Zach's 24g Nano Cube diary


yea not right now. still to much algae and i seem to have another diatom outbreak. but i get my new carbon tomorrow so i will see what that does, hopefully a lot, then post pics sometime this week.


Active Member
Catfish I did not go back through the thread to see but do you have any powerhead(s) in the tank? To me if youu are
1. having this algae outbreak the excess nutrient in the tank is not being removed by your filtration and is sitting in the sand. A power head strategically aimed will help to get the lighter stuff off the bottom and into the water column for removal by your mechanical filtration.
2. The reason I bring this up is a new diatom outbreak is again a sign that :
a: Your cycle is not yet complete
b: Your tank does not have enough flow in it.


i have a powerhead in the tank but it is at the top, where the standard nano cube pumps are. i have a little air pump that i use for mixing saltwater, so should i use that to point at the sandbed? i keep checking my params and they are still stable so i know the tank is cycled. and rebel i dont have fish in there right now. prob wont for about a month cause i am going to quarantine them in a seperate tank(which is still cycling)


Active Member
If it is not already, I would point the powerhead downwards some, not so much that it causes a sand storm, but enough to know it is causing some flow across the sandbed.


ok thanks for the info spanks, you have been a lot of help. nissan i know i got to control the algae, i am trying as hard as i can.


well i cleared up after about 3-4 hours, but i kept adding more in because i only added it in small proportions, so it didnt clear up for a couple of days. but usually it only took 3 hours after each addin
yeah i dont know why but my tank after a day is still cloudy. I dont know why. When I have setup up my last two tanks I dont rember them being so cloudy. Its milky cloudy. Did you use anything else besides the filter options your tank came with....I used the caribsea aragonite non live stuff, the smallest grain.
How cloudy was your tank for the day...........I just read on the bag that your suppose to rinse it off woops.