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  1. big dave

    Hey reefman

    CarGuy, its not going to be out in a few weeks. These a lot of die off and its goin to take a while longer.. maybe 4-5 weeks. I pulled a collection cup of protein off each tank today and on friday its pulling a whole ton of stuff out.. Id wait a awhile longer
  2. big dave

    Emerald Gestation

    Typically, crustacian eggs are lost to filters/pumps,etc. or are eaten by tankmates. Maybe you could put the female(the one carrying the eggs) into a brreder net with a bunch of hair algae and hope for the best.
  3. big dave

    are gobies bad for reef dsb?

    Sifter-type gobies eat only organisims on the top layer of a DSB. If your DSB is the correct depth, you really shouldn't have a problem.IMO.
  4. big dave

    Anyone have hogfish in their reefs?

    I have heard the same info about hogs reefwise. I would love to have a tank big enough for a lyretail I really like them!
  5. big dave

    To Fish or Not To Fish

    IMO, Mandarins are for very large established reef systems (200+) or the South PAcific. These are the only two places these should be seen. If you want something for bristle worm control, I agree with FlyDan in that 6-line wrasses are excellent for the control of them as are arrow crabs ans...
  6. big dave

    UV??Ozone??In reef tank??

    Yes to the UV, definitely NO to the ozone. Ozonators, like wet/drys in a sense, are "too efficient" for a reef tank. Both of these are technology primarily for very large fish-only systems. Ozonators strip the water of trace elements, and smell bad while running. I highly reccomend not using...
  7. big dave

    Whats the deal wit hQueen Triggers?

    I want to try to catch a few this summer and send a few to some ppl on this BB because they seem to be being overcharged by their LFS's or can't even find one anywhere for any price. You will have to wait until summer when I will be able to catch a few. This is a potential venture, not a definite.
  8. big dave

    Moorish Idols

    QUoting from Concientious, I see car guy.
  9. big dave

    Jelly Fish

    I totally agree with car guy, True jellyfish are not made for tanks. Although the NJ Aquarium has a round tank with angled powerheads in it to keep them in constant motion but, I dont know how long they stay alive in there. Ill have to ask the one diver I know from the Aquarium. Anyway, Jellies...
  10. big dave

    Fish for new 75G FO tank

    I personally am a big fan of Anthias and I don't think there would be anything more impressive than an Anthias tank. I would put 5-6 females and 1 male in there. I like these fish because they stay out in the open, are fairly hardy, and eat well. The tips I would reccommend for an anthias...
  11. big dave

    Garden Eels

    Hi. I have been trying to research these guys for a while and can't seem to find any infomation other than they need a really deep sand bed. How big do they get? I want to set up a reef flats biotope which would include 3 of them and several kinds of macro algae. If this isn't possible, I want...
  12. big dave

    Is there something wrong with my hippo tang?

    It may be the begining of HLLE (head and lateral line diease). This is common in tangs that don't eat their veggies. Try feeding him seaweed slects soaked in Kent ZOE which is a vitamin enhancer. Many tangs suffer from this. You were probably not told of this condition when you bought your...
  13. big dave

    His head will grow back, right?

    What you are witnessing is the feather dusters attempt at breeding. Dusters lose their feathers to prevent themselves from eating their own eggs. The eggs dont survive in a tank because theyre planktonic and are killed by filters, skimmers, and water pumps. This happened to me several times...
  14. big dave

    Whats the deal wit hQueen Triggers?

    Yeah Grouperhead
  15. big dave

    Nature vs Captive Bred

    So far on the lists of Captive Bred Lists I have seen the following: CLownfish Dottybacks (pseudochromis) Maculosus Angels Dartfish Hippo (blue,regal) Tangs Seahorses Bangaii Cardinals Neon Gobies Some other Gobies Any I missed?
  16. big dave

    Fav. Cleanup Crew Member

    In my tank, fav. for its work ethic is the giant tubo snails ive had for awhile. I also like the little scarlet crabs. What I really want is those bumblebee snails they seems neat for sand sifters! I also liked this hermit my friend used to have. It was a Cortez Red Leg Hermit. It lived in a...
  17. big dave

    Whats the deal wit hQueen Triggers?

    Also, a guy that works with me said hes shot a few while spearfishing for Tautog(a really big northern wrasse which is mighty tasty). He says they somtimes school around rockpiles.
  18. big dave

    Whats the deal wit hQueen Triggers?

    Thanks pork. I really dont see them as that pretty. Im not kidding if anyone wants one ill try to keep one alive and ship it this summer. Theyre not that rare in the wild. Anyone on the east coast can go wreck fishing and catch a few very easily. The best was to catch triggers is to chum...
  19. big dave

    Whats the deal wit hQueen Triggers?

    Im just venting... If anyone is offened by this get a shark to delete it. I apologize for any frustration.
  20. big dave

    Whats the deal wit hQueen Triggers?

    Guys, really, why do a lot of you really like these fish??? Theyre aggressive beyond belief, not really that pretty, and way overpriced. Geez, I catch these things durin the summer and EAT THEM!!!! I live in NJ!!!! Who wants one? come the summer, I'll send you a "quality show-sized" queen for...