Updates on new SW tank


Hey arkey.d what are the filters you have on your powerheads.I asume those are aquaclear powerheads. if so I cant find them any where. I need them badly as my cowfish got stuck to it one night .RIP yep bit the big one


So we're up and getting around this morning, checking out the critters after last nights acclimation. Every seems to be doing quite well.
We saw a molt from one of the peppermint shrimp...pretty cool looking.
So while the Mrs. is drying her hair, I notice one of the antennae from either the Fire or the Cleaner shrimp poking out of the rock near the back glass....
THEN...I see a very dark small tail fin......and MY WHOLE LIFE FLASHED BEFORE MY EYES!!!!!!!!! Well not really...but I KNEW that tail didn't belong to the cleaner.
So I get the flashlight because the lights are still on dawn, and shine it in between a couple rocks, and guess who sticks his head around the rock and probably stuck his tongue out at me??
YEP...IT'S GEORGE!!!! (George is the name of the first mantis shrimp we saw in our tank when it was cycling. SO NOW....
I'm going nuts...screaming at my wife, she runs to see him but he's gone back in the rock he peered around. I hurriedly take a rubbermaid tote that was next to the stand, it has some salt water in it from yesterdays acclimation process...and I grab the rock that I saw him go into (taking the two hermits I saw on it and one snail off and putting them back in the tank...) and put it in the tote...then I get my flower water pot and turn the rock over and there is a HUGE hole in it, and I can see George laying at the bottom of the hole. I pour the fresh water down into it and he comes running out like his ass fin is on fire!!!
SO NOW WHAT??? LFS's around here that are open on Sunday don't open until 1pm.....I don't want to kill him.
So there is a ten gallon tank sitting on the table between the two chairs in our bedroom. It still has about 1/2 water in it from when we got Gracie (The OTHER mantis shrimp) out a few weeks ago. EUREKA!!! I got to get this done quick.
I setup the Tetra power filter on it, put in another two gallons of water and a heater....I grab the sea salt and mix in about a pound and a half...but that isn't enough current going. SO...I quickly drive to our local Wal Mart and grab a 170gph powerhead. Put in about an inch of sand, and grab one of the pieces of Marshal rock that is in the 40 gallon tank...get that going. By the time I get back from Wal Mart the Mrs. has stirred the salt in so it's a cloudy mess, like the tank was when we started the 40 gallon.
I pour the remaining water that is in the tote with George into the 10 gallon, and as of this moment, he's sitting right next to the piece of Marshal rock Oh I know he's stressed, but hey...this shrimp made it through five weeks of cycling with the 40 gallon tank, and he lived. He made it through about two hours of us searching for him, then thinking that Gracie probably took care of him...and NOW HE SHOWS HIS HEAD AGAIN!!!
Well........if he makes it through this...we might as well keep him. If he wants to be here THAT BAD...then we'll just make a home for him!!!!
So thats the adventure for this morning.........talk about putting your stomach in your throat!!!



Originally posted by chevcam
Hey arkey.d what are the filters you have on your powerheads.I asume those are aquaclear powerheads. if so I cant find them any where. I need them badly as my cowfish got stuck to it one night .RIP yep bit the big one

Sorry to hear about you loss.

They are called quick filters from aquaclear, you can get them from Drs web site........


Wow, What a tale Woodymdt! Unbelievable that ya had 2 mantis shrimp and you were able to get them out of your tank so quickly! Way to go!


Skysmom, might want to post in the Nano Aquarium forum since your tank is only a 2.5gal.
With your tank so small I would be testing everyday. Not sure what bacteria additive your talking about, I do know some people take short cuts with additives to shorton the cycle or instant cycle...I would just be careful since you have a Nano Tank.
The whisper filter would seem to be fine, you may want to get a real small powerhead to eliminate dead spots near the bottom of your tank....
The cycle will take as long as it takes, don't rush it, just make sure your testing daily, things can go rye real fast in such a small tank.
I wouldn't put fake plants in because you will just need to clean them off from algea, diatoms etc....
Good Luck with your tank!



Originally posted by arkey.d
Wow, What a tale Woodymdt! Unbelievable that ya had 2 mantis shrimp and you were able to get them out of your tank so quickly! Way to go!

Well just one today. We got the red mantis out before we started putting any critters in...what got me so excited this morning was seeing George...IN the same tank as our Fire Shrimp, two peppermints, the ten hermits, and 12 snails....
I HAD to get him out before he started attacking the others.
I'm afraid he's not going to make it. I think our fuss to get this other tank going might be too much on him....I've put two pieces of LR in the tank, and I'm going back to WM to get a shrimp to throw in there hopefully to get a cycle kicked off.



Originally posted by woodymdt
Well just one today. We got the red mantis out before we started putting any critters in...what got me so excited this morning was seeing George...IN the same tank as our Fire Shrimp, two peppermints, the ten hermits, and 12 snails....
I HAD to get him out before he started attacking the others.
I'm afraid he's not going to make it. I think our fuss to get this other tank going might be too much on him....I've put two pieces of LR in the tank, and I'm going back to WM to get a shrimp to throw in there hopefully to get a cycle kicked off.

Also, we only had one PC bulb in the house...it's with the screw in base. So had to get another high output 15w-60w flourescant screw in...hopefully that'll hold until I can get the lighting fixed.


Lots of interesting stuff in this thread - have spent the biggest part of my time the past hour or so reading it and think it's great to have it all here from the start of a setup - looks great so far BTW, awesome rock - and Arkey.d has some great advice for us all.
Anyway, just wanted to say "thanks" for a great thread. Yes, it's long, but that's one thing that makes it great. Limited threads give limited info and are great for just one quick question - but seriously, how many of us newbies just have one quick question??!:D
Also, Skysmom, I very much agree with JacknJill - putting any fish, even one, in a 2.5 gallon seems kinda' cruel unless it will only be there for a few days, kinda' like a cat living in the space of a dryer. Maybe a few crabs or snails who don't need as much room might be something neat for a tank that size. They are certainly fun to watch and would keep the little tank clean until you can get a bigger one. Just a thought.
Keep us posted, Woodymdt - great stuff!


Thanks New, and welcome to the party!
I just wanted to keep this thread going as long as people are interested in the problems and solutions that come up.
Right now I'm just keeping my finger crossed that I can keep George alive through this quickened cycle in the 10 gallon tank.
If so, I'll set up this 10 gallon as a LR and Mantis tank only...maybe some coral later down the road.
The local LFS's are closed on Sunday, so I can't get any more LR today...have to wait until tomorrow morning at 10am.
I have probably 3-5lb in there now, and the cocktail shrimp...hoping that will jump start the cycle and get the tank starting...
Did a rush job on mixing the salt water, and workin on the salinity as we speak. I've got it up to 1.019, a few more mixes should get me close to 1.024-25.
Anyone jump in with any thoughts on what I can do to make sure I can save this guy.
10 gallon tank
175gph powerhead
75 watt heater
power filter for 20-30 gallon tank.
about 3/4 inch of LS, and 3-5lb of LR
cocktail shrimp
It's cool to have extra equipment on hand..hehe.


When we set up our QT, we did a partial water change on the big tank and used that water we took out of it for about 1/2 the water in the QT. Then we put a few pieces of cured LR in with it and filled it with newly mixed saltwater. This might not be the optimal way to do it if you had more time, but it worked great for us! Luckily, shrimp seem to be a little heartier than most fish when it comes to things like this.
Here's another thought. The raw shrimp trick is great - wish I had known about it in the setup of our tank, and it's certainly cheap enough, but it does take a little while. You might see if your LFS has some live bacteria (Bio-spira or Fritz brand). It's not the cure-all, be-all or anything but it sure helped us out on a couple of occasions. A little bit high - probably about $12 for amount you would need in the smaller tank, but it puts the cycle on super speed mode which sounds like what you need at this point for George. HOWEVER, I am still new to all of this too, so you need to wait for someone to reply to this or ask the folks at the fish store before actually putting that into play. Oh, also, if you do that you would need to get that cocktail shrimp out of there.


Well, we're going to go with what we've got going right now.
I checked salinity and it was high, about 1.030, so I did a one gallon swap out with freshwater...hopefully that will bring it town to a good range.
Tomorrow I'll get some more LR and get it in there, hoping that the cycling will help George level out to a point where he'll make it.
he and I both have had a rough day today!! hehe.


Oh, definately no fish are to be added, we just wanted to try a little one, something to see how well we can do before we invest the money into the fish. as for the fake plant, the cleaning part is something I thought of, wasn't sure. The 12 y/o had the idea, I honestly did kick it around a little before changing my mind, don't need all that cleaning.:nope:
As for posting on the nano tank board, I have, but this one has more info as to cycling, and I have asked a few questions on there and they have yet to be answered.

Oh well, I still like this thread better.


WOW! Thanks for the 8+ pages of info for setting up the tank! We have had ours up for about 2 months and all the info on this thread has been wonderful!!! I guess we have been adding way too many things too quickly but all is good so far
Thanks Arkey.d for the info


Ok, now I'm going to have to start updating on the 10 gallon as well on here!!!
The ten gallon has about 3-5lb of LR in it right now. I just put in another 10lb or so of aragonite sand...and the tank is very cloudy (obviously). I've turned the powerhead and the power filter off to let some of the sand settle. I'll turn it back on in a couple hours.
Hopefully before bedtime it'll settle down enough so I can check on George...make sure he's still moving around, and shift some of the sand if need be.
This is going to get crazy. I wasn't expecting to start another tank this soon!!!
:jumping: :jumping:


Well it's near bedtime and the tank is still quite cloudy...so no real news until tomorrow I guess.
I have the day off, so I'll be posting on here a bit, getting some new LR for the 10 gal, and hoping that George makes it through the night.


Well the tank cleared up quite a bit overnight.
I moved the Marshal rock to get some of the sand off of it, and lo and behold out comes George!! He survived the night, so I think he's going to make it ok.
Going to the LFS this morning to get some LR for his tank.



Originally posted by new2us
Great way to start the day - congratulations! Wonder if the LFS still has Gracie?

We actually talked about that last night. They're open part time, so I'll call them tomorrow and see if they do.