Updates on new SW tank


yeah good question... what is that? I am new to this too, so I really am not sure I know what it is, but I would like to know too... :D


well I'm hoping someone will have experience it in the past and can enlighten us......I'm not worried about it,...yet. It seems to be in small patches, just need to figure out what it is so I can know if I need to be concerned or not...hehe


hmm, so no one has any idea on the fuzzy stuff? Or should I wait and see if it spreads?
I know I'm hoping and probably it's not happening, but a few things on a couple of the rocks look like they're branching out...
I'll do some water tests later this afternoon, see where the tank stands...:jumping:


Yeah I am waiting to see what it is too... :D but I think people will start replying soon to this topic, we will just sit and wait.. :sleepy:


Ok, had to go to Lowes to get another sheet of drywall (I'm remodeling the Mrs. sewing room) and on the way back stopped by my LFS..and wouldn't you know they have three cute little pieces of LR...only 4lb, so I brought them home with me and put them in the tank. That brings me up to 25lb of LR in the tank now!!!!
Still dont' know that what fuzzy stuff is. LFS dealer said it could be a brand of algae, but without seeing it he didn't want to guess.


Hard to tell from the picture, but it could be algea or brown diatoms. If the later will go away on their own....


Good deal. I've been waiting ALL DAY for you to have time to read and take a look at that...hehehe.
Thanks Arkey!!



Originally posted by ClarkiiClo
Looks like some sort of encrusting sponge.

Really? Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing? hehe.
Thanks for checking it out!!


Going to do some water tests tomorrow, hopefully in the morning before work. If so I'll have the updated results before I leave for the hangar.
Things are looking good. Tank is clear, water is moving well, shrimp are starting to look mushy, and getting some "things" to look at on the LR....


New Member
Hey woody i like the blue you put on the back of your tank. My tank is bare at the moment and I like the look of your tank. So my question is what kind of paint do i need and how much does it cost and is it easy to apply?



Originally posted by maggot
Hey woody i like the blue you put on the back of your tank. My tank is bare at the moment and I like the look of your tank. So my question is what kind of paint do i need and how much does it cost and is it easy to apply?

Thanks Mag. I used an enamel spray paint from Wal Mart called "Color Spray", about $2.50 for the can. Tape off the frame, the edges, and put on two or three light coats of spray, making sure that you don't apply the paint to heavily to the glass at any one spot, or it'll run. I made three light coats, and it turned out pretty well I think.


Good morning everyone!!:jumping:
Tank is looking very good I think. It's clear, the shrimp are decomposing more all the time. There are some minute things that are starting to peek out from some of the LR, but I am not sure what they are.
Current settings:
SG = 1.023 might raise that to 1.025 this evening
PH = 8.2 Holding steady
Ammonia = .50 it's on the rise
Nitrites = .25 on the rise as well
Looks like things are progressing well. What do some of you veterans think??
The lighting system that I ordered should be delivered UPS today, so I'll have that to put together and get on the tank this evening.
This Saturday the Mrs. and I are going to a different LFS dealer for another 10-15lb of LR, then we'll be done adding LR to our tank.


This is around the right corner. I may move this rock around so I can see this side from the front.
Notice the shrimp in the lower left corner. They're wasting away!!!:jumping:


looks great man, I am almost done with building my stand for my tank, it should be finish tonight/tomorow night, then I will be staining it over the weekend, I should have my tank all hooked up and ready to start by end of next week.. (I HOPE), yours looks great, on a good start.
Man I can't wait to get mine started.


I actually just got a 70g Acrylic tank, I am just about done with the stand, I want to go with live sand base with Live rock... I am not 100% sure yet about what fish? I was thinking maybe an aggresive tank, but the wife wants to see pretty fish.. rofl but I guess I will decide that later, or in a few weeks when the cycle is done. I had a 45 gallon tank but made a HUGE mistake about not having patience with the cycle, and added a few nemo's for the kids and the tank crashed... so I made that tank fresh water, and got this new tank for my saltwater. I am so addicted to this saltwater stuff it isn't even funny... I read the forums every day & Night, look at all the pictures, I think I am going to need help soon....