? Still think it's diatoms??

Yep that's what it looks like to me. Here's part of the New Hobbiest thread by Beth.
Diatoms: Usually appears as a brown dusting or film on the glass, LR, or substrate. The brown dust that is seen is actually not the algae but dead diatom skeletons linked together. Many times this is the first algae to develop in an aquarium and is often seen within the first four months of setup.
Diatoms need silicates to grow and only last as long as there is a supply in the water. One of the most common ways silicates are introduced to the tank is through the use of tap water. Untreated tap water may contain silicates as well as other unwanted additives to the aquarium. Other means of silicate introduction can be the use of play sand that contains silicates or the curing of LR.
Silicates: This is the compound required by diatoms for growth. If there are no silicates in the water there will be no diatoms.
Common sources of silicates include tap water, play sand that contains silicates, and the curing of LR.
As long as your not using Tap Water, it should go away on it's own.