Only the yellow showed signs. Display tank is 180gal.
I am planning when I leave work to put them in my qt at the house def not my display. Water changes are being made. Not entire amount of greenx added as recomended on the label. All inverts and coral are fine, but still keeping up with the...
Makes sense thanks!
I was freaking out and didn't think to clearly. Trying to get it all staightened out, keep the boss happy and keep fish alive.
Keep up the suggestions. Gonna qt the fish and keep the skimmer and sterilizer cranking out on the tank for 3 or 4 weeks.
Boss added a reef tank to the restaurant. Thought it would be awesome. Tank at work tank at home. It being a business and a marketing tool the fish were not qt'ed at all. Showed up and they were dumped in after a 3 week cycling of the tank.
Everything caught ich and all died, but the 3 tangs. A...
A friend rescued one from a local store and feeds it guppies and ghost shrimp. Had to literally hand feed it for month. If ya have the time maybe. Keep googling.
If you have the room to spare put one under your display tank, closet, jack up the bed and put a large tupperware under there. Whatever works is worth it. Get a complete 20gal high for 60-70 bucks. Shop around for cheaper ones. Tupperware and a buddies spare powerheads is next to nothing. Always...
Keep up the water changes. They do add small doses of vodka or pure brown sugar in tanks in Europe to kill off slime algae, but I'm sure it wasn't pure what the friend dumped in. As far as the friend, blow torch and pliers.
Sorry about the fish
#2's are 600 or 650. #3's are 850. Same size different props. The big guy in the pic is a #4.
2 of the #2 or #3 would be great depending on what corals you want in your tank. The flow is awesome. Comes out like a bell rather than one stream.
He'll hold his own with the others.
If you get him from your lfs get them to feed him in front of you. See if he's finicky or bold. The flame will be fine added before or after. Mine graze together all day long.
Originally Posted by rngpw1028
I have a 260 gallon made by US aquariums with a 40 gall sump also by US Aqariums. Euroreef skimmer, 2 return pumps with all plumbing 2x4 and 4x4 stand meant for in wall with about 200 pounds of live rock and 120 pounds of sand. Not sure what they sell for or what...
I borrowed all of my friends rubbermaid trash cans they have for mixing saltwater. Transfered my water and everything. Tank, stand, lights and equipment in one truck and h2o, live rock and live stock in another.
Mmmmmmmmm...16,000 gallon.
I'll start the collection plate for that.
Just had a bad tang week. Have 2 local stores, 1 rocks the other does not. Keep their med to full grown tangs in 20gal tanks and end up killing them or giving them away. Last week gave away a orange shoulder and sold a...
Take the other tang back too or get a larger tank. Not trying to be mean, but ALL of your tank is going to suffer from the bio load produced and the stress from not having enough room to swim and grow will kill the tang. Like I said, not trying to be mean just want to keep you and your fish...