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  1. fishamajig

    advice from clam experts!

    just my .02 but I thought the darker the pigment the more light the clam requires. I have a crocea clam and had a deressa clam. when i first started i had 4x65w pc now i have that plus 2x 175 w mh when i had just the pc's the deressa did ok, not the greatest color but there was definate growth...
  2. fishamajig

    ReefNut or Thomas712

    Originally Posted by ViPeR_930 IMO choosing the substrate (DSB or BB) and cooking the LR are two unrelated methods to reach the same goal: to lower the excess nutrient levels. If I were to setup another SPS-dominated tank, I'd go with both a BB and also cook my LR. i was just mentioning it, i...
  3. fishamajig

    zeovit systems

    i am not into spending money on additives. I would rather spend it on equip and sps. just wondering.
  4. fishamajig

    UV & LR/LS Question

    me neither but the u/v was not the cause. i would run it for 24 hrs a day.
  5. fishamajig

    UV & LR/LS Question

  6. fishamajig

    zeovit systems

    i have been reading allot and notice that in europe there is allot of these zeo systems out there. and allot of them are stunning. what is zeovit and why would they have a zeo reactor. is this some sort of food? whats the deal?
  7. fishamajig

    ReefNut or Thomas712

    I am by far no expert. ( we all know about my excipades with my first kalk dosing) but i have had both systems. dsb and bb. and i can tell you what I found through reading and personal experience. a dsb is great as far as a natural filtration method, a place for microfauna to spawn, and a home...
  8. fishamajig

    UV & LR/LS Question

    i second that, uv are a useful thing in a reef tank, it would not have killed all your sand, rock, ect. it kills suspended organisms like diatoms and nanochloropsis.
  9. fishamajig

    MH bulbs

    we recently had a speaker at one of my reef club meetings (sanjay joshi) and he said that the best bang for the buck is iwasaki bulbs as far as bieng close to the color temp spectrum. and you dont have to change your bulbs every 6 months, they might loose blue spectrum but the corals dont care...
  10. fishamajig

    What should I do?!?!?!

    I would normally say the tank, but this might be the only time in your life you can do this trip. take the trip
  11. fishamajig

    latest updates [warning -- pic intensive]

    i would have to agree that it is a maxima, croceas generally tend to be blue, also in the third pic is that a scooter blenny or a lawnmower blenny? scooter blennys are in the dragonet family and that fish as far as I can see dosent resemble one. :notsure:
  12. fishamajig

    For People Who Have 125 Gl. Reef Tanks

    the two major things you have to consider are a skimmer and your lighting, I personally have an mtc airstone skimmer and a moded seaclone as a secondary skimmer. and at the moment i have a 48 mh fixture lighting part of the tank. it is nice to have all of the stuff at once, but you can make it...
  13. fishamajig

    Mixing kalkwasser question

    so your suggestion is to do another water change today. about how many gallons? the precipitation event is definately what happened. the tank was so cloudy last night you couldent see into it. after the water change it was better but not away completely. do you think i should do another water...
  14. fishamajig

    Mixing kalkwasser question

    did a 30 % water change. everything ok after about 12 hrs. only small amount of tissue damage on a torch and frogspawn frag. all inverts ok. shrimp, sea cukes, ect. i had to do the water change with tap water but i tried to outweigh the after effects. well I certanley learned my lesson. what...
  15. fishamajig

    MH Bulb Color Question

    go with iwasaki bulbs, they are not so much in the blue spectrum.
  16. fishamajig

    bigger tank or ipod nano?

    i didnt think there was any question. BIGGER TANK OF COURSE
  17. fishamajig

    Mixing kalkwasser question

    i also used kalk for the first time today, and I have to say I think I did a no no. I added 2 tsb for 5 gal top off water, mixed it up and then added it to the tank, didnt drip it. the tank got super cloudy and all the corals look bad. unfortunately i might of crashed the tank. please help :help:
  18. fishamajig

    t5 lighting

    i wouldent get t5 if i was looking to upgrade my lighting. go with mh, they are tried and true and there is more available PAR to a mh light. if you are looking for growth and color there is no comparison in my opinion .
  19. fishamajig

    Finally Made The Switch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    now all you guys have to make the switch from sand to bare bottom. :thinking:
  20. fishamajig

    lights lights who wants lights ? ? ? ? ?

    yes bt the light 6 months ago was allot more than 50, the only thing that is wrong with it is the fans dont work ( wich is retarted cause they really arent needed) and i dont personally like the design for the legs, i think they are wobbily, the light is perfectly good though,