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  1. flipper263

    LIGHTING QUESTION- homedepot???

    NMReef Thankyou for finally helping me understand lighting a little better. This has been a source of total confusion for me since beginning this hobby earlier this year. Thank you again! Brenda P.S looking for more of your eye candy in the photo forum :D
  2. flipper263

    Cyano--quick question

    My cyano looked hairy as well and I had plenty of it for while.
  3. flipper263

    Prettyist fish

    My favorite...a Brown Scopas Tang
  4. flipper263

    Time/Money Commitment

    Welcome! Like Spline is a VERY ADDICTING hobby...I started out with a 29 gallon and within 3 months purchased a 120 gallon set up. I have no regrets...but it gets expensive when you go to the fish store and look in their tanks....your wish list gets bigger and bigger. As far as time...
  5. flipper263

    Good Saturday mornin'...

    Here is another shot I was proud of....taking photos is almost as much fun as having the aquarium itself!:happyfish
  6. flipper263

    Good Saturday mornin'...

    Here is one that I just took...I like the color.
  7. flipper263

    so what was everyones first coral

    My first was colt coral...and it's doing great.
  8. flipper263

    Kick Ich?

    I have used Kick Ick before in my reef did not kill anything...not even the Ick. If you have to empty your tank of all of your LR to catch a fish and put him in a Hospital tank, it is worth the trouble. JMO Brenda
  9. flipper263

    Metal Halide Lighting question

    Originally posted by msd2 True lighting can be very confusing. Your smart to start with MH first off. Secondly with your size of tank your going to need several bulbs, for total wattage as well as to avoid shadows. Personally I would probably go with 2 250wt mh bulbs, maybe even 400wts. I...
  10. flipper263

    Metal Halide Lighting question

    Originally posted by Bot587 this is about what you want... i would buy it off of ----, or try a fish store. This will allow you to keep all corals and anemones. thanks for that link...$599US converts to a whole lot in Canadian $$ and...
  11. flipper263

    Metal Halide Lighting question

    I have been reading lots but still am having a hard time understanding this lighting thing. Based on what I have read, I do know that I would like to get metal halides for my 120 reef that could possibly work with my future 200 tank. Here is my problem... When I look on the different aquarium...
  12. flipper263

    Here goes another Ick question...

    Here goes another Ick question... I have a 120 gal display tank, 29 gal QT tank and 10 gal hospital tank. My hippo was in my QT and showed signs of ick. He is now in my hospital tank being treated. The LFS told me that after he is done being medicated, he should go back into the QT and not...
  13. flipper263

    Prizm or SeaClone?

    I chose the Prizm Pro Deluxe instead of the Aqua C Remora because it was cheaper and got fairly good reviews. I wish I had spent the extra money on the Aqua C. The prizm is hard to tune...I always have micro bubbles to deal with. When I do get it tuned works's just hard to...
  14. flipper263

    Pregnant Cleaner Shrimp

    This is one mine looked like just before it spawned....all the fish in the tank had a feast which was great for them...not so great for all the little shrimpies... (we got to watch it happen...pretty cool) Brenda
  15. flipper263

    OT- How old is everyone here

    41....sheesh and some of you say you feel old??? Being a grandmother doesn't make me feel as old as hearing the age of all you people. 20 years of FW tanks...8 months of SW and loving it. Brenda:jumping:
  16. flipper263

    yellow tang problem

    Sounds a bit like what my tang did to my 6 line...check out some of the replys I got. The two now seem to get along just fine, it took about 48 hours or so. HTH Brenda
  17. flipper263

    Let Me See Yurr Reef Tanks

    Still only a few months into it...but this is where I am at with mine now. There have been a few new additions since this photo.. Brenda
  18. flipper263

    Tang picking on new tankmate....

    I just got home from work and the fish are all sleeping...but before I left, things seemed to be going a little bit better. Tang was still chasing the wrasse into the rock work but it didn't seem to be as big of an issue. I will keep a close eye on them though. Thanks for the replys Brenda:jumping:
  19. flipper263

    Tang picking on new tankmate....

    Thanks Bang Guy, I was hoping that was the case and am very happy to let them sort it all out on their own. Brenda
  20. flipper263

    Tang picking on new tankmate....

    I just added my 6 line wrasse and bangaii cardinal to my 120gallon reef tank. My Scopas Tang seems to have issues with the 6 line so I moved the LR around to create a new environment. He seems to still have some agressions toward the 6 line. Is there anything else I can do...or should do...or...