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  1. murph

    My fish are boiling to death!!!

    Any one who has dived or snorkel in tropical waters knows that there can be temp fluctuations. Even rapid ones as currents change. Moveing pockets of colder water are encountered on pretty much every dive. Things can get overstated in this hobby and paranoia over temp control is one of them...
  2. murph

    My First Fish In My 58!!! ::update::

    I see large numbers of fish added to commercial displays quite often and there is rarely a problem. Ammonia would be the main concern but even it can be dealt with and is always a temporary problem. Over crowding is often used as a means of aggression control also but then again this is not a...
  3. murph

    half black angels anyone?

    feed a little heavy for awhile. FME once dwarf angels associate the hobbyist with food they leave corals alone. I suspect they prefer other food items unless those feedings get slim at which point they start pecking at anything that might be a food item (coral).
  4. murph

    good experiment

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains My post may have sounded a little harsh, but its so frustrating in this hobby how much BS swirls around from the vendors and manufact. Amen to that; it seems pretty easy to get even experienced hobbyist hyped up to urban myth levels about the latest greatest...
  5. murph

    My First Tank..!!!

    Live rock is a large expense for new tank but on the other hand is one of the few things in this hobby that holds its value. If, God forbid, you were to set up and find the hobby was not right for you it would be easy to sell it to a fellow hobbyist locally and see a return of most of your...
  6. murph

    My First Tank..!!!

    Your decision to start with a fish only tank is probably a good idea. Base rock, sand, standard lighting, a hob filter and heater if necessary and a few power heads and perhaps a nominal amount of lr to seed your sand bed and base rock. I don't mean to sound discouraging in any way. Its a...
  7. murph


    Bottom line is its a common, inexpensive species and thousands end up in LFS holding tanks. Discouraging people from making attempts to adapt these fish to there state of captivity, a condition which is not going to change, means they most likely will die a slow death. People are not going to...
  8. murph

    Rid Ick?

    Originally Posted by Lesleybird Hi, I think that ich can come into your system any time you add a live rock or coral etc. also as the swimmers or cysts could be on them. I used the Kick Ich successfully a couple of years ago with the same fish, in the same tank and for at least two years there...
  9. murph


    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Couple of points: 1. It's not really about "training" them to eat frozen foods. Their mouth structures are very tiny and it's difficult for them to eat frozen foods. Many simply cannot/will not. Not being able to "train one=starving Mandarin. 2. A refugium works...
  10. murph


    Lots of good info in this thread. The third point poniegirl made is valid. I remember when species that are now commonly recommended as good for beginners were considered "impossible" to keep in home aquariums. This pretty much included all coral and filter feeders. I am sure if I ventured up...
  11. murph

    Thinking About Taking The Plunge????

    If you have the lighting sure. Some people keep Xenia in fuges as they are a nutrient loving/exporting type of coral.
  12. murph


    Probably should not buy the fish for your size system unless you intend to make an effort to food train the fish first. The above info is true for the most part but if the fish is trained to take frozen mysis it will not only sustain it for the long term but the fish will thrive. You will...
  13. murph

    Rid Ick?

    I would agree. Rid ich might be fun to experiment with but its likely these products serve only to aid in controlling the parasite at non lethal levels if that. Hypo should be your first line of attack and you can fall back on copper as a last resort. Parasite eradication should be the goal...
  14. murph

    Thinking About Taking The Plunge????

    I always used U tube HOOF. I know; its difficult to find them on line and CPR seems to have the online market cornered but I still would not buy one. I have had various styles of U tube OFs and all worked pretty well other than the noise they make. If the tank is in a room where noise from the...
  15. murph

    im an idiot need help

    Its a little late now but..... Get a bottle of Amquel +. This product is pretty much a standard in the hobby and most all LFS have it in stock. Its primary use is to treat tap water but it is also an ammonia detoxifier. There are two forms of ammonia that can build up in your tank. Free...
  16. murph

    Deadly Weekend

    Sounds to me like your run of the mill parasite (ich) problem especially when it was evident on one of the fish. Ich kills when it infects the gills of he fish. FME this can come after it has attacked the skin of the fish and is obvious to the hobbyist or can be the first area of attack killing...
  17. murph

    Thinking About Taking The Plunge????

    Basment sump/fuge is good idea. I think your on to something now. The dual overflow with the two one inch drains and U tubes will work nicely. How cold does it get down there in the winter months though? good part is with fans and sump in basement you probably wont have any over heating...
  18. murph

    Thinking About Taking The Plunge????

    Originally Posted by MrineLfRlz would these be places i might be able to put a hanger on and just what type of hangers could i get anyways? or do are they DIY Most likely. contact your lights manufacturer. They probably have hanging kits for it.
  19. murph

    Thinking About Taking The Plunge????

    It wont drain up hill and you cant use pumps. They will never equal out and your flood risk is vary high. If you can run the drain through the wall and down to sump it will work. There is no pump needed to pull water from DT the overflows do this. But like I said it will run down hill only...
  20. murph

    Thinking About Taking The Plunge????

    Ok one last time about the drilling thing and I will stop harping about it Full tank shot. After I do something about the powerhead tank will look clean as far as equipment goes. You already have a lot of equiment in the tank and when you add HOOFs your going to have even more. I used hang...