xbox 360


Originally Posted by jdragunas
yeah, joe's not allowed to lend out his systems anymore...
Good policy- but it seems like he needed new friends to begin with.


Originally Posted by keleighr
I thought it was great regardless if we knew it or not it was still great........perfect little smirk too as well.............
Judd is a drunk jerk
What was up w/ that idiot Jamie getting what Gary said about voting backwards? Gary said he was voting WITH Jamie right?


LOL I may need to "borrow" it too. The last game I finished was the first Star Wars KOTOR. I got Halo2 for xmas last year and never even played it yet. I bought the xbox live pack and never even opened that.


lol... you need to open that immediately. Xbox live is sooooo cool!!!


I know, I know. Its just that with a 2yr old running around and everything I have to do for work-lesson plans, grading pappers, making tests..... I just never find time to play (find time to sit in front of a comp though :notsure: ) I also told myself I wanted to beat all my old games before starting the newer stuff. That takes awhile when I only play fri&sat nights after the wife and kid go to bed, not to mention I'm pretty lit by then.


Originally Posted by Beth
Anyway of knowing for sure? Thinking of getting my son the 360 for xmas...but only if it is compatible for Doom3.
i'm 90% sure the xbox 360 is backwards compatible. We have one set up where I work now. Oh my god.... thats all I can say.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BigB
What was up w/ that idiot Jamie getting what Gary said about voting backwards? Gary said he was voting WITH Jamie right?
Jamie is going a LITTLE cookoo right about now!!
I think he was just trying to get Gary voted off. He is more of a threat than anyone on that team.
They really truly need to shake Jamie. OK and you know he was HOT about the food he was given even though he was REDEEMING himself.................. yeah .........................rigggggggghhhhhhhhttttttttttt


Active Member
I have been reading the messages regarding "chatting" on here. I REALLY had no idea that it was that BIG of an issue.
I have come on here and asked many questions and have received wonderful information.
I don't just use this as a place to chat.
I have purchased items on here as well. So I feel as a paying customer if something funny is written and I respond that I shouldn't feel like I have commited some crime.
This is a wonderful forum to not only meet people who have the same interests as you but also have the knowledge to help you. This is, to me, how communication works as well as a relationship that makes coming to this forum to receive great information in a friendly manner.
To be called "kids" is an insult. That is a sure way to keep "paying" customers away from this site.


Fable is ONE game and what I read one that didn't live up to the hype. There is a newer version out that has more extras in it, kinda like morrowind did. But I think the whole game is only a little over 15hrs long.


Originally Posted by keleighr
I have been reading the messages regarding "chatting" on here. I REALLY had no idea that it was that BIG of an issue.
I have come on here and asked many questions and have received wonderful information.
I don't just use this as a place to chat.
I have purchased items on here as well. So I feel as a paying customer if something funny is written and I respond that I shouldn't feel like I have commited some crime.
This is a wonderful forum to not only meet people who have the same interests as you but also have the knowledge to help you. This is, to me, how communication works as well as a relationship that makes coming to this forum to receive great information in a friendly manner.
To be called "kids" is an insult. That is a sure way to keep "paying" customers away from this site.

WOW! I just found the thread you are talking about. Then I read the description of what the aquarium section is for, I didn't realize it was a problem. :scared:


Active Member
I just thought was said was extremely rude.
I have been telling everyone about this site (I have quite a few friends who own tanks fresh and salt) and the great prices on thier fish as well as the dry goods. I have purchased both dry and live goods and was extremely pleased so I shared my experiance with them.
I also informed of all the friendly people who are here to help if you need assistance on items ranging from what to put in your tank as well as how to set it up. In fact it helped a friend just this week in order to identify something in his tank.
Here I am giving all of this FREE advertising and as well as purchasing from them and then to read something like that just put a bad taste in my mouth.
I am hoping the OWNERS of this company check the message boards as well to see that there are MANY people on here and are exchanging crucial information.
TO be called a "kid" and "*****" insults me as a customer. Just rude, all around rude.


Maybe the problem was from the threads being hi-jacked? They were in the fish discusion section, not aquarium. :notsure:
There certainly was a more polite way of delivering a warning than was used.