Search results

  1. lesleybird

    Cylindrical tanks

    Fish like the longer rectangular tanks with a long stretch from side to side to swim in. I would not get a cylinder tank unless it is really big like 300 gallons. Fish don't like being in a round cylinder fish bowl type tank.These tanks are to please the human, not the fish.
  2. lesleybird

    Drilling holes vs. HOB overflow?

    Neither....find a used tank that is reef ready already drilled.
  3. lesleybird

    jus got my 125!!!!!!!!

    Hi, If the live rock has a lot of die off on it you will not need to add a shrimp. Maybe a shrimp would cause a better cycle. I always pick up a bottle of Cycle brand bacteria to help to colonize a new tank and it really helps and cannot be over dosed. The amount used for saltwater is twice...
  4. lesleybird

    should i put a tang in my 55g tank?

    CALLING OUT THE TANG POLICE!! If you want a tang then buy a tank big enough for a tank or they will not be happy.
  5. lesleybird

    Fish suggestion anyone?

    You have to tell us what you already have in their now before we can tell you what you can put in there with it!!!
  6. lesleybird

    dragon wrasse ?

    Ya know......Humans aren't invert or fish friendly. They eat shrimp, snails, crabs, clams, and fish (they don't eat the really pretty fish). Not to mention cows, pigs, goats, dogs and whatever else the desire. Damm humans! And with the ones that they don't eat they put them into little glass...
  7. lesleybird

    2 angels

    I had a flame angel and a lemonpeel angel in a 90 gallon that got along fine but I put them in at the same time and they really don't look alike at all.
  8. lesleybird

    New tank and a few questions

    Originally Posted by reefernana Just wait until those nitrates are 0 before adding anything else. I forgot to ask about your calcium level. That should be around 450. I would get your salintiy up to 1.025-1.026 before adding any corals, too. Also, with your lighting, you should stick to the...
  9. lesleybird

    Will adding more LR to cycled tank cause a problem?

    Hi, Go to Loew's hardware and get a 33 gallon rubbermaid and place all the rock in there with saltwater and a powerhead for a week or two and make sure to add top off water. Test for amonia and nitrite every few days. When the levels are zero for a couple of days you can add your live rock to...
  10. lesleybird

    The transfer method to treat ich and to do as a quarenteen.

    Hi, Just to clarify I change the fish to another tub every two days. I try to change them over every 48 to 60 hours so the ich that falls off the fish does not have a chance to hatch and reinfect the fish. Lesley
  11. lesleybird

    Effective tank size

    I think if you have not purchased a tank yet and want to get some of the faster swimming fish like tangs that they would be happier if they had a six foot length to swim back and forth in a straight shot. You could keep them in a shorter tank, but why if you are going to spend the money for a...
  12. lesleybird

    convert freshwater tank to a saltwater?

    Originally Posted by bhfccsr198 Um Yea She Prolly Doesnt Mean Nothing Bad And Hey Trhat Comment Kinda Upset Me I Currently Have A 10 Gallon With 45 Lbs Of Live Rock And A Purple Tang A Hippo Tang And A Yellow Coris Wrasse And A Damsel Oh my God! It kind of upset you because this is what...
  13. lesleybird

    Someone stop me

    What are you going to do to put in and re-arange the rocks? Put on diving gear?
  14. lesleybird

    snails i ordered are not moving.

    Did you get them after they may have been on a truck all day in the heat? That can kill them.
  15. lesleybird

    Can you ID these two fish?

    The other one looks to be some type of file fish.
  16. lesleybird

    new fish

    I saw a really cool flasher wrasse tonight that would work.
  17. lesleybird

    need help with a stock list.

    You are already stocked to the max for saltwater fish. In saltwater it is one inch of fish per 3 to 4 gallons taking into account their full grown size.
  18. lesleybird

    Strange things to share.

    I was just watching my tank when I saw my large orange striped leg hermit cleaning up on a piece of screen that I had used to anchor some food for the fish. Strange thing was as the crab was eating I saw two small clams taking a ride on his shell and they had their long cleaning snouts (or...
  19. lesleybird

    The transfer method to treat ich and to do as a quarenteen.

    Originally Posted by renogaw it IS listed as one of the three generally acceptable ways to cure ich IF DONE RIGHT. it won't though prevent diseases such as brooknella or other bacterial or fungal diseases getting into your tank if you don't QT before hand. just FYI, every phd and marine...
  20. lesleybird

    The transfer method to treat ich and to do as a quarenteen.

    Hi, This new method works well for me. Treated fish with ich by transfering them between two 33 gallon rubbermaids using about 25 gallons of water each time for about 10 days and your ich is totally gone. I use two sets of power heads with venturies for oxygenation, two nice pvc pipes for the...