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  1. wilsonreef

    Good bye

    Well, I'm glad to hear everything is turning out o.k. and your not leaving the hobby. I think you'll be glad you didn't..... As always, if you have problems feel free to give the message boards a call. We love to help even if were not always right. Keep us informed how things are going with...
  2. wilsonreef

    what killed it???

    My CBS could have done it....he tries to eat everything even my blue hippo.....Pretty aggressive
  3. wilsonreef

    Eel Feeding

    I feed my snowflake about every other day and feed him until he no longer wants to eat. He knows when he's full and will quit eating. For those that say a SFE won't eat another fish needs to see it in person. They will wrap their body around a fish and smother it then eat it. That's why I...
  4. wilsonreef

    Red Sea Protien Skimmer

    I use a Red Sea Prisim in a 75 gallon reef. I'm happy with it......jmo
  5. wilsonreef

    is my firends xeina done for or is this normal?

    If it's going to die it's going to die...not trying to be negative, but like everyone has said let it go for a few days and see what happens. They're pretty hardy corals. If they don't make it you need to find out what perimeters are off. Was it acclimated at all?
  6. wilsonreef

    copperband butterfly ?

    I thought about a copper butterfly for the same reason. My concern is that I have a yellow tang and a hippo and the yellow tang tried everything in the book to kill the hippo at first. Im wondering if these two will gang up on the butterfly?
  7. wilsonreef

    OMG listen to the deal i just got i almost fainted

    you've got to ask yourself "have I become that in which I so despise in the LFS owner?"
  8. wilsonreef

    I Need Help

    I agree with murph..I also use phosguard in baggies. but you have to use enough to do the job. It will tell you on the bottle. And too how much you feed at a time. overfeeding is probably one of the easiest things to do. Just because everytime you walk up to your aquarium and the fish act...
  9. wilsonreef

    Water Change Water Storage?

    Kinda makes you wonder how old the prepackaged salt water is at the lfs, doesn't it?
  10. wilsonreef

    Anemone Problem; Pinky has a HOLE in the Bottom; Heres the PICS; Please HELP

    my anemone has looked a lot worse than that and always comes back. How long has it been doing this?
  11. wilsonreef

    skimmer question?

    DEVA, You ain't right.......hahahahaha
  12. wilsonreef

    Red Sea Prizm

    I agree, mine fills up about once a week give or take. Your flow is probably too high...
  13. wilsonreef

    Yellow Tang

    Have you ever watched your TANG..(sorry 'bout that )swim? they are like marathon swimmers and speed is one of their strong points. Just another reason for a larger tank is they need room to the speeds they move a large tang can run into the sides of the tank, live rock, etc. They...
  14. wilsonreef

    Moorish Idol

    These guys aren't trying to make you mad, but you've got to understand most have done the research before buying their fish. It's true you can go to your LFS and they may have a very low priced exotic fish. OK, think...why is someone selling a $80+ dollar fish for $40? Several reasons the...
  15. wilsonreef

    Cheap, Great looking lunar lights!

    not to hijack a thread but somewhere on here I read that Target's christmas lights were on sale and the blue ones looked like lunar lights. I thought what the heck, I'll try it. I bought two sets (the only two left) for about 5.00 each. Now these are 120 volt lights, they are for christmas...
  16. wilsonreef

    MH Question

    I agree with DB....That is what I have on my 75 gallon reef tank
  17. wilsonreef

    I'm thinking of buying an orbit light fixture...

    I agree with everyone else I have the Orbit 4x48? anyway two blue 2 white 65watt I like it too. Seems like orbit is a good company to go with
  18. wilsonreef

    Almost Ready!

    Welcome to the boards. This is a great place to ask questions. Everyone here is willing to help in any way they can. Sounds like your headed in the right direction though.. You may want to look at investing in a little more live rock you will be surprised to find that 10 or 12 lbs of live...
  19. wilsonreef

    New-need guidance

    IMO you need at least 1+ pounds of live rock per gallon of water. I take it your tank has cycled..have you tested your water? be especially careful not to add too many of these fish at the same time. When I stocked my tank I added one fish at a time about a month apart. Takes a while but...
  20. wilsonreef

    can i put a marineland penguin biofilter in a 55gal???

    I agree, I have two of the Emperor 400 bio wheel filters on a 75 gallon I know it's overkill but everything has done really good for over a year. And yes, a skimmer is a must. of course IMO