i know right. i cant wait to put them in my DT. it will be so much fun watching them swim in and out of the rock. also, is it ok to reaquascape my DT with my new rocks i bought.
ok well i got all the rocks in and everything looks great. i will post some pics after the tank clears up from all the sand. oh and i cannot find either of my emeralds, do yours usually hide a lot, i dont think that anything could have happened to them(like something eating them) cause there are only snails, shrimp, and hemits in there.
ok so here r some pics of the new aquascape!! i think it looks really good. 1st pic is FTS, 2nd is left side, 3rd right side. oh and i found both of the emeralds, they were in a little crevice but now there out and all over the new rock!
Originally Posted by catfishcity http:///forum/post/2842532
yea thanks everybody, i think it looks so much better like this. oh and a found 2 feather dusters on that new piece of live rock!!! sweet hitchhikers.
nice, FD are my favorites. More may even pop up, always keep an eye out!
ok i am thinking about adding a couple fish to my stocklist. would these things be too much in my tank:
2 occelaris clowns
1 firefish (definately am going to add this)
1 sixline wrasse
1 bicolor blenny
Is that to much for my tank? all comments and help appreciated.
I think, if you kept up with water changes and tank maintenance that you could pull those fish off in your tank. FWIW, I just had to get rid of a bicolor for nipping at my duncans. Great fish though, he will be missed.
I also have a sixline who is a very interesting fish too, very cool. Sixlines love pods so it would work nicely to dump some pods into the tank. It isn't a necessity because mine also eats, flake, cyclo, and mysis but he usually is cruising the rocks hunting for pods
ok, thats good cause i love all those fish. the bicolor should be fine though in my tank right? and the sixlines r so cool, i am definately going to have to get one, plus i got a bunch of pods in my tank already so there will be plenty more when i get him.
i think thats an excellent list, and gotta give you props for a sixline wrasse, that my top fish of choice. i think the bicolor is also cool, they have a lot of personality as well. Poor Subie had a bad experience with one, hopefully yours distastes corals.
I did have a bad experience with one, but I have been told they are hit or miss. Hopefully yours will be fine. When I took mine back to the lfs, the one kid there had one in his Biocube 29, he said he never had a problem with his
IMO I would add the sixline last, just to make sure there aren't any territorial issues