Updates on new SW tank



Originally posted by mkcsil18
yeah at first I didn't want to chime in on this thread but I figured it would be better to ask questions on this one then start a new one... :D thanks for letting me tag along there woody :jumping:
Plus alot of my questions were answered as well.... thanks to everyone.

No problem whatsoever...us new guys have to stick together and learn as we go, right?
And I thank Dan for his patience and willingness to offer his advice and suggestions!! I realize sometimes asking brand new questions can seem a drag for veterans in this venture, and I appreciate you and a few others taking the time to help myself and the other new guys along.


well woody i thought that 11.99 was a little high too, but community lr comes withall sorts of different things on it, its not just lr. but if this is incorrect info plz somebody let me know, my lfs is the one that told me that it was better than normal lr. espesially in a reef tank. any advise?



Originally posted by mike6969n
well woody i thought that 11.99 was a little high too, but community lr comes withall sorts of different things on it, its not just lr. but if this is incorrect info plz somebody let me know, my lfs is the one that told me that it was better than normal lr. espesially in a reef tank. any advise?

Mike I'm not knocking your LFS guy one bit, so please don't take it that way, and I'm still new so I might not know about this "COMMUNITY LR"...but personally, I'd ask him just WHAT makes it more special...like "what" different things are on it that wouldn't be on just LR? Is it more established? Are the critters and algae and some coral already on it?
Also, take into consideration, if your tank is still cycling, will that harm the "different things" that are on this community LR?
I'd just be particular and ask detailed questions about what makes it better than "normal LR"...........but that's just me.


no prob woody i tend to ? my lfs advise before i purchase anything now, but yes it has some soft corals already on it, that is why i was asking if it was ok to add before my cycle was done. if it wasn't o.k. i was going to just buy some more fiji lr i like the purple and red corline that is on it and i have had really good luck with tagalongs wit it so far. but, dan said it was ok to get the community lr so i think i will get a couple of pieces wed, (payday) thanks for the concerning thought. does anybody else have any advise about community lr?


Sounds good. As long as you remember when I make my posts, that I'm a new guy as well.....so yes, please take the advice and suggestions from those who have the experience...my statements may sound naive', but I like reading the answers from others questions as well as my own. That's what makes this a great genre for this type of communication, that you can see other peoples concerns as well as your own, and get viable opinions from a number of people.


btw woody if you go to the coral part of this website and select aquacultured multi rock, that is what my lfs calls community lr.
maybe i should have explained it better the first time. sorry


Well, I didn't know that the Community LR would have soft corals on it. I don't know how well the corals will hold up with your cycle. I would get the regular LR for now and then add the Community LR after the cycle, just to make sure.


ok that is what i was thinking, but wanted to check first i guess i should have called it multi-rock in the first place and saved us all a lot of time, but community rock was what the lfs guy was calling it, sorry for the confusion guys. :confused: :confused:



Originally posted by mike6969n
ok that is what i was thinking, but wanted to check first i guess i should have called it multi-rock in the first place and saved us all a lot of time, but community rock was what the lfs guy was calling it, sorry for the confusion guys. :confused: :confused:

Nothing wrong with that. Now when us other newbies come across that, we'll know more what questions to ask and be able to determine if it will be beneficial to our setup as well.


Good morning fellow SWA lovers!!!!
Well it's Saturday......it's early........LFS doesn't open for another 3 1/2 hours........but I couldn't sleep anymore, so it's up and at em for now.......
Can't do any tank readings....don't want to wake the Mrs. up yet, so I'll wait a while..hehe.


morning woody,
i know the feeling, i have been in this house since wed (had nurve replacement surgery) and i want to do something with my tank so bad, but i just sit up and research instead, dont want to waste my test solutions on unneccessay testing. good luck at the lfs, your lr has looked great so far hopr you have just as good of luck this time!!!!
p.s. thanks for the response to my thread, sounds like good advise to me


Afternoon all...
Another trip to another LFS, and another gathering of LR. This is 15.5lb of Gulf and Marshall Isle rock...I love the mussels on there. I haven't gotten a pic of him yet, but we have a tag along...a little brown shrimp!!! He came out of one of the LR pieces when I put it in. I think there are some cut corals on there too, and an urchin. Take a peek and let me know what you think.


I did a top off with water, have a glass canopy on top, and now I'm going to wait and let things settle for awhile, and run a series of tests later this evening.
I'll post the test results when I have them.
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


looking great there woody, i am so jealous, can't wait until i can get out of this house and pick up some more lr, my tank looks so empty with just 21 lbs in it and i have one show piece that is almost 11 lbs by itself, but has nice ledges and holes on it. should have some pics by thur to show u. looks like you had another great trip to the lfs!!!!!!!! congrats!!!
:happy: :happy: