Updates on new SW tank



hey woody,
i just thought i would let you know that even though mantis shrimp aren't good for a reef aquarium they are very expensive to buy. my lfs guy said that if i encounter one he would buy it from me, apparently a lot of people like to set up tanks just for them, so if you do let him have them see if you can work out a trade for some of the livestock you want. just a suggestion. btw i don't know about you, bt i am getting excited about adding my livestock, have you thought about what types of fish you are going to have?


That's what the LFS guy I was talking to today said, that some people keep the mantis in other tanks. That's an option that we've discussed. We saw "George" a little bit ago doing some flips off one of the LR pieces...got a much better look at him.
He's a blue'ish green color....very pretty markings....so chances are as much as the Mrs. is getting attached to him, we'll probably end up keeping another tank for George and Gracie.
As far as other fish, we're going to have a pair of clowns, either a scooter blenny or a white polka dot blenny, a dwarf angel, probably the fire angel, and maybe a goby or two. 5 or 6 will be our limit for that tank.
Along with that we'll have the fire shrimp, two skunk shrimp, crabs and snails that we choose when the time is right.
And yes, we're both getting quite excited about getting residents in the tank.
Todays tests:
Ammonia .25 it's going down
Nitrites between .25 and .50, it's on the way down as well.


i think we are about neck and neck. my parameters are about the same
ammonia- 0
trites- .50
trates- 20
ph- 8.2
temp- 80 F
i think we are thinking along the same lines as far as fish are concerned. i am also thinking
(2) perculas
(1) flame angel
(1) golden headed goby
(1) hippo tang (thinking of getting a 125 gal tank this summer)
(1) cleaner shrimp (skunk shrimp)
(1) fire shrimp
(2) peppermint shrimp
(2) emerald crabs
(2) sally light foot crabs
and several other snails and hermits
and a few feather dusters and maybe a red ball sponge
i am getting so excited!!!!!!!!!:jumping: :happy: :happyfish :D


Carful with a flame angel if you are setting up a reef. They may eat/nip large-polyped stony corals, soft coral polyps and clam mantles. That goes for all Dwarf Angels unfortunatly.
I have a Dwarf Angel -A Coral Beauty (gorgious fish) but I keep him in my 29gal non reef.



Originally posted by arkey.d
Carful with a flame angel if you are setting up a reef. They may eat/nip large-polyped stony corals, soft coral polyps and clam mantles. That goes for all Dwarf Angels unfortunatly.
I have a Dwarf Angel -A Coral Beauty (gorgious fish) but I keep him in my 29gal non reef.

Got it. Will keep that in mind when we finalize our fish inventory.


i had heard that, but i really like the color and size of the flame angel. anyone have any suggestions for a nice colorful replacement? and please don't say a firefish. i know they are colorful, but they are so small and they really remind me of a beta. what about a foxface lo how would that fit into the list?
thanks for any suggestions ahead of time,
mike :D


Hey Mike? What about blennys? I've heard they are very personality fish to have in a tank? We've seen a few of them at the LFS's around here and they're very cute, and very active.
A question for this morning. We have a colony of limpit snail eggs on a mussel attached to a LR. Any idea how long it will be before they start hatching??


Well, I did Ammonia and Nitrite tests yesterday...both are on the way down.
The two mantis shrimp are getting VERY active in the tank.....just moving along everywhere, but I"m not sure they know each other is in there yet.
Still debating what we're going to do with them, but they will be out of the tank before the new residents get acclimated in.


well woody i finally decided on a replacement for the flame angel. i think i am going to go with a royal gramma it's a basslet check it out and see what you think. he looks pretty cool to me and he is peaceful and reefsafe.
so now my list is:
(2) perculas or maybe the maroon clowns haven't finalized that yet
(1) blue hippo tang
(1) royal gramma
(1) golden headed sleeper goby or diamond goby
and well i think that is my limit until i get the 125 set-up hopefully this summer. i am still working on my cleaning crew, i think i will have to adjust that list as i go, to see how well the first set does at keeping the tank clean and well as far as corals all i know for right now is that i want a true purple gonipora, bright green maidens hair, some mushrooms,and metallic green star polyps. that is about all i have decided on so far, but i have plenty of time to think about the rest that list alone will take me close to a year to put together and i still have lights, skimmer, and a lot more lr still left to purchase.
just a couple more days and counting until that first water change.:jumping: :D :jumping: :happy:


Yeah Mike, it is getting close.
I haven't even considered corals yet...that's a little ways away for our tank, but will start looking at them more seriously when we get the fish in and established.
A morning update? Tanks still good as far as water clarity. Diatoms are still there, no more, no less. George and Gracie are having a blast in the LR, have seen them here and there the last couple days.
Will do water tests when I get home this evening.


BUt I have a question for today.
The Mantis Shrimp are growing, still nothing else much in the tank, but should I start feeding them or will they feed off the critters in the LR?


I think we've narrowed our cleaner crew gang a bit...see what you folks think about the lineup.
(2) Skunk cleaner shrimp
(2) Fire Shrimp
(1) Fighting Conch
(1) Sally Lightfoot crab
(5) Nassarius snail
(10) blue legged hermit crabs
(14) turbo snails
We have a colony of limpit eggs and a couple limpits already in the tank, so I'm hoping a majority of the eggs make it.
:happy: :happy:



Originally posted by woodymdt
I think we've narrowed our cleaner crew gang a bit...see what you folks think about the lineup.
(2) Skunk cleaner shrimp
(2) Fire Shrimp
(1) Fighting Conch
(1) Sally Lightfoot crab
(5) Nassarius snail
(10) blue legged hermit crabs
(14) turbo snails
We have a colony of limpit eggs and a couple limpits already in the tank, so I'm hoping a majority of the eggs make it.
:happy: :happy:

You might want to go with scarlet hermit crabs since the blue legged ones fight and possibly go after the snails


Ahh...I KNEW it was one of them that were aggressive...didn't remember which color it was. So scarlet it is!!


well woody,
i made it!!!!!!!!!!!!:jumping: i just did my dailyy test and both ammonia and trites are at 0, ph 8.2,temp 80, salinity 1.025,trates 20. these last couple of days my trites have really dropped fast. i am still going to wait another week or so before adding anything to my tank just to make sure its finished. i will prob do a water change at the end of the week. i can't wait to add my cleaning crew and some more rock. i think i have a good bit 40lbs of lr i think i will prob just get base rock to raise my rockline up a bit. cleaning crew i will prob get the middle of next week. it was well worth the wait to do it the right way without chemicals. it gave me a lot of time to research everything from what type of fish i wanted to how to best maintain my tank. i am so glad i found this board. well, i have typed a little much again as usual so i will let you go i am just so excited!!! :jumping: :D :happy: :happyfish
:happyfish :cheer: :happyfish


that sounds pretty good Mike. Be sure and post lots of pictures when you add your first residents!
We're chomping at the bit here.....first off we're going to remove George and Gracie, our resident Mantis' before adding anything........still haven't decided what to do with them, but will probably take them to our local LFS and see if he'll sell them for us, or buy them from us.
We'll probably do some serious invert shopping on Saturday, best day for both of us to get out and look around.


WOW, just noticed we're up to 3,000 views and almost 300 replies in this thread alone!!!! That's pretty cool. Thanks everyone.
I'd just as soon keep this one going with updates and questions and answers, if y'all don't mind??
:happy: :jumping: :happy:


Good morning aqua lovers!!
Well the diatoms are fading away. We noticed last night that quite a lot of the LR doesn't have the brown film on it that it had just a couple days ago, so that's good news.
Still didn't get an answer about the sand I bought at Lowes yesterday. I think it's silica sand, so if I remember (I can't find the thread that has a lot of sand talk in it) it's not good to use...so I'll continue to look for tropical silica free sand.



Originally posted by woodymdt
Good morning aqua lovers!!
Well the diatoms are fading away. We noticed last night that quite a lot of the LR doesn't have the brown film on it that it had just a couple days ago, so that's good news.
Still didn't get an answer about the sand I bought at Lowes yesterday. I think it's silica sand, so if I remember (I can't find the thread that has a lot of sand talk in it) it's not good to use...so I'll continue to look for tropical silica free sand.

Here's a thread about the types of playsand:
So what sand do I use to build my sand bed?
The answer here is aragonite sand. Many hobbyists have found that Southdown, Yard right or its apparent new name of old castle sand works very well for reef aquariums. This is due to it being calcium carbonate based, and with an excellent grain sizes makes for a good functioning sand bed. 1/8mm is very fine> 1/256mm to 1/16mm is considered silt, and less that> 1/256mm is considered clay.
Southdown seems to mostly contains very fine to silt size particles, and maybe a few larger than 1/8mm.
Other aragonite sands are available through many LFS. If it is aragonite it is good.
The trick here is to make sure that it is aragonite and not calcite sand as many different minerals have identical chemical formulas but wildly different properties. Aragonite is orthorhombic crystal and calcite is rhobehedral, scalenohedral or prismatic crystals
This means they have a different arrangement of atoms giving them different properties of density, solubility, hardness etc. They also tend to incorporate different trace elements, based on what best fits into their different crystal structures. Aragonite will substitute larger atoms such as strontium. Calcite grabs magnesium and iron. Aragonite’s properties are much more beneficial in a closed system.
It also seems that many have used Quick Crete play sand with success though it is not calcium carbonate based, but silica based instead. No this does not mean that you will have silicates in your tank.
Very Generally speaking Silica sand, lets say industrial style is a high purity quartz (SiO2) sand. Silica is a stable compound and will not leach silicates into your tank for it has no "sillicates in it. Depending on its chemical and physical characteristics, silica sand is used as glass sand, foundry sand, abrasives ..etc. Silica sand can contain tiny amounts of impurities, such as iron, manganese, chromium, calcium, or aluminum, and give the sand its color depending on how much of these impurities are contained within. So it depends on geographically where your silica sand comes from as to how much impurities it contains. If you are going to use silica sand look for white silica sand as it is much more aesthetically pleasing
A warning about silica crystals:
Silicosis is a disabling, nonreversible and sometimes fatal lung disease caused by overexposure to respirable crystalline silica. More than one million U.S. workers are exposed to crystalline silica, and each year more than 250 die from silicosis. There is no cure for the disease, but it is 100 percent preventable if employers, workers, and health professionals work together to reduce exposures.
So in other words do not breath this dust. FYI there is also a warning label required by the state of California that is required on silica play sand.
Ways to test sand to see if you might be able to use it in your aquarium:
Take a sample of your sand and test some of the sand with vinegar. If it bubbles/dissolves, it is calcium carbonate sand and should be safe to use.
Take some sand and pass a magnet over it or in it, it might come out with little metal shavings from processing, if it does I would not use it. Though I have heard of some who have with little poor effects. Iron can actually be a fertilizer for macro algae.