Updates on new SW tank


Oh I know I am. My wife has had to call me to bed the last few nights because I've been sitting staring at the tanks LR, watching to see if anything peeks out of the cracks and holes.


looking good over there woody, sounds like you are on your way. i set my tank up 6 days ago and it is looking really good i have taken some pics that i will post, but i am trying to wait until this afternoon when i go and get some more lr. i only have 10 lbs in there now and it looks really empty. and i know what you mean about getting addicted to looking at your lr and trying to find things on it. i spend hours a day looking at my tank and reading these boards. can't wait until my cycle finishes and i can start adding things to my tank. being patient as i can. my ammonia has already spiked out over what my test kit can register and now i am seeing an increase in my nitrites so i figure i have about another week or two before i can add anything other than lr. just researching and waiting. this is so much fun i can hardly contain myself. it is the first thing i look at in the morning and the last thing i look at at night
looking forward to advancing with you. well, just wanted to say hi and let you know my progress and that i was watching yours too. later have fun. i know i am.:jumping: :jumping:


Thanks guys. I've really learned a lot reading others posts and have enjoyed learning more about what others do with their SWA.
I guess the big thing now is the "holding pattern" I'm in. I don't want to rush things, just let everything take it's course. In the meantime I am doing some research on sumps and refugiums...I have three empty 10gal tanks that I might tinker with and see if I can't build a DIY sump area. A few people here and on another site have suggested them, so I think I should take a closer look at them and what they can do for a SWS. (Salt Water System).
I'm still planning on another 15lb of LR this Saturday...I think I'll go to a dealer that sells Gulf Rock, I've heard they are pretty and have some interesting creatures as well.
:happy: :jumping:


Good evening everyone......we are SOOOOOO excited.....
Friends were over looking at our LR and just combing around, and a couple of CRITTERS scooted across some barnacle and shot into one of the holes......it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They were about 1/4 inch long.......tannish in color.........don't know what they are........but we can FINALLY say we have something ALIVE in our SWT!!!!!!!
Also there are a couple of tube looking things, about 1 inch long....and little things came out of them....looked like the end of a feather duster.....and they shot back in the tubes.....that was cool too..........
and there's this green looking thing that came out, looked kind of like a flowering fountain..........and then it shrinked back down to nothing...........
As I said before...........WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll try and get some shots of these creatures in hopes that some of you will be able to ID them for us....!!!!
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


Oh, and got our Current Satellite Lighting system in this evening as well.......now that is very cool........
the LED moonlight is awesome!!!!!!!!!
Now have to get timers to get the dawn to dusk effect set right........
This stuff is SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:jumping: :jumping:



Originally posted by chevcam
Hey woodymtd what type of filtration are you running with I to have a 90 gal wave tank.:happy:

So far the filtration is....
25lb of LR
30lb of Aragonite
Emperor 400 power filter



Originally posted by mkcsil18
WOW Woody that is great, glad to hear things are going well.

Thanks mkc......it was quite exciting to see something actually alive and moving on its own power......still hope to get some shot of the other things.....and hopefully the crawling critters will come back out to play so I can get a pic of them as well


Ok, Now that I have the new light system set in....here's a question about them.
I have two white bulbs, two blue bulbs (actinic, I'm guessing) and one LED moonlight bulb.
So......I don't have timers for them yet......but should I start turning them on manually in sections until I get the timers??
Turn the blue bulbs on to simulate dawn, then before I leave for work turn the white bulbs on....and turn the blue bulbs off?
That would have the white bulbs on for about nine hours today until I get home, then turn the blue bulbs back on to simulate dusk, then turn everything off except for the moon bulb later tonight?


yeah that is they way I had mine set up, my blue lights would come on from 8AM to 10AM, then my white lights from 10AM to 7PM, then the blue lights from 7PM to 9PM, then the moon lighting from 9PM to 8AM, they were all on timers. I am not sure if this is the way it should be though?



Originally posted by mkcsil18
yeah that is they way I had mine set up, my blue lights would come on from 8AM to 10AM, then my white lights from 10AM to 7PM, then the blue lights from 7PM to 9PM, then the moon lighting from 9PM to 8AM, they were all on timers. I am not sure if this is the way it should be though?

Sounds good to me....the dawn and dusk settings might be a little long, but hey, some of it is bound to be left up to personal tastes, yes? hehe


maybe I should set mine for 1 hour then? I messed up my tank last time I do not want to make any mistakes this time.. :O


Originally posted by mkcsil18
yeah that is they way I had mine set up, my blue lights would come on from 8AM to 10AM, then my white lights from 10AM to 7PM, then the blue lights from 7PM to 9PM, then the moon lighting from 9PM to 8AM, they were all on timers. I am not sure if this is the way it should be though?
This is the way mine is set up.
Lunar lights turn off at 8AM, then the Actinics (Blue) turn on. At 10AM the Daylights turn on. At 6PM the Daylights turn off, then at 8PM the Actinics turn off and the lunar lights come on.
Notice that the actinics are on with the daylight bulbs......



Originally posted by arkey.d
This is the way mine is set up.
Lunar lights turn off at 8AM, then the Actinics (Blue) turn on. At 10AM the Daylights turn on. At 6PM the Daylights turn off, then at 8PM the Actinics turn off and the lunar lights come on.
Notice that the actinics are on with the daylight bulbs......

So the actinics stay on ALL throughout the daylight hours.....gotcha.
Is that to help with the light sprectrum and getting the light deeper into the tank?