Updates on new SW tank


Oh another thought. Is there any rhyme or reason to placing the rocks? I made a couple swim throughs by leaning the rocks on each other, but is there any major thought process in how they are placed in the tank?


Only that they are stable when they are stacked on top of each other. You don"t want a rock slide cracking the glass of your aquarium.:eek:


More questions...:confused:
On the LR I put in last night, there are some "tubular" pieces of what I'm assuming might be old coral? Any chance that they will survive the cycle and grow back? Or would you think they were cut off and won't re-grow?
Man, Even with just the five pieces, there are some beautiful colors and very interesting "things" on and around the LR.



Originally posted by arkey.d
Only that they are stable when they are stacked on top of each other. You don"t want a rock slide cracking the glass of your aquarium.:eek:

Yeah, good point. There is one piece that I'll probably move, but I'm going to wait until I get the next round of LR, hopefully this coming Saturday. :jumping:


So...NOW is the time that I gain patience? Don't get in a hurry? Don't rush things? Let the LR cycle the tank and get all my readings correct?
And while I'm waiting for that, do some research on fish and coral that I'll want to add when the time is right.:jumping:


yes, Looks good man, I am in the middle of setting up my 70 Gallon acrylic tank right now, I am building my base, I want to make sure it is big enough for my sumps and everything below, so it is all hidden, I can't wait to finally get mine all up and filled with some water.
1 question, should I add more then 1 shrimp being a 70 gallon? or will 1 do the trick?


Then I might have done too much. I put two shrimp in , but they were quite small after I took the tails off and the shell.
I hate being at work all day and not being able to watch any progress...hehe:jumping:


Sounds like the two ya put in will be fine. I read a thread that someone put 3 in to his 55gal already.


well that's good. Once I get this 40 gallon going and established and I'm happy with it, know some of the ins and outs and get past my first couple of emergencies, then we have a 55 gallon tank in the family room that we want to convert....
but not UNTIL we have this one under control, know more about the adventure, and are comfortable with babysitting the 40 gallon.:jumping:


Thanks. If I time it right, I'll be ready to setup the 55 gallon along the same time that we remodel the dining room/ family room...AND...if the Mrs. enjoys the SWA as much as I think she will, I might just be able to talk her into a tank upwards of 100+ gallons, AND install it in the wall between the dining room and the family room.
I think that would just be too neat!! :jumping:



Originally posted by arkey.d
That would definetly be cool. Then you could use the 55gal for a sump/refuge.

Yeah, speaking of which, if/when you have time, could you give me a brief outline of what a sump/refuge does? If you'd rather you could send me a PM but I've read some posts with those terms in them, but haven't caught on to what they actually do?
Also, some people have posted statements about overflows??
I know that's a long ways off for me, but I'd like to at least look them over and check out the possibilities.


A sump is where you would find a Skimmer, UV Light, Heater, Charcoal filteration and etc. Mainly it's a place to put your equipment in to keep them out of the display tank.
A refuge will contain a Deep Sand Bed and LiveRock and Macro Algea and critters to help maintain your display tank. Many people place lights on the refuge to keep the algea growing.
An Overflow box is were there would be a syphon or pump to move the water to your Sump/Refuge I believe.


Ok, I'm going to do some searches and read up on those terms in the next few days, but I don't think I'll add anything like that to this tank. Possibly the 55 gal. when I'm ready to convert it.
Thanks for the info Arkey.d.!


Good morning everyone...Ok, I have an update and a quick question.
Tank is looking good. Clearer even more this morning than last night. There are a couple of maroon tubular looking patches that have grown at least 2-5 mm in length, and there are some things in some of the rocks crevices that I hadn't seen before.
Also, on the top rock of the pile, there is a "carpet like fuzz" in a few patches on the rock. Any idea what this might be? Good stuff? Bad stuff? Indifferent stuff??
Just thought I'd ask. I'll try to get a snapshot of it, but not sure my camera will pick it up well enough to see.


Ok, see if you can make out the fuzz on top of the rock...it's tannish in color, and in patches....any thoughts??