Updates on new SW tank



Originally posted by calylove
HHmmm Red and Grey, same colors as some college in Arkansas...must be fate.

Well it must be..!


well, woody after hours of playing with the paint program i finally figured out how to post a pic so here is a pic of my tank as it sits right now, i went and got a few more pieces of lr and ended up with a fire scallop as a tag a long. he was under one of the big rocks i got yesterday. i hope he makes it through the rest of my cycle. here are my parameters.
salinity- 1.025
amm- .25 way down from the last test
trites- .50 also way down from the last test
trates- 20 up from last test
temp- 80 F same as usual
ph- 8.2 still the same
i think we are getting to the big water change.


woody i am going to send you a few pics via email, because i cant do my tank justice with this 500 x 500 stuff


Mike, I think I would agree with you.
Nice looking tank...I do have some questions though.
I see the two powerheads, and what looks like a heater, but there is another tube on the right rear side that I can't recognize, and I'm guessing on the rear left is a power filter or a skimmer??


This may have already been answered, but you can mix most shrimp species. If you want a fire shrimp and the wife wants peppermints, get them both, you should be fine. I've got a peppermint and two sexy's in my tank and it's a 39.


that tube on the right with the black head on it is the return from my wet/dry filter. the water goes in from the box on the left and then drains into my wet/dry here is a pic of it, then it is returned to my tank via the tube that u see


ok in reference to the different shrimp comment. i really want a fire shrimp and my g/f wants a peppermint, i heard that the fire shrimp were kind of mean, i won't to get (2) cleaner shrimp, (1) peppermint, and (1) fire shrimp can i do that in a 55 gal with no problems. somebody told me at one of the lfs's that the fire shrimp would pic on other shrimp and maybe even some of my invertebraes, is this not true
thanks mike
btw woodie, i have finally figured out this cam and how to post pics, check out the new pic on my other thread and see if you can tell what it is now


Mike I have a fire shrimp,pistol shrimp,cleaner shrimp and 4 peppermint shrimp and never had a problem they got along fine.


thanks usunkit, i was wanting to mix them up myself, but i kept hearing bad things about fire shrimp, but i love the deep red color. i'm close to ending my cycle and i was tring to put together my cleaning crew list. i appreciate the input.


Good morning. Dan? I think you told me that you run and Emporer on your tank?? Or anyone else that might know.
I've read where people have put filter media in the bottom of the 400 boxes?? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? And if so, what media would work best with the salt setup??



Originally posted by woodymdt
Good morning. Dan? I think you told me that you run and Emporer on your tank?? Or anyone else that might know.
I've read where people have put filter media in the bottom of the 400 boxes?? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? And if so, what media would work best with the salt setup??

In my filter Media Cartridge (the one that comes with the Emperor that's empty) I use Nitrex. It's a biological filtermedium that gets rid of waste products of protein (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) quickly and is made in Germany. It runs about $13 for a box.



Originally posted by arkey.d
In my filter Media Cartridge (the one that comes with the Emperor that's empty) I use Nitrex. It's a biological filtermedium that gets rid of waste products of protein (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) quickly and is made in Germany. It runs about $13 for a box.

Is it marketed at LFS's here? OR will I have to find it online somewhere?



Originally posted by woodymdt
Is it marketed at LFS's here? OR will I have to find it online somewhere?

I got mine at Dr Fosters & Smith, just do a search for nitrex and 2 sizes will pop up. Get the $13/$14 box..... It's good for 6 months before needing replacement. Looks like black rubber. It's something I always used.


Ok, I'll check that out.
Well our shrimp have been ID'ed as mantis shrimp.....too bad too cause they're just really cute. The LFS guy that we've come to like and trust said he'd set a 10 gal tank up and keep them in there...he likes them.
So we'll keep them until we're ready to add our inverts, probably another week or so, then fish them out and do something with them....


I just added more inverts to my 55gal:
3 Astrea Snails
5 Nassarius Snails
3 Margarita Snails
5 Mexican Turbo Snails
2 Emerald Crabs
5 Scarlet Hermit Crabs &
3 Peppermint Shrimp
Still looking for a Fighting Conch, a couple Feather Dusters and 5 Cerith Snails. Will need to special order from my LFS. But boy do they have a ton of coral, can't wait till I have the funds to start stocking Softies.


That's good news Dan. Can't wait to see some pics when you get them on here.
Well the Mrs. is really set on getting a fire shrimp, so I know that's one we'll have to add.
The LFS guy we talked to this morning suggested some snails and crabs first...to help clear some of the algae, and then the shrimp another week or two after.
He said that we're about a week or so from starting to add our residents, so that was very uplifting. He also spent about thirty minutes talking about sumps. He told me that our 40 gal didn't really NEED one, but if down the line we wanted to add it, it would help with the water levels, clarity, and getting the heater and skimmer out of the display tank.


Yep a cleanup crew is important to keep the tank nice and clean and they should be the first to be added.
He's right about the sump, usually you see them with larger tanks, like 75gal and up.
My digital camera starting coming up with error messages, and I didn't have the extended warenty on it. It was only 1 year and a month old a Kodak EasyShare. 1 Month out of the warrenty.
So I sent it back to Kodak and spent $250 to upgrade to a newer better camera. I should be getting it this week.
That was money I was going to put toward Soft Coral.
I learned a lesson though, always get the extended warrenty on expensive electronics!!!


Oh yeah, extended warranties are a staple around here...on everything.
Oh, we also purchased a Penguin 150 bio wheel filter for our 29 gallon hex FW tank. The Tetratec filter that was in it wasn't doing a very good job...water was always cloudy...
maybe I'll setup one of the 10 gallon tanks and put the tetratec in that...I just don't think it had the power to filter the 24" deep hex tank like I believe this Penguin will.