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  1. fishfreek

    ??on lights

    What type of frags are you putting in there? Softies or zoas?
  2. fishfreek

    ??on lights

    A 26w 6500k spiral bulb will work on that small 6-1/2 g tank he has. He said he was adding only low light corals. If you want to go with the old rule of thumb...he has about 3 watts per gallon, but we don't really go by that rule any more. I think the lighting he chose for that project really is...
  3. fishfreek

    My 90 gallon mixed reef

    I have the same in my tank as of late and have no idea what it is. Its not cano, like you said and spreads very rapidly. I'm going to tag along an see if you get any replys.
  4. fishfreek

    New Corals=beautiful

    Just cut the silversides into small pieces about 1/4" long or so and feed one or two. Mine take them right away and the bubbles really extend the following day. You could also feed mysis shrimp, they also like those. As far as the brain i feed mine about once a week after lights out and the...
  5. fishfreek

    New Corals=beautiful

    Looks good to me...if the bubbles were really whipping around or folded over, that would be bad but again, looks good. Feed him a few small pieces of silversides once a week after lights out and he will do great!
  6. fishfreek

    T-5 four bulb combo

    I've had my TEK 4x39w bulb retro light about a year now and need to change the bulbs out. I currently run: front 1-Blue plus 1-super actinic 1- aquasun 1-blue plus back I am happy with the current combo, but is there a better combo out there that will make the color POP even a bit more? I run...
  7. fishfreek

    updated pics

    Looks very nice! What bulbs did you end up going with?
  8. fishfreek

    What bulb for Chaeto ?

    I find the lower the kelvin rating, the better growth i get. I use a 3200k 23w spiral type bulb and need to trim my chaeto back once every 10 days or so. I think algae likes more of the red spectrum. I would say, stay in the range of a 2300k - 6500k bulb and you should be fine.
  9. fishfreek

    my newest reef addition

    Like everyone else mentioned, good luck with him, he is very beautiful! Once they are caught nipping....once a nipper always a nipper, at least that is my experience with these heart breakers. Hopefully yours will stop once he has a never know though, they all have different...
  10. fishfreek

    best soft corals??

    I like pink and yellow toadstools & neon green sinularia(sp). How big is your tank? You could also keep many different types of LPS corals if you wish to go that route. Choices....choices.....
  11. fishfreek

    Extremely large yellow figi leather

    I agree what was has been said above. However, if you really want the coral offer say, $100-$125 and see what happens.
  12. fishfreek

    Help me please!!

    First off, Welcome to boards!! If you are referring to the red spot on the rock, it looks like some old red coraline algae. Nothing at all to worry about. Seeing it was sitting dry for a year it is dead and also harmless to your tank.
  13. fishfreek


    Better yet! Nice find.
  14. fishfreek


    Sounds like a pretty good deal to me and a pretty nice selection of corals to boot.
  15. fishfreek

    Hard Sand

    Alot of times when your calcium is too high it will make you sandbed hard. I'd say start there and test you calcium first.
  16. fishfreek

    Refractometer Repair

    Same thing just happened to me last week. I superglued it back together and put a small clamp on it overnight. Works fine now.
  17. fishfreek

    Water parameters for LPS

    Well put!
  18. fishfreek

    how to take high res. pictures of your corals

    Originally Posted by 05xrunner hey you asked and your OP states you have a Canon P&S so what did your iphone eat it? if you dont care about getting any decent shots then why did you even create this thread. Yah, what he said.
  19. fishfreek

    "Neon" Corals - Fraggers this one is for You

    I have a large neon green sinularia(sp) that looks very cool under my day lights as well as actinics, you may want to look into something like that too.
  20. fishfreek

    will this toadstool be ok?

    Toadstools are pretty tough corals, it is going to be a few days until it acclimates to your tank and gets over the shock of being in shipment. I suggest keep any eye on it and see what happens. It looks like its polyps are comming out somewhat, so that is a positive sign. I think it will...