Zach's 24g Nano Cube diary


ok so i am back from the LFS and everything went great!!! i got 3 mexican turbo snails, 3 astrea snails, 3 peppermint shrimp, and 3 hermits. oh by the way i saw this green star polyp for $10!!!!!! so of course i had to get it. it is acclimating along with all my other inverts right now. i can't to put them in the tank! will post pics tonight.


haha lol they will be up soon. once my pep shrimp come out from hiding. is this normal for the shrimp to be unding behind rock?


Active Member
yea. my pep are always hiding doing the day. but at night they both come out and search for food. dont wrry


Active Member
acclimating coral. I nvr do!! just dump em right in.
Well actually if I get em from the LFS ill temp acclimate, but if the y come in the bag I place right in the tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy

acclimating coral. I nvr do!! just dump em right in.
Well actually if I get em from the LFS ill temp acclimate, but if the y come in the bag I place right in the tank!
rebel he ask about shrimp lol.


well this was my first coral so i didnt want anything to happen to it. now it looks great and all the polyps are coming out!!!! but anyways i was worried bout my peps so i picked up the rock and looked behind it to find all three of them eating an aiptaisa!!! so i guess there gettin a good dinner. but sorry to lie to u bout the pics, have been really busy tonight, will get them tomorrow, for sure!


ok i have been lookin at it for a couple days and really love it, will post pics on it but they will definately not compare to those others.


here are some updated pics. that is my green star polyp and there is a pic of one of my mexican turbo's. i know that there is a lot of algae and that it looks like crap but hopefully the snails and crabs will get rid of most of it.
