Search results

  1. hlcroghan

    Blue Velvet Nudibranch

    Originally Posted by meowzer Your mandarin ate flatworms? WOW..I do not have any...thank goodness...I do have LOAD of amphipods though... Yeah. Weird I know......I only had like 7 or 8 and they were starting to multiply. I get him and BAM, he was sucking them down like they were a special...
  2. hlcroghan

    Blue Velvet Nudibranch

    Their difficulty is simply that they only eat flatworms so some people will keep them until the flatworms are gone and then trade them into their lfs for credit. I would only get one even with all of them that you may have. Better yet get a reef safe wrasse. They eat them too. Heck even my green...
  3. hlcroghan

    What can we do to up the numbers?

    Agreed.....I don't mind the Aquarium but it would be nice if it was shut down for a little while once a week or something so peoople would come out of that hole. It seems like a lot of memebers only come here for that.
  4. hlcroghan

    you're favorite fish

    Has to be Sparky my green mandarin.....spoiled rotten fish..
  5. hlcroghan

    New Fishy! Sweetlips Clown

    OMG, that is awful. I am so so sorry to hear that. Damn hermit crabs.....
  6. hlcroghan

    what is your stock list

    Okay I'll participate.... 29 gallon rectangle fish: 2 false percs green clown goby yellow clown goby lawnmower blenny green mandarin inverts: bubbletip anemone percelain crab emerald crab nassarius, turbo, margarita snails chestnut cowrie 3 hermits crabs corals: zoos 19 head pink and green...
  7. hlcroghan

    Help Please Is My Anemoe Dead of the worst inverts for a reef tank. They will eat anything they can get a hold of....They are really cool looking though.
  8. hlcroghan

    Stocking Ideas?

    I think in a 55 gallon you have a ton of options. If you like gobies, some sandsifting ones would keep the top layer of sand nice and clean but be careful about low lying corals because they can bury them flinging sand everywhere. I really love clown gobies. I have two. Awesome personalities but...
  9. hlcroghan

    Diamond Watchman Goby and LM Blenny?

    Originally Posted by MR.reef i am a big goby person i have 4 in my 125 a lm,golden head , diamond, and one that is long and has orange strips i think its a yashie(i know that not how u spell it but...) Yeah I love them too. I have two different clown gobies now. People advised me they would...
  10. hlcroghan

    Diamond Watchman Goby and LM Blenny?

    Originally Posted by meowzer LMB's do better in pairs? I love mine in the 225..I'd love to get another Yeah there is a site that I ordered off of that actually sells them in pairs. You would think that they would fight but I called to ask and they said that one by itself can actually die or...
  11. hlcroghan

    Diamond Watchman Goby and LM Blenny?

    I have really considered getting one as well but my LB is already very aggressive......little %^&^#$! bites me all the time! My tank is only a 29 so I really think that would be pushing it too much. As I move to a larger tank then I will prolly get one for the sand cleaning. Just so you know, I...
  12. hlcroghan

    How much is Too much?

    it also depends on how many corals you will have......what kind of fish...aggressiveness. The size of the fish......if they are territorial. It is not as simple as freshwater for sure......and you will find opinions will differ a ton on the subject. why don't you give us an idea of what you...
  13. hlcroghan

    Care requirements??T

    Yeah the shipping is pretty high. I talked with the owner about it and he said he could credit it back if the shipping was less to send it to you. It all depends on where you live I imagine.
  14. hlcroghan

    Next fish question......

    Thanks for the info......old much has changed, although I did add another clown goby yesterday. He is a yellow one. We decided to name him I think I will add one more. A black one. I already have a name for him....Keno..I really like them a lot. Surprisingly...
  15. hlcroghan

    Care requirements??T

    Originally Posted by Stanlalee both like low flow and low light (bottom on MH lighted tanks). both are about as easy as they come. eases my mind a bit then......if they are like my duncans then it should be a breeze...the only problem i am considering is that it is growing really fast and i am...
  16. hlcroghan

    Care requirements??T

    yes that site is great. i have ordered several times when i can't find something......never ordered coral there though...
  17. hlcroghan

    Care requirements??T

    Pm me your email and i can send you a site that i know has some neon green duncans for about 34.00 for two polyps...that is cheapest I have found for those.
  18. hlcroghan

    Care requirements??T

    Originally Posted by meowzer Thanks...LOL..the frag was $28...I have seen acans in the $100's, and I am just not willing to pay that much for one itty bitty piece of anything...LOL Agreed!!! I did spend like 120 for my duncans though......It had about 15 heads on it though so it seemed like a...
  19. hlcroghan

    Care requirements??T

    There are a couple sites I have been looking at. They sure are beautiful though and they come in such amazing colors. I like the blasto merletti alot. I want some joker acans for the purple..... Yours look great!
  20. hlcroghan

    Care requirements??T

    My lights run from 3:30pm to 11pm due to work so I feed once about 7 or 8 at night.....I don't have any corals that eat primarly at night yet but I may so I guess I will adjust if I need to. Once in a while I skip a day (like once a week). I probably feed to much because I do have some hair...