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  1. golfish

    metal halide question

    From my own experience I'd say your going to have heat issues. There's just too many factors to say your going to need a chiller or not need a chiller. If it were me I'd can the hoodcanopy and hang the pendants over the tank. You could also make the hood and hang that over the tank. If your...
  2. golfish

    metal halide question

    Originally Posted by reefiness Im thinking of getting metal halides for my 90 gallon reef. I was thinking of getting 2-250watt hqi mini pendents connected to 1 dual 250 watt pfo ballast. the lights would both be about 15000k along with 4 65 watt pc actinics. does that sound like a good set up...
  3. golfish

    Which Style MH?

    Originally Posted by m000240 Spread as far as physical coverage area, Wouldn't spread be somewhat a function of the geometry of the reflector? yup
  4. golfish

    Having trouble with PVC system to stay together

    :scared: you need to glue every fitting...I like Kristy's Red Hot glue better then the primer and glue mix.
  5. golfish

    What type of algae is this?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Bryopsis? I was kind of thinking that fishlovr first picture looked like the Bryopsis that I have. It sure looks like it. Not so much in the picture I posted.
  6. golfish

    Need help adjusting Nautilus EX skimmer

    Originally Posted by tony detroit The skimmer should come shipped with a gate valve on the output direct from Kent. The riser tube you see functions different than the one on the ER. The one on the ER serves to raise/lower water in the skimmer The one on the EX is actually a ridgid air pipe...
  7. golfish

    Which Style MH?

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 Hey Mark how hard are the 400's on the electric bill vs the 250's? I know it's high out your way just curious??? I have read the 250 watt HQI ballast draws more amps on startup then the 400 watt HQI does.. The problems with the DE's is the spread, they just...
  8. golfish

    Do I need a chiller?

    Originally Posted by vi3tb0i where? When?
  9. golfish

    Do I need a chiller?

    I might be wrong but that looks like a Marroon clown. They might be a little too much fish for a 29.
  10. golfish

    Need help adjusting Nautilus EX skimmer

    Hey Tony, how about using a gate valve to adjust the skimmer? I've seen a few of these skimmers, they have riser tubes like the ER's, right?
  11. golfish

    Do I need a chiller?

    IME, if you were to run a pendant that hangs over the open top tank you shouldn't need a chiller, maybe.
  12. golfish

    Oceanic Salt Users...

    I used one bucket of Oceanic then switched to Tropic Marin. Before the Oceanic I was using. IO
  13. golfish

    Calling Reef Owners

    79.5-81.5...I use a titanium chiller to keep it there.
  14. golfish

    What type of algae is this?

    does it look like this
  15. golfish

    If YOU Could Make Any Changes to Your Big Tank...

    Originally Posted by Bemmer The glass is probably 1/8" thick so it would not be easy to get someone out to drill holes for seaswirls. The Euro bracing on your tank is only 1/8" thick? That's not for the 225 is it? I've NEVER seen ER bracing made with glass that thin on a tank larger then 75 gals.
  16. golfish

    U-tube vs CPR overflow

    I used a U-tube overfow for 10+ years, never had a problem. I have a buddy who ownes a LFS. While out of town for a week I took care of his store. He had a CPR overflow on one of his frag tanks. That POC failed twice in one week.
  17. golfish

    Which Style MH?

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 If you had the choice which would you chose??? SE or DE?? If using SE bulbs reflector would be the lumenarc of course or DE with the ReefOptics III? :notsure: Shawn, SLS has a new reflector out that's like the Lumenarc but much better...I'm using SE 400 watt...
  18. golfish

    Mixing MH Bulbs (Wattage)

    Originally Posted by acrylic51 Could it be possible to put both 250 and 400W MH bulbs over the same tank without getting a shadowing effect? :thinking: I did it on my old 150 and didn't have any problems..I kind of like the idea of mixing say 400 watt 20K's and 250 watt 10K's
  19. golfish


    Shawn, I've bought a few bulbs and a VHO setup from them..Their pretty good to deal with. What are you looking for? Just refelctors? I have two reflectors with mogul sockets sitting in the garage, their yours if you want em.
  20. golfish

    Raising calcium - best methods?

    360 isn't too bad...You might try some of the Ca builders they sell at your LFS. I always thought Turbo Ca from Kent worked pretty well.