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  1. casey


    I am so excited that I just got my new 75 gal tank from my friend finally. They had planaria on their sand bed, which I got rid of, and live rock. I bleeched the tank and rised the tank yesterday before I put it back together. I put in new coral substarte and live sand. Then I took all their...
  2. casey

    HELP! Brand new tank

    I have a new tank that I am setting up. What should be the temp of the tank. Please help. Fish are in bucket.:(
  3. casey

    Mexican Snails

    sorry. I have hairy algea. Any sites from anyone will be great.
  4. casey

    Mexican Snails

    I have been planning on getting these snails for my tank with the smae problems. Jon can you tall me the web sites that you got the good mexican snails at. My email is
  5. casey

    adding more LS

    I am getting a 75 gal tank from my friend, but they told me to get more leve sand, not the fine stuff but not as coarse as and chunky as crushed coral. If its 2.99 lb its going to be very expensive and I'm not going to be able to get alot. Since the stuff in the tank is live, can i buy some sort...
  6. casey

    my blue max clam

    What kind of light do you have for your tank?:confused:
  7. casey


    Clams, to me, are so cool looking. If I have power compact lighting can they survive? Its my friends tank that i am getting, 75 gal, with 3 pc hoods. I don't know how much watage he has but I do know that he has feather dusters and sun polps.:confused:
  8. casey

    Red Planaria

    I have red planeria all over my crushed coral and live rock. How can I remove it?:confused:
  9. casey

    Metal Halide Lights

  10. casey

    Metal Halide Lights

    If I want A blue florescent color light to bring to colors out of my corals what degree of Kalvin do I need (12,000). Also If found the retrofit kits for $150. But It clives u a lamp that is almost has long as the bulb. Wont this heat and Light one area?:confused:
  11. casey

    Metal Halide Lights

    If a 250 will heat up my tank then How do I keep It cool. Also whats DIY. If u have any cheap sites send them here. R these mh lights really worth it. If I pc's will they work the same. Also If I have other low light corals will they be affected by this light for better or worse?
  12. casey

    !!!!Light Wattage!!!!

    An good places were I can get these. Also If I have a 75 gal tank don't I want 2 250 wat for 7 wats per gal.I have other lights too. I have pc's. Should I keep thpuse if I have 6 wattsper gall anyways. But I wanna get a clam so does that mean I need a mh. For the hood for a mh do I get a bowl...
  13. casey

    Clam Light

    If I get two 250 wat mh's do I get a strip lamp head or do I get a 1 450 wat mh with a bowl lamp head.
  14. casey

    Metal Halide Lights

    If I wanna get Metal Halide lights do they come in tubes or bulbs and I want 450 watts for a 75 gal. Should I get 225 or one 450 watt bulb. On a web site it shows this 400W 20,000-Ushio "New Product. It is $79. Am I getting ripped of with this cuz everywhere else it is like $600. If anyone has...
  15. casey

    Clam Light

    How much will 2 mh's cost or the other lights u reconmended;)
  16. casey

    Clam Light

    If I want to get a tank for my 75 gal tank what light do I need and how many wattages :p
  17. casey

    !!!!Light Wattage!!!!

    I need 450 watts of light for my 75 gal tank I think. But when i look at light I don't understand the wattage. Do I add the wattage of each light together to get 450 or what. What Light should I get if I want to keep clams, elegant, buble anenomes and other corals?:(
  18. casey

    Feather Duster Trouble!!!ahh!!!!

    I have no idea wich one it is. Do I just place it in the rock then?
  19. casey

    Feather Duster Trouble!!!ahh!!!!

    My friends tank that I got has a feather duster on the sand on the bottom of the tank. It is not near any roucks. Should I use some epoxy and glue it to the rock or will it find its way later.:mad:
  20. casey

    Rock algae

    I have 125 lbs of live rock in my 75 gal tank and I only have a reddish purple algae on my rock. Isn't there other colors I can grow. I have some pc lights but i don't know jow many wats I have I have about 6 tubes(new tank got from friends). Would a better light help with the algae. what...