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  1. big dave

    how to attach frags

    Super glue, Zap gel, or Reef Putty all will work ok. The reef putty is slow to dry but is coralline colored so it blends into you tna ksurroundings. I use the Reef putty to attach gorginians to small pieces of LR i nthe LFS I work at.
  2. big dave

    10 gallon tank?

    I have a 10 gallon reef tank. There arent any fish in there and I dont plan on putting any in there. They are difficult to keep the water quality in check because of the small size so be careful. A 20 gallon or bigger tank would be a much better option especially for a beginner.
  3. big dave

    Macro Algae choices

    Its best to use a combination of differnt species of caulerpa to compensate for the different growth rates and if one species does go sexual you will still have other species to remove waste until the other species grow back. I personally use a combination of the following species...
  4. big dave

    ?? re: Foxface and Dwarf Angels

    Foxfaces and rabbitfish are cloesly related to the tangs and surgeonfishes (family Siganidae). There are many species in this family including:The Foxface which is the most common, there is also, the Figi Foxface, Metallic Foxface($$$ for these), the Doliatus Rabbitfish, and many others. Some...
  5. big dave

    Niger with a Huma???

    Yah triggers are really better off in a tank 100+ gallons. Even then, one trigger per tank usually.
  6. big dave

    I need some Ideas

    OOps.... I read read the original post quikly and thought you meant blue-line trigger. Disregard the last comment by me.
  7. big dave

    I need some Ideas

    With the potential size of hi-fin snappers, You may want to upgrade your tank or get a tank for just the snapper (BTW, hi-fins get around 30 inches). Other tankmates you could include with these fish are: large wrasses(lunare,harwicke,bananna,sunset) or a harlequin tusk(also a wrasse) or maybe...
  8. big dave

    Help! My tank is over 90 Degrees!

    Ivan, I have heard of a DIY chiller. I heard you can tank one of those little refrigerators and cut 2 holes on the top and coil as much i.d. hose as you can in it.pumping water thru the hose will be cooled by running thru a the frig. I dunno if this works but this is what I have heard is possible.
  9. big dave

    Eco-System Hang On 40

    Hey, a guy I work with has a 70 hex reef tank that runs on a diy eco-system filter. He has a sailfin tang that used to look dead but looks great now because of the filtration system's ability to hang on to trace elements or something he said. His tank looks great and he seems to be very...
  10. big dave

    What size of sump?

    I'm putting a 40 breeder on my 29 reef sometime soon. The only way this is possibe is because it will sit next to the tank on a seperate stand. Also, I have a ?, will my skimmer be necessary on this tank? It will be a mangrove/caulerpa/LR/LS sump.
  11. big dave

    AM I CRAZY???

    What kind oif filter did you buy? I would add more live rock.
  12. big dave

    tube anemone's

    Yeah I have heard of them moving and creating a new tube because they didn't like the place they were before. Their tubes are secreted by the anemone itself so I wouldn't worry about it at all. Just care for it as you normally would.
  13. big dave

    Diatom bloom?

    Well, diatoms are something to be expected in very new tanks. What usually happens is they cover everything in the tank and after a week or 2 kinda die off and there aren't many left. To get the rest, get a few turbo snails as the beginning of a clean-up crew.
  14. big dave

    is a 30 gal a good size for reef

    Hurray for small reefs!!! I have a 29 reef and a 10 reef and love them. I belive the way to succeed with small reefs is less fish. I have no fish in the 10 and only 2 in the 29. Good luck! If you have any lighting/filtration ?'s just ask!
  15. big dave

    Damage on green hammer!!

    Because torch+some hammer corals are branching, if one branch gets infected by a bacteria or is damaged you do not need to sacrafice the entire piece because, as fish head said, you can cut off the damaged pieces. This is also a way to propagate these types of corals by breaking off a branch...
  16. big dave


    Never heard of it. What company mankes it?
  17. big dave

    Percula clown not going in Plate coral.

    Is it tank raised or wild caught? Wilds usually don't accept other corals or anemones.
  18. big dave

    bio wheels

    Yeah take them out while you don't have a nitrate prob. They create excess nitrate because they are too efficient. They break down ammonia and nitrite too quickly and therefore, give off an excess of the end product nitrate.
  19. big dave

    Compatibility....picking my

    Geez, I seem to be forgetting everything! add the angels around the same time you add the butterfly. (these are the least aggressive fish you have picked.)
  20. big dave

    Compatibility....picking my

    Oh, I forgot, after you add the yellow+purple tangs, then add your Kole Tang. The yare very aggressive. Add him last!