Updates on new SW tank



Originally posted by woodymdt
Another small note I forgot to add earlier...I calculated that with my powerheads and filter, I'm turning the water over 18.75 times per hour...is that sufficient you think??

I think the rule is 10X or 20X , so your OK......


Well that's a good thing then. I was thinking about it when I was watching the currents last night, but thought to myself that the current was pretty good in the tank. I saw a formula for figuring turnover and got to the 18.75 rate.
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:


I don't remember the thread I read it on, but it was something like this...
Add together the gph of your filter and powerheads.
Mine are 400 + 175 + 175 = 750.00
Then divide by the number of gallons your tank is. Mine is 40
750 / 40 = 18.75
I think that's the way it went.


Good morning all! Haven't seen the two shrimp that are in the tank so far, but last night I put a flashlight on the dark tank, and saw quite a few "critters". They were about 1/2 to 3/4 inch long...tannish bodies with a black stripe going down the length of the spine. Too small to make out anything else and when the light got on them they found the quickest rock hole they could crawl into.
Any ideas??
Added two more pieces of LR yesterday, LFS dealer had two very cute smaller rocks, and they helped me fill up a couple of bald spaces in the tank, but still enough room for lots of swimming once fishes get introduced.


hey woody,
i was just catching up on some reading and came across your question about adding more lr and taking some out, and i think that i have read several times that you are suppose to have 1 to 1 1/2 lbs of lr to every gal of water so i figure you can have 60 lbs of lr and still be within your margin so no worries ok about finding a piece that you really like the way i figure it you still have about 15 lbs to go depending on how much the last two pieces weigh. (the more lr the better the biological filter and the better your coral and invertebraes will eat) just imo. btw i am going to the lfs for some more lr today wish me luck i am going to get some pics today too and see if i can post them for you to check out my tank, now that i am getting close to finishing my cycle i am going to start a thread like yours that i can just ask all of my questions on and see if i can keep it going, i kind of like the idea of just looking at one thread for my questions and answers, btw sounds like your little critters that you saw with the flashlight are bristle worms (definate good creatures) i just found a couple in my tank yesterday. btw what are your parameters now, haven't seen you post them in a couple of days or so. Just wondering how close we are to fish.
later, mike


oh and i have a ? to add to your thread also, does anyone know the gph on a aqua clear 75 wet/dry with a 250 mag drive. trying to figure out my gph also. and if anyone can figure it out i have a 55 gal with (2) maxijet 900 ph's. is this enough turnover for my tank. thanks mike



Originally posted by mike6969n
oh and i have a ? to add to your thread also, does anyone know the gph on a aqua clear 75 wet/dry with a 250 mag drive. trying to figure out my gph also. and if anyone can figure it out i have a 55 gal with (2) maxijet 900 ph's. is this enough turnover for my tank. thanks mike

Mike if I read the specs right for your aquaclear and maxijet, you're getting around 13.5-14 times turnover in your tank. That seems to be within norms from what I've read on here.


I'm going to do a series of tests on the tank when I get home this evening. When I have the results, I'll post them here.


Dan? Others?? I'm really confused. Is there a slight chance that I could have MISSED my spikes?? I haven't done tests EVERYDAY, but done them every other day, and I have done a series tonight...waiting for the time to elapse to get the results, but if they don't change drastically......EVERYTHING looks closer to ZERO reading than anything else???????????????????
Please give me some pointers here.......
Oh yeah, the tank looks U-G-L-Y....that brown crap is EVERYWHERE..........


I would run another test maybe you made an error. It also could be the live rock you have been adding. Is the live rock cured or uncured. If its cured its possible your cycle is moving a little faster than normal.


The LR is cured LR.
Ok, here are the test results.
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.2, has been at 8.2 for the last five tests
Ammonia .50 ppm - down a bit from the last test
Nitrites .25ppm - down from .50 last test
Nitrates 20ppm - up from 10 last test
So...Any thoughts?? Going ok? Looks to me like the readings are starting to go down, but there hasn't been much of a spike to speak of...????


I need some HELP or some of you veterans to simmer me down...I'm starting to get a little edgy cause I'm confused about this...........


I think its very possible your cured lr is speeding up the cycle. You should start to see your nitrites go up and the nitrates will also go up. Once your ammonia and nitrites are at 0 all you have left to do is a 20% - 40% waterchange to get your nitrates down and your in the game!! I had to do a 80% water change on my 90gl because I cured 165# of lr at once and I had my nitrates up to 80ppm so I figured I get that down to atleast 10ppm to make it manageable. Good luck sounds like you got everything under control!!!!


Ok, I'm going to go on that premise and test Ammonia and Nitrites every day for the next few days...see what changes happen.


I really believe you have nothing to worry about. Its just the part of the waiting game in this hobby. I will be going through another cycle soon when I set up my forth tank. Its all about waiting and planning. Good luck!!!


Ok, I'm calmed down from last night. I finally saw the two critters that the Mrs. had seen a few nights earlier. They both look to be shrimp, both about 1 1/2 inches in length. One is a very deep red color, the other is a blackish grey.
We've named them George and Gracie...hehe


Good morning everyone!
ok, so the excitement from seeing the two shrimp is very cool...and we saw a bunch of activity when the lights were out and we hit the LR with a flashlight...little critters all over the place.
So, looks like my ammonia and nitrite levels are going down, and once they get to norms, I'll do a 30% water change, see if that takes the nitrates down.
After that I'll let the tank nurture for a few more days, then go "cleaning crew" shopping.