Zach's 24g Nano Cube diary


Active Member
IMO start pulling some of that algae out of there. Are you feeding the tank at all? You have way too much nutrient in there and you need to get rid of it. It is probably die-off from the live rock. Looks like the tank finished cycling about 2 weeks ago. Have you done a water change yet? Have you cleaned or replaced the filter pad yet?
Just some questions to help you get a handle on the hair algae because if you don't it will over run your tank.
Don't put a fish in there yet, it will just add to the nutrient problem you have. Get this under control first.
Just my opinion


yea i know i have some bad algae in there, but i just added my CUC yesterday so hopefully that will take care of most of it. and i have been pulling out some of the algae everyday. i just did my first water change last night and i havent replaced the filter pad yet, was going to next week because that will be my one month mark.


Active Member
You can replace it now that the cycle is over, no need to wait. As for that hair algae, just pull it from the bottom it comes out like a weed. Off to a good start, everybody deals with algae when a tank is new, no worries


Active Member
Filter pads trap detritus by design. As detritus is consumed by the bacteria it is converted ultimately into nitrates. Nitrates feed algae.
Here is a good habit to get into and it is called husbandry. Do a 10% water change each week. At that time before taking the water out us a turkey baster to blow on the rocks. This will cause loose detritus to be suspended in the water. Then remove the 10% of the water from the tank and some of the detritus will go with it. Replace the filter padmedia and put in the new saltwater.
This will help to reduce the nitrates in your system and help to limit the growth of the algea.
I hope I don't sound like I am preaching because I don't mean to. Just trying to tell you about some good habits to get into to keep your tank and critters happy happy!


Active Member
Good advice as always spanko
I would add that scraping the glass before doing a water change will also help get rid of some excess nutrients.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
you caught me! lol but still its doing pretty great! and my sixline and frags are happy in there

I think your tank looks great nissan, just saying that most people will deal with some type of algae outbreak, it is a learning experience.


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
I think your tank looks great nissan, just saying that most people will deal with some type of algae outbreak, it is a learning experience.
why thank you subie. your tank is also great btw. lol. and yea but im happy i didnt. but i do wanna add a bicolor blenny


ok thanks for the info everybody. i will replace the filter pad as soon as possible. as far as the algae goes, i can get it really easy out of the sand, but not the rock, it seems to stick to the rock better, is there anything i could do bout this. i like your routine spanko i will try to do that.


lol it will be a while if and when i get that. my plan is to get 2 clownfish, then when they are done being quarantined to get a firefish and maybe a blenny. YAYYYYY one of my shrimp is roaming about the aquarium and i happened to get some pics. dont know if you can tell where the shrimp is because they are kinda blurry but anyways, YAYAYYY im so happy i get to see at least on of them!
