Who are you (member photo thread)


Well-Known Member
All I know is that I come back hoping to see some good quality pictures and yet I find keifer comparing women to cheese.
And for those of you who think I cant be that nutts to be down there with a venomous snake.... guess again. I'll do what it takes to get the shot. This is what sets my photography apart form everyone elses.


LOL.....Hey here is a pic of me and 3 of my grandkids
I'm 48 years old.....AND DO NOT consider myself old.......HAHA

darthtang aw

Active Member
.  I'll do what it takes to get the shot. This is what sets my photography apart form everyone elses.

And your life insurance payments as well, I would assume.
Darth (See ya in the news) Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/378595/who-are-you-member-photo-thread/920#post_3488552
See, this is what I'm talking about. One little mention about fresh meat (fajita meat) and southern wolf goes ravenous. I half expect keifers and spanko to show back up anytime now.
just finished eating a mod, er... uhm, fajita. Last night dinner from my grill to your taste buds!

I had to run the boy over to the mall so he could see his girlfriend. She wanted me to stay and hang out with them. hahahahaaa. poor kid.
Meowzer, that is a pic full of love and happiness right there!


Lois that is awesome picture!
wolf - your crazy in real life too!!! <gasp> I'm just kidding, respect for doing things you love and I can see your passion through the pics. Do you mind posting up the actual pic of that snake you took? I'm bit curious how it came out. Also life insurance isn't for you but for your family to cover for your funeral and other expenses.
Rae- I think I started the whole "how old are you" thing so tactlessly. I really didn't think anything of it and I apologize if it upset or made you uncomfortable.
Keith - Lol, you must have been hungry.
Lois that is awesome picture!
wolf - your crazy in real life too!!! I'm just kidding, respect for doing things you love and I can see your passion through the pics. Do you mind posting up the actual pic of that snake you took? I'm bit curious how it came out.  Also life insurance isn't for you but for your family to cover for your funeral and other expenses.
Rae- I think I started the whole "how old are you" thing so tactlessly. I really didn't think anything of it and I apologize if it upset or made you uncomfortable.
Keith - Lol, you must have been hungry.
I'll post a pic tonight when I get home I'll also show a close up of the back of the camera you can see the image on it as well
Lois that is awesome picture!
wolf - your crazy in real life too!!! I'm just kidding, respect for doing things you love and I can see your passion through the pics. Do you mind posting up the actual pic of that snake you took? I'm bit curious how it came out.  Also life insurance isn't for you but for your family to cover for your funeral and other expenses.
Rae- I think I started the whole "how old are you" thing so tactlessly. I really didn't think anything of it and I apologize if it upset or made you uncomfortable.
Keith - Lol, you must have been hungry.
Yeah I guess I am crazy in real life too I've got photos of cobra strike at me and the camera . The only thing between me and him is a camera lens