Search results

  1. kjord97

    Attention all tang experts

    I have 3 tangs in my tank, yellow, sailfin, and hippo, they are about 2 years old and are doing great. The tank is 125 gal. I see on any forum, everyone slams each other, everyone thinks they are tang police. People will place what they want in a tank, yes there are some...
  2. kjord97

    Top down shots of my 46 gallon bowfront.....

    What kind of powerheads are you using in the 2 back corners?? I am looking at upgrading my 46 bowfront from a FOWLR to a REEF and i am looking at powerhead options. What kind of filtration are you doing also?? By the way, tank looks awsome. :cheer:
  3. kjord97

    Weird things Happening ???

    yes after some research and meeting with my local saltwater club, we have all come to the coclusion that a high build up of nutrenits and high phospates levels is what is troubleing me. I have been doing massive water changes and started running a kent marine carbon filter for a few...
  4. kjord97

    Weird things Happening ???

    CAN anyone help me
  5. kjord97

    Weird things Happening ???

    here is a short log of events. i was curious if anyone could make out any reason why this is happening. short story is all my zoos where closing up and dieing off for about a month in my 125 reef, moved them all to my 45 gal fowlr and 20 hospital and they opened up and are...
  6. kjord97

    Help ID please...

    looks like you have 2 piceces of xenia maybe trying to stick out through the middle of your cluster.
  7. kjord97

    Tree coral

    i have a green tree coral that i take a pair of scissors and cut often and frag away. just about any softy coral you can cut with scissors and it will be fine. i cut my leathers and tree alot and sell the frags. you can also take a razor and score the top of mushrooms to make them...
  8. kjord97

    Lighting Hours

    my lighting schedule on my 125 gal reef 9am till 9pm actinics 11am till 6pm mh's 9pm till 9am blue moon led's
  9. kjord97

    Buying LR with Aitapsia

    i personally have had great success with pepermint shrimp and long nose butterfly's. i once had my FOWLR covered in aptasia and they were gone in 3 weeks with the shrimp. also as mentioned, everyone will get aptasia at 1 time or another.
  10. kjord97

    opinions wanted

    hmm lets see my list of fish that I DO have in my 125 reef tank is 2 yrs old. been upgraded from a 29gl to a 45gl to now the 125gl. FISH 2 maroon clowns ( mated ) ( 2 yrs ) 1 hippo tang ( 1 yr ) 1 anchillies tang ( 1 yr ) 1 yellow tang ( 2 yr ) 2 green chromis ( 1.5 yr ) 1...
  11. kjord97

    Do you think My Tank is Too Crowded?

    Please do not use green nets or any nets for any of your fish. :scared: Even at the pet store a well trained individual can catch a fish in a clear container. Like Barbiganti said the net will take the protective slim off of your fish. This in the future could lead to ick or another disease.
  12. kjord97

    My Black Volitan won't eat.

    My STORY, I have had my 125 gal reef tank up and runnin for over 2 yrs. I just purchased a dwarf lionfish about 6 months ago. He was real shy and hid alot. I tried for weeks to get him to eat with no success. I had a hard enough time just trying to get him out of the back of the rocks...
  13. kjord97

    Dwarf Lion

    Originally Posted by Scarface I really appreciate your help Kjord97, well im sold I will be picking him up today...only one thing i was thinking while reading ure post, the dwarf never went after your chromis? How big is he? Also thanks in advance for the posion prevention lol :joy: Here is...
  14. kjord97

    Dwarf Lion

    I have had my fuzzy dwarf in my 125 reef tank for about 6 months now. Doing awsome!!!!! Took my dwarf about a month to actually come out of his home. I started intising him with ghost shrimp. Now he stays out and is always swiming around. I think he ate my pepermint shrimp, but my...
  15. kjord97

    Fragging a Kenya Tree?????

    anyone out there, is this a kenya tree??
  16. kjord97

    Fragging a Kenya Tree?????

    ok sounds easy enough. I might try it out sometime soon. Here is some pics of it. I did a google search for kenya tree and mine looks kinda different. It might be something else, I am not forsure. The first pic is off the left side of my tank, the second pic is a close up of the...
  17. kjord97

    Fragging a Kenya Tree?????

    I have a rather large green kenya tree. It is getting to the point where i need to cut it back. It is about 10 inches accross and about 1 ft tall. Has about 20 branches and looks great. I need to know if i can just cut off pieces like a leather. It has been hard for me to find info...
  18. kjord97

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Originally Posted by Rainfishy :happyfish The guys at the LFS dont know s#^* hahahahahahahaha THIS IS THE BIGGEST TRUTH OUT THERE
  19. kjord97

    How does fish know with Cleaner shrimp?

    WHO KNOWS, but they are cool to watch. Took my cleaner shrimp all of about 5 hours and the line of fish where waiting to be cleaned. If you look at my Pic next to my post you will see my bannerfish getting cleaned the same day i put shrimp into the tank.
  20. kjord97

    Do you run a chiller on your reef...questions..

    Here is my 125 gal reef with 2 sets of coralife MH's/ PC there is 2 150 watt Mh's and 4 65watt acentics. The lights sit about 6 inches above the tank. The water stays at 80-82 degrees depending on time of day. I keep the water flow pretty high at the surface as my powerheads are...