Upgrading my 65 gallon Reef - Sump/fuge


Active Member
Very nice Corey, I really like the second shot where she is looking at you, I will have to read more about these guys.


Active Member
What about a Midias blenny, they are a nice yellow and move more around your tank. Cant wait to see this project done so you can start on your other, ummmmm horsie project. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/220#post_3369562
What about a Midias blenny, they are a nice yellow and move more around your tank. Cant wait to see this project done so you can start on your other, ummmmm horsie project. lol
Thanks T, I can't wait either it has been a long time I have been travelling a lot lately with work, took today off I sealed my stand and cleaned the house, I was starting to feel like a horder, I didn't want to go through an intervention, if you know what I mean. I am very excited about the ponies as well, I saw your pics tonight i can't believe how big they are, you must be so proud - you should be. Looks like there are a lot of females in the pictures. I like the black one's - still looking for horses on line up here - have to make sure they are CB. Lot's of time this will be the spring project. Thanks again for the input I need some yellow in the tank. Are there any issues with having multi blennies in the tank?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/220#post_3369923
I hear you brother, Are you all moved into your new place.
Oh yeah, all moved in and everything put away. Wife's aunt was just down and stayed with us for a month, she just went home today. Got myself on a tight budget at the moment, I want to get a couple of things payed off because wer'e thinking about a new vehicle so progress on the tank has been slow. I'm pretty much ready to start staining I'm just waiting untill I go off call for work which will be on monday before I begin the process. Just don't want to start the work and then have to stop unexpectidly to respond to calls.


Active Member
There was another thread, maybe started by 2Quils that explains the sizing. Maybe they will chime in - on this system I am looking for 500 to 600 gph.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by raymondcookjr http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/220#post_3370018
How far are the spacing apart and how much flow will that give?
If you know what size drains you have then you can look up what the size of the area of the inside diameter of the pipe is. Then you figure out what size teeth you want and how far apart they are.
For instance a 2" drain pipe has an area of 3.14 sq inches. If you were using 1/4" slots that are 1" long and start adding them up you'll see that it doesn't take very long to get 3.14" sq Inches of area for the openings on the teeth. It can easily be figured out but it all depends on what you're looking to do.
In Al's case, his teeth are more than enough to handle what he needs so there should be very little water rise above the bottom of the teeth.


Active Member
I have a question about the bulkheads on my internal overflow. At the outlet of it is a slip fitting, i was going to glue a 1-1/2" slip to 1-1/4" FNPT fitting then attach it to my 1-1/4" tee. Do i need to glue in a fitting, i have read that you can wrap some teflon tape around the slip fitting then put it in the fitting. have any off you tried this with success. Thanks for now, Al


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///forum/thread/383256/upgrading-my-65-gallon-reef-sump-fuge/220#post_3370705
I have a question about the bulkheads on my internal overflow. At the outlet of it is a slip fitting, i was going to glue a 1-1/2" slip to 1-1/4" FNPT fitting then attach it to my 1-1/4" tee. Do i need to glue in a fitting, i have read that you can wrap some teflon tape around the slip fitting then put it in the fitting. have any off you tried this with success. Thanks for now, Al
If that's the only piece you could probably get away with it. I've done some tests with a couple of diy overflows without gluing or using the teflon and they usually held fine without leaks as long as you slip them in as far as they can possibly go. There's no pressure but not entirely sure I'd trust running all of the plumbing that way though for the long term. Espesially if you're going to be cranking on valves. Is there a reason why you don't want to glue? That's why I went with threaded on that side of my bulkheads so that I could disassemble them if I ever had to without cutting.


Active Member
Thanks Corey, I think I will glue in the slip fitting with a 1-1/4" FNPT, with my luck I would be out on a job and it let go. I am really trying to make this new set up fool proof, ie I don't want anything to go wrong when I am away.


Well-Known Member
If you're wanting to be able to dissasemble it in the future and be able to remove the bulkhead. Instead of using a union behind the bulkhead...you could glue in a short piece of pipe and connect with a furnco to another short piece of pipe glued into your Tee.