Updates on new SW tank


Ok, so no tap, no play sand, so they should go away...got it...I'll relax a little then and not get so worried..hehe.


My 29gal took about a month and a half for them to go away, but for my 55gal it only lasted about 3 weeks.


As long as it's a somewhat normal occurance, I'll deal with it.....it just took me by surprise a little.


don't worry woody i think that we are doing everything right, don't have anything to worry about. your tank looks great. and i have to say again i love your lr.
later ,


Thanks Mike, and Mbrands thank you as well...I'll relay your messages to the Mrs...she picked out most of the pieces...There was one piece we wanted to get, but at 20lbs, that was a little steep for us right now...hehe.


i know what you mean woody. there is this big 23 lb that i want, it is supposedly called a showpiece, it is tall with like 4 seperate ledges on it perfect for separating corals and putting them closer to the light. he wants $120 for it. it is fiji calini or something like that, its beautiful. he said another guy was wanting it really badly. i think i am going to breakdown and get it wed. i hope it is still there
i'll go check it out 2 morrow
but i will hollar at you later, i should have some pics for you wed.
later mike

ky reefer

congrats on the tank i was looking at the pics i hope mine goes as smoothly as yours did.


Hey thanks KY...and by the way..that was some game last Saturday yes? I was wanting that last shot to go in something fierce!!!
Anyway, yeah I'm quite pleased. I saw a limpit snail this morning on the glass next to one of the powerheads...so we're starting to see more movement from what critters are in there now.....hopefully soon we can add our first cleaning crew and really have some more things to watch!!
:jumping: :jumping:


Ok, all you guys who have tanks going now....I'd like a little advice. I know I'm a few weeks from getting the first residents (cleaner crew) into the tank, but can someone or as many of you that wish to...give me kind of a number to consider as far as what critters to get??
It's a 40gallon tank, 41lbs of live rock, and 4" of aragonite sand...but most of you know that by now......SO...give me your suggestions.
OH...the Mrs. said we HAD to get a peppermint shrimp...she saw one and fell in love with it......I want the cleaner shrimp too, so can we have both species in the same tank??
Ok, lets see what you guys suggest........and thanks!!


i am so mad, i went to the lfs this afternoon and the other guy bought my rock. just one more day that is all i needed just one more. dang, oh well i guess i will have to find anotherone. man it was a nice rock though. perfect for displaying and separating my corals. i already had a spot picked out for it. he said the other guy came in and found out that i was going to get it and he sold it to him for 140.00. at least he had to pay more than i was going to pay. oh well, i am driving to huntsville tomorrow, maybe i can find another one sort of like it. btw woody, dan has a nice list of cleaners that he suggested to me for mine maybe he will chime in with it. you can modify it a little, i did. i kind of like the fire shrimp so i exchanged the perperment for the fire and i think i am going to go with a sallylightfoot crab or two also, i saw one at the lfs today and she was cool looking. good luck, we are almost to that point maybe another week and we will be adding some cleaners and maybe a fish.


Here's the list that I came up for my 55gal. I'm adding them in thirds and may not get all of them unless my tank needs all....
15 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
10 Astrea Snails
15 Cerith Snails
15 Nassarius Snails
10 Margarita Snails
5 Peppermint shrimp
2 Emerald Crabs
1 Cleaner Shrimp
I feel for ya mike6969n at least he had to pay more.



Originally posted by arkey.d
Here's the list that I came up for my 55gal. I'm adding them in thirds and may not get all of them unless my tank needs all....
15 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
10 Astrea Snails
15 Cerith Snails
15 Nassarius Snails
10 Margarita Snails
5 Peppermint shrimp
2 Emerald Crabs
1 Cleaner Shrimp
I feel for ya mike6969n at least he had to pay more.

Well I'll say I haven't researched ALL the critters for the cleanup crew...but just going on you list and making changes for the 40gal, I'd probably go with...
12 hermits
12 Nassarius snails
8 Margarita snails
4 Peppermints - the Mrs. Really likes these
2 cleaner shrimp
1 sally lightfoot crab
1 emerald
I'll do some looks at others and see if any can be switched out or changed...
I know I already have 40lb of LR, but if I came across a specimen rock like Mike was talking about...think it'd be too much to add if it were say another 8-10 lbs?? that would push it up to closer to 50lb than 40...but maybe that'd work if it were just a beautiful rock??


Good morning everyone!!
Ok, so I got home from bowling last night, and the Mrs. was really excited about a new critter in the tank. She said it was small, about 1/2 inch, and it looked to be a shrimp she thinks, but it was very, VERY red!!
I didn't see it last night, but hopeful I'll see it soon, and possibly get a shot or two of it.
She said it came out, did some LR climbing, then back into a hole in the LR.
Very cool stuff!
Could it possibly be a peppermint shrimp that was a hitch hiker??



Originally posted by arkey.d
Here's the list that I came up for my 55gal. I'm adding them in thirds and may not get all of them unless my tank needs all....
15 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
10 Astrea Snails
15 Cerith Snails
15 Nassarius Snails
10 Margarita Snails
5 Peppermint shrimp
2 Emerald Crabs
1 Cleaner Shrimp
I feel for ya mike6969n at least he had to pay more.

I have a question, If I have a 70 Gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump/refugium. would I put the snails & crabs in the refugium and the cleaner shrip in the tank?



Originally posted by mkcsil18
I have a question, If I have a 70 Gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump/refugium. would I put the snails & crabs in the refugium and the cleaner shrip in the tank?

I don't run a sump/refugium, but I would think that if your display tank has algea, I would but them in that tank, or put some in the sump and the rest in the display tank.
If you put them all in the sump, nothing would be eating the algea in the display tank.


ok sounds good, the tank is still in the making ;) so as soon as I do get it up and running, I was asking for future.. :D thanks alot though does make sence now


Sorry to hear about the LR Mike...but chin up my friend, you'll come across another that will be as or more beautiful than that one was.
I'm still looking at LR when we go by the LFS's around...just in case they get a specimen rock that is pretty and will go well with what we have now.
So the question looms.....have any of you had experiences where the LFS was willing to trade out LR, or possibly offer a small credit if you turned in some LR in leui of purchasing more?
Just a thought.


Another small note I forgot to add earlier...I calculated that with my powerheads and filter, I'm turning the water over 18.75 times per hour...is that sufficient you think??