Zach's 24g Nano Cube diary


yea me to. next week i think will be that week i go back to the LFS and get some fish, hopefully my QT will be cycled by then. when i go i am going to get 2 clownfish, 1 brittle of serpent star(does anyone have an oppinion on either), 1 or 2 emerald crabs, and a tiny piece of LR to put my star polyp on. i might even get another frag, if they have some good, cheap looking ones!


Active Member
Sounds like a good plan to me, although I don't really know much about starfish, all I know is generally they do not do well in nanos
What kind of clowns are you getting? You have been extremely patient


Active Member
proud of ya man! your tank has cleared up quite a bit! that is so cool you were able to turn it around. Give yourself a pat on the back!


Active Member
Looks really good man. U kicked that algeas butt! A lot of ppl give up after the ugly algea takes over. now it looks like u hardly have any. Great job once again.


thanks everybody. yea i had some tough times with the algae put i managed to get it all nice and clean. i am planning on getting just 2 ocellaris clowns. it would be a lot of help for some info on the starfish, i have heard good and bad things about them.


Active Member
IMO avoid the green serpent starfish. Here is a quote from Bob Fenner as to why:
"One species in common use warrants a statutory warning. This is the Green Brittle Star of the genus Ophiarachna. This animal is a predatory fish eater, that does indeed do a spiffy janitorial job when small... but grows quickly, and under darkness of night can/does learn to eat aquarium fishes. This species has been documented to arch up in "sleeping caves" of captive fishes and drop down on unsuspecting meals. If you use this species, keep an eye on it, and a count on your piscine livestock."
Also you are probably better off in your size tank to go for the mini brittle stars if you can find them.


Active Member
looking good cat! i cant wait for it to be stock so you can send me som frags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


its takin me about 5-6 weeks now and is still not cycled. i have a sponge filter, 2 pieces of pvc, dead rock, small powerhead, and a hood with 2 25w standard flourescent lights, all in a half full 10 g tank.


ok everyone. i just checked my QT parameters and it is cycled!!!!!!!! yayyyyy!!!
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
ph: 8.3
i am no going to get two clownfish on friday!!!! sorry that is as soon as i can get them. but i got a few questions. since my qt only has a sponge filter how should i feed the fish. cause i definately dont want the ammonia or nitrate to spike. also when should i do a water change, now or after i get the fish in, and when i do the water change should i just use new water or water from my DT. thanks for all the help


Active Member
Feed very sparingly. Only as much as they can eat in about 30 seconds. Do that about 3 times if they still eat it all the second time.
Monitor you ammonia constantly, once per day, and do a water change when - if you see any ammonia appear. You can use either water just make sure the Ph and temp are real close.


ok thanks for the info spanko. i think i am going to make a little of my own food. just wondering how i put it in the tank to feed, if i leave it frozen or thaw it out


Active Member
Originally Posted by catfishcity
ok thanks for the info spanko. i think i am going to make a little of my own food. just wondering how i put it in the tank to feed, if i leave it frozen or thaw it out
doesnt really matter but i like to thaw mine out when i had my freshwater tank. if you add a little water from the tank it thaws it out pretty quick. You also have more control of how much food you put in when you thaw it. You can use an eye dropper or baster to squirt a little at a time instead of a chunk. that way you can measure how much your fish eat.


thanks for the info. will try that and see how it works. does anyone have any good fish food recipes that there clownfish eat