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  1. wocka

    Jen's Nano! Its Up! Yay!

    ah man that got me laughing!!! i wanna set up a little .75 nano tank and have a blue leg hermit and a few pieces of live rock :D
  2. wocka

    Rotten Anemone?

    well, time to move to ******** maybe ill get replys
  3. wocka

    Rotten Anemone?

    he is moving around now.. anyone have advice before i think hes gonna crash my tank and give him the toilet execution
  4. wocka

    ID please

    looks like a long tentacle anemone to me. i might be wrong
  5. wocka

    Rotten Anemone?

    my anemone split about 2-3 weeks ago and his intestines and stuff are still showing out of his body, he deflates and infaltes. also, at night he will detach and attach to another rock, cruise around then end up in the same spot he was that night.. whats going on
  6. wocka

    please identify me!

    i dont care what u people think bout that anemone but if its not dyed it sure does look healthy too me! :cheer:
  7. wocka

    clownfish is eating my

    when it looks like something that comes out of ur nose when ur sick
  8. wocka

    anemone has my clown for dinner

    poor spelling.. rofl ^^
  9. wocka

    maroon clown in a 20

    i have one in my 22g, but i dont know if it can survive when its very old, ive seen ones around 5 or 6 inches
  10. wocka

    Can I have 2 anemones?

    what kind of lights do u have
  11. wocka

    Might be getting MH's

    2x65w 50/50 Power Compact. 130w total
  12. wocka

    Might be getting MH's

    well after my dad looked around on the light website, he says the MH lights are expensive and he doesnt think they are necessary because my LFS told him that my lights should be enough.. so are MH lights needed to keep an anemone?
  13. wocka

    can i block off the back of my tank?

    i say let ur anemone go where it wants, my anemone is facing the back of the tank and doing fine with my maroon clown, it does irritate me that hes not in the front. but then i feel better knowing its happy there.
  14. wocka

    My Anemone Split!!

    i do have a skimmer, Excalibur. my water still seems murky. i need to get that carbon!
  15. wocka

    My Anemone Split!!

    well i just switched out 3g, make tank water lvl go down about 35%, after i run carbon i should be fine?
  16. wocka

    My Anemone Split!!

    i siphoned all of it out, just changed 3 gallons of water, but i dont have any carbon.. im gonna run to the LFS asap to get some. could this make my tank crash? oh btw, i figured out that there was a half inch of space on my filter intake where there was no cover, and the anemone got sucked up...
  17. wocka

    My Anemone Split!!

    not exactly a thrill anymore.. i woke up this morning to find that 1 of my 2 anemones was scattered all around the tank in little pieces. now my water is all cloudy and i have no idea how this happened.. what should i do
  18. wocka

    Anenome Removal

    thats just totally wrong what u did about that situation imo.. how long did u have the anemone? i think its worth more than a few zoo's that multiply alot faster than anemones
  19. wocka

    My Anemone Split!!

    is it normal for one of the anemones 3 days after the split to be rejecting food? im thinking that its still growing its mouth?
  20. wocka

    Might be getting MH's

    alright cool. ill need these MH lights asap becuase my RBTA split 2 nights ago.. w00t